The Nazi friendly Emails Indicate Fascist Organizing Behind Conspiracy Front

The most blatant and recent email, sent by Ed Kendrick, reads like a shot over every anti fascist's  bow:

Titled: "Judaism--a threat to humanity", Eddie does on to say:

I sent the above recently.  If you've not read it, please do so.

Some of us are getting the courage to speak what we know--even in the face of rabid criticism. 

Judaism is evil.  Don't get much more anti-Semitic than that.  Eddie is part of "some of us" who are getting the courage to "speak what" they know in the face of criticism.

Except there is no criticism.  No one on the list objects, at least in public.   This email is to put the group on notice that:

A. The Nazis are coming out of the closet.
B. To check if anyone on the list will object.

Since no one has, guess that's the group's green light to goose step. Not even the 911 Nexus 2 list, supposedly an antifascist splinter, says anything.

Earlier in the day Galen himself writes about the Jews and their global conspiracy to destroy humanity.  If Galen isn't a closet Nazi, he's a complete lunatic:
galendenzen Nov 2, 2012
4:46 pm
Re: Jewish Board of Deputies Uses Church of England Statute to Sue Reverend Stephen Sizer 

 This slur "anti-Semitic" raises my blood pressure off the charts.  Ashkenazi Jews (who are not even Semitic!) are the ones that use this insulting aspersion against people (many of whom are Semitic!) