9-11-NeXuS: crypto fascist Yahoo list comes out of the Nazi closet

The list makes claims to liberal populism, but revealed their true Nazi colors (brown shirt) early in November 2012(scroll down to  Judaism: A Threat to Humanity)



 This group is for scientists, scholars, artists, musicians, writers, satirists, and film-makers dedicated to breaking through the mass denial of the truth of 9-11. Many of us know what happened on 9-11 and we must work together to share this uncomfortable truth before another "false flag" operation is foisted on the unsuspecting people of this country and the world.

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Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
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5 2 19 46 60 30 33 18

The list makes claims to liberal populism, but revealed their true Nazi colors (brown shirt) early in November 2012[WARNING TL;DR]:


 Ed Kendrick
taboo_but_tr... Nov 2, 2012
9:11 pm
Here Comes Evil

I sent the above recently.  If you've not read it, please do so.

Some of us are getting the courage to speak what we know--even in the face of rabid criticism.  

 Judaism: A Threat to Humanity  


Radicals in any religion upset the possibilities for peaceful enjoyment of our lives.  This is especially true of the radicals in Judaism who have manipulated us into wars, recessions, depressions, civil unrest and with their pornography, brought down the sanctity of marriage in an amoral (Khardasian) circus.

We are conditioned not to criticize even the most depraved and ruthless among the Jews lest we be labeled as anti-semitic.  Overcoming this conditioning takes minutes--and days of practice in speaking what you learn about "the Jews" influence.

Since I've realized that it was Jews--and not muslims--behind 9/11 and the subsequent cover-up, I've been questioning the other stories that Jews rely upon to preserve their 'victim' status.  Many Hollywood movies work to cement the "suffering Jews" in our minds and hearts--programmed conditioning which keeps us mostly oblivious to the criminality of the Jewish mafia and overall contempt for non-Jews that is held by all too many Jews.

We need not go any further than the big lies of 9/11to realize that we have a Jewish problem.  Jews orchestrated the transition from Port Authority control to private control of the World Trade Center complex.  Jews control communications hubs where all digital and voice transmissions can be wiretapped (AMDOCS and COMVERSE).  Jews control currency systems, especially the Federal (not) Reserve (none).

WHO control mass media, Hollywood, Congress, banking to come to the awakening that Jews don't play by the rules that they expect of non-Jews.

There is so much demonization of radical Islamics in the so-called "news" media which is dominated by Jews.  It's time to point the finger at the radical Jews who use deception in order to achieve domination.  With all the lies about 9/11, it very well may be that the whole agenda of demonizing Islam and muslims is a Jew-inspired plot.

In the words of Jesus:  John 8:44 and also Revelation 2:9 and 3:9

Comments on the above VeteransToday article:  

"People should try to know the truth about the Jews without being inhibited by feelings of “guilt”."

"Once you know the truth about these people you can never be fooled again. The drawback is that your ignorant fellows will then call you an “anti-Semite”, a reaction to which they have been unknowingly programmed."

"Pieces like this are a great help. A little courage goes a long way. People want the truth and know they are being lied to, so don’t be afraid to use the “J” word when telling people who the real enemy of decency is."

"After seeing what is at ReDiscover911.com, it is no wonder that the Jews have been expelled from over 100 countries in the past 15 centuries."

And for the 'timid' who feel safe criticizing "zionism" and "zionists":

"Judaism died in the Nazi concentration camps, it was replaced by the virulent cancer known as Zionism."

  • I think you need to dust of the history books. Zionism predated the Nazis by 100 years, at least. Jewish supremacism, later labeled zionism, is a couple thousand years older, still.
    Cancer it is, but zionism is a symptom, not the disease itself.
Everything you have ever wanted to know about ZIONISM (really, JUDAISM) but were afraid to ask!!!  (Use the following as a reference source.) 
    Ever wonder why we are losing our country---the late great USA?  Stop worrying! You have already lost it!  We are now an occupied nation.  And, the first step towards getting our country back is to both recognize and define the problem.     

Ever find yourself wondering why everything seems to be upside down - blatant lies and manipulation sold daily as truth; pre-emptive war sold as peacekeeping; so much which we were taught as ethically, morally and legally wrong, is suddenly considered acceptable: torture, assassination, abduction, indefinite detention, not only acceptable, but becoming standard practice? Troops guarding opium fields; liars, opportunists, drug dealers, banksters, thieves and assassins - not only running free, but running the world...

- and running it straight into the ground. 

How could things have gotten so twisted, so seemingly out of control? 

The truth is they are not out of control, but in control - controlled by a small cabal of powerful, well-established and extremely wealthy individuals - and as history has shown us time and again, concentrated power breeds a guaranteed corruption which poses a grave danger to us all. 

Immersed in a lifetime of perpetual media exposure, you have been carefully groomed to reject the obvious and follow their oligarchic agenda, believe in their propaganda, support their causes. Americans have been furtively nursed on media propaganda for the past fifty years. Deep, subliminal programming, mantras and misinformation repeated over and over through a many faceted media - squirreled away like nuts, bits of erroneous information sold to us as truth, collected in our minds over an entire lifetime, forming a deep, subliminal belief system. The result is a deep confusion regarding just whom are our friends and whom are our enemies; what is truth, what is lies; what to notice, and what to disregard?  

The people in power are always pointing you in the wrong direction, it's Islam, it's Muslims - it's anybody but them. 

Once you get beyond the spin and propaganda, you can seek the truth. 
You may find reality tells a different story, but how do you limit conjecture, curtail the endless theories and speculations? 

How? You gather the facts. You find out who is in charge and running the show? Who benefits? 

Learn whom are the actual players in all positions - driving us into this third world existence? 
Read this report from top to bottom and it should profoundly increase your insight as to whom has taken control 
and the resulting changes which have been slowly implemented over nearly every aspect of our way of life. 
If a video link is broken, do a title search. The video may have been saved to another location. 

This may be the most important information you ever obtain. Your mind may reject it. You have been nurtured on lies and fairy tales. You must reach beyond a lifetime of programming and force yourself to deal strictly with the facts: who, what, where, why and when - and of course, who benefits? 
Seek the truth by pursuing known facts; read them, view them, verify them, send them to everyone you trust

- and if you are too afraid to send them - at least you will know why.

There is a not-so-secret society wound tightly around the gears of Washington DC, the military industrial complex, the media and banking industries; they have permeated influential "think tanks," principal universities, multitudes of powerfully embedded lobbies, major institutions and industries which have been carefully situated to immerse themselves within government; redirecting our government as a tool for their personal use. 
Principal powers within these groups have been working in collusion to direct both our government and military as mere instruments to serve their needs; to cause, create and protect their nefarious ambition of establishing one world government and a central banking system 
- to rule over the remnants of a world in chaos.

The bankster and economic globalists have stolen trillions of dollars, collapsing economies around the world, setting ablaze a path of destruction which may encompass the entire globe. While legal, legislative and judicial globalists are working to destroy the rights, ways and traditions of individual freedom, crush our founding documents, create doubt of faith, reversal of human rights, undermine health, food, security, community and family. 
The deadliest factions are weaponized globalists; using their various instruments of destruction to create new levels of disaster: wars, earthquakes, tsunamis, oil spills, radiation leaks, droughts, pandemics, starvation, man made biological nightmares and dangerously tainted vaccines... These conniving sociopaths are seeking to create a break-down of society, resulting in tremendous fear and chaos - so much so, that a confused and panicked populace will run - that's right, run - to the security of their New World Order.

Americans seem to be sleeping, resistant to wake up and realize, whom is causing this on-going looting.
Once they know the information, even when verified and presented using actual names, dates, history and legislation, they have been pre-programmed to disbelieve it and will instead, look the other way. It is information which seems uncomfortable to hold as knowledge and even more so to disseminate, thus they return to decrying Muslims, and Communists - as if they don't know any better. 
It is not necessarily that they are cowardly, imbecilic fools, more often it is simply that they have been pre-programmed over an entire lifetime to reject this knowledge; as have their peers, friends and relatives - who all too often, will reject them outright, for having the audacity to assault them with such a socially sensitive subject. If it were true they say, it would be seen on their televisions, printed in the press and shouted from the lips of their American politicians, but sadly, it is never mentioned, as the media, press and politicians are fully controlled.

Vast numbers of American families are losing their homes, their jobs, their investments, their rights to privacy, security and prosperity 
and accepting this as though it were just a rough patch in life. This is much more than a rough patch. These thieving monsters are stealing your life, destroying America and the world as you know it.
If we do not wake up the sleeping masses, inform the uninformed and alert the entire world to stop these globalist conspirators, the world will never be the same for you, your family, and any future generations which may survive. These greed grabbing globalists are purposely destroying the America we love, as just - one more step - in their long sought conquest of control over the entire planet - and that should command our full attention!

More than one President has tried to expose this massive conspiracy:

“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy ..... It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.” -- President John F. Kennedy

If you have not yet been made aware, this report will forever change your life.


Would you read this over and consider for yourself how radically out of balance the power structure has become in today's American society?
A coup is defined as a seizure of power and if this isn't a seizure of power, I don't know what else to call it. 

I have a friend who worked at the Pentagon and he tells me the American government is being surreptitiously controlled by both the Israelis and an extensive network of globalist American and international Zionists, most-but-not-all of them, Jewish. He says the Israelis and their American assistants manipulate the American government utilizing Zionist operatives at all levels. He asked me to examine a few facts for him and so I started doing a little research. I was shocked to see what was uncovered just doing a perfunctory study. 

From the surface to the murky depths our government, our media and our society have been inundated with a self-serving power structure of a carefully assembled criminal class, reshaping America's laws and actions to fit their ultimate agenda - to stealthily manipulate us toward a New World Order - an oligarchic collectivist world government of totalitarian control - under a world banking system. 

In preparation for this grievous injustice, these NWO globalists are recklessly destroying our economy, collapsing the dollar, dismantling our Constitution, disabling our Bill of Rights; turning their backs on the American principals of truth, justice, liberty and decency - while embracing endless war, torture, indefinite detention and assassination. There are mortgage failures, banking failures, environmental crises, food crises, weather crises, and war after war after war... 
Globalization, deindustrialization, offshore banking and corporate out-sourcing have steadily drained the United States of all cash and self-sustaining industry - and with one purpose 

to bring America to its knees. 

We are seeing massive corporate manipulation of our governance; a progressively-aggressive insatiable greediness which is encroaching on all things decent; crushing main street America - while the power players and bankers reap enormous benefits for themselves. 
This very lop-sided anti-American, NWO alliance of scalawags is proving to be very dangerous for America and for the American people. 
Look at this research and if you follow it, it continues to uncover layer upon layer, upon layer... 
every where, in every way, America's levers of influence have been taken over - to an extent which is simply amazing!

This important information could be greatly broadened to include many other industries dominated by people who seem to have their personal success staked in the lingering death of the American republic. We should look not just at the directors, but the assistant directors and under secretaries, the support staffs for nearly all governmental departments, you will be amazed at the depths of control; the think tanks, the ambassadorships, the neocons and neolibs, an impressively long list of major corporations, big media, big pharma, the banks, the Fed, the diamond and gold industries, the military industrial complex, Homeland Security, FEMA, the Federal courts, the legal professions, the university directors and professorships, the very select group of people who develop our children's educational materials, the latest additions to the Supreme Court...
and we must consider the tremendous failure of our Congress, dominated in power, seniority and media exposure by one group. 
Is there a Zionist infiltration of our Congress? Consider an amazing ten, Israel-first, dual-loyalist Congress critters from California alone. 
When it comes to equal representation it seems the great state of California has gone kosher: the late Tom Lantos, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Jane Harmon, Henry Waxman, Howard Berman, Susan David, Bob Filner, Adam Schiff, Brad Sherman - all are Jewish 

“Even before I was a Democrat, I was a Zionist”-- Howard Berman, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee 
According to the Washington Report in Middle East Affairs, Berman has received throughout his congressional career over 115 thousand dollars from pro-Israel PACs. http://972mag.com/wild-card-part-viii-aipac-flexes-its-muscle-who-cares/

- and you may as well throw in an eleventh, previous Speaker of the House and wannabee Jewish, Nancy Pelosi (also from California) who gushes, 
"I have more Jewish grandchildren than anyone."   Read it here: http://wakeupfromyourslumber.com/node/7492

- and how about the Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden? 
Biden declares, "I am a Zionist"  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0ZIJdN05QE

- and the previous Majority Leader? 

Senators Hatch and Reid: Mormons With Mezuzahs 

(Mezuzahs are affixed by many Jewish households to their door frames in conformity with Jewish law and as a sign of their faith.)

http://blogs.forward.com/bintel-blog/120604/ "Senate majority leader Harry Reid’s wife, Landra (née Gould), was raised Jewish, and the Reid family has a mezuzah on the doorpost of their Searchlight, Nev. home in honor of that heritage, a spokeswoman for Senator Reid confirmed."

- and how about the current Majority Leader? 

Rep. Eric Cantor’s Jewish Story

(Convicted felon, Jack) "Abramoff threw a fund-raiser for Cantor at his kosher deli and named a sandwich 

— roast beef on challah — after the congressman in 2003, two years before the scandal erupted."

- and the current Minority Whip - wannabee Jewish, Steny Hoyer 

(this supposed Baptist is so sycophantic to Judaism, he actually wins Jewish awards and leads tour groups of Congressmen through their Israeli indoctrination)

NJDC Honors Majority Leader Steny Hoyer with Tikkun Olam Award

"WASHINGTON, DC – Tonight, the National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC), the national voice for Jewish Democrats, is honoring Representative Steny Hoyer (D-MD), House of Representatives Majority Leader with the NJDC Tikkun Olam Award for his outstanding leadership and his deep relationship with the Jewish community."

American congressman: US economic woes won’t affect Israel

http://www.jpost.com/DiplomacyAndPolitics/Article.aspx?id=233319  "Hoyer said he did not believe America’s financial challenges would have “any adverse effect on the economic relationship, or assistance, that we give to Israel.” Hoyer said this assessment was bipartisan, and that a similar message will be brought to Israel next week when House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (RVirginia) will head up two Republican delegations, numbering 55 congressmen, to the country."

Not only are they running the show, Jews also chair the major committees.

Chair of Homeland Security - Senator Joseph Lieberman

Chair of House Finance Committee - Senator Barney Frank

Chair of Senate Armed Services Committee - Senator Carl Levin

Chair of House Ways and Means Committee - Senator Sander Levin

Chair of Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security - Senator Charles Schumer

Chair of the Senate Public Works Committee - Senator Barbara Boxer
Chair of the Senate Commerce Committee - Senator Henry Waxman
Co-chairs of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees - Senators Diane Feinstein and Jane Harmon
Co-chairs of the House Foreign Affairs Committee - Senator Howard Berman and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Head of the IRS - Douglas Shulman
Some say Obama is Muslim, but why would a Muslim surround himself with so many Jewish Czars? We now have more czars than imperial Russia. Let's consider Obama's czars: Economic Czar - Larry Summers, Regulatory Czar - Cass Sunstein, Pay Czar - Kenneth Feinberg, Military Jails Czar - Daniel Fried, Car Czars - Steven Rattner and Ron Bloom, Border Czar - Alan Bersin, Great Lakes Czar - Cameron Davis, Workplace Czar - Chai Feldblum, Health Rationing Czar - Dr. Donald Berwick, Food Czar - Sam Kass, Climate Czar - Todd Stern, Global Warming Czar - Carol Browner, Afghanistan Czar - Richard Holbrooke, Central Region Czar - Dennis Ross, Aids Czar - Jeffrey Crowley, Domestic Violence Czar - Lynn Rosenthal, Anti-semitism Czar - Hannah Rosenthal, Government Performance Czar - Jeffrey Zients, Drug Czar - Gil Kerlikowske, Science Czar - John Holdren -- all are Jewish.

Berwick Sets Up Death Panels By Fiat

"The 2009 charge leveled by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and the then-House Minority Leader Boehner that Obama fully intended to set up what Palin termed government "death panels" -- panels that Boehner said would set the government on the road to euthanasia -- is no longer a charge. It's reality. By executive fiat -- in this case a new Medicare rule issued by Obama Medicare chief Dr. Donald Berwick "- Health Rationing Czar

Trailer: Webster Tarpley & Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination

This is the trailer for the upcoming PrisonPlanet.tv exclusive interview with Dr. Webster Tarpley. 

In this interview, Dr. Tarpley reviews the writings of John P. Holdren - Science Czar. 

Full version here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3Eo2YTQUr8   (if YouTube removes it again, search by title)

Why should this be of concern?  Let's not forget the historic longtime stated goal of the Jewish leadership to rule over the world 

in an oligarchic New World Order. They have tried it many times before and it appears they are back at the trough for one more drink. 

"The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship.

In this New World Order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands."-- Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, 'La Revue de Paris', p.574, June 1,1928

"We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent."

-- Zionist Banker James Paul Warburg, February 17, 1950 - testimony to US Senate

For a historical perspective read this: http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/israel/freedman.htm or listen to this: 

Benjamin H. Freedman Warns America

or listen to this:


We should also closely examine the Jewish dominance of the NWO World organizations: James Wolfensohn followed by Paul Wolfowitz, followed by Robert Zoellick as Presidents of the World Bank, former Chief Economist for the World Bank - Joe Stiglitz; the International Monetary Fund's planned new role as a World Treasury Department with a new World Currency, under the Directorship of Dominique Strauss-Kahn -- all are Jewish and they are forcing very dangerous and damaging new rules which could endanger the entire world. 

The adopting of Codex Alimentarius global guidelines by the World Trade Organization, the inexplicably declared pandemic level six and call for mandatory vaccines at the World Health Organization. Just what are in those vaccines and why do they want to force them on your family?

Children herded like cattle into Maryland courthouse for forced vaccinations 

as armed police and attack dogs stand guard

Hospital workers call police to seize newborn baby, throw momma out of the building, assault child with dangerous vaccines

“I consider that every Jew in the diaspora, wherever he is, and thus this holds true for France, should contribute to helping Israel”

-- Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Now disgraced ex-IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn to get $250,000 'golden parachute'...  funded by U.S. TAXPAYERS

US Backing for World Currency Stuns Markets  

Population Reduction 2012 (Codex Alimentarius)

CNN Segment On Libya Titled The New World Order  

Notice everyone interviewed is Jewish: Robert Kagan, Richard Haass, John Negroponte, Jane Harman  

World controlling globalist organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, CFR and Bilderbergers are all dominated by the same group - 0f the twenty-six Americans who attended the 2009 Bilderberg conference, eighteen are Jewish.

The Bilderbergers and other secret societies are reportedly considering hastening the demise of 90% of the population: 

Jesse Ventura Exposes the Bilderberg Group

The Council on Foreign Relations has a stated goal of controlling both the political and economic systems of the world - under a New World Order.

Co-Chairman of the Board - Robert E. Rubin

Vice Chairman - Richard E. Salomon

President of the Council on Foreign Relations - Richard Haass

President Emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations - Leslie Gelb -- all are Jewish

The Truth about the Council on Foreign Relations

United States Controlled News Media.flv

Compared to the international breadth of this globalist terror campaign to implement world government, what you'll read below barely scratches the surface. This is not an in-depth study, there are many, many more involved - and at all levels of government, commerce, and media...

Not one person on the list challenged it.  It can be assumed all 200+ members agree or are too intimidated to speak up or unsubscribe.   Either way it proves the Yahoo group is a vehicle for Anti-Semitic propaganda, that the writer admits was a secret agenda for some members all along:

I sent the above recently.  If you've not read it, please do so.

Some of us are getting the courage to speak what we know--even in the face of rabid criticism. 

 This could also be an indicator the larger mass of the so called "9/11 Truth Movement" was set up as a vehicle to recruit fascists and spread Nazis friendly propaganda under the cover of a smorgasbord of conspiracy inspired "issues". 

 If by "rabid criticism" Eddie means world wide antifa action, the brown shirt bitches should buckle up.  

Gonna be a bumpy ride.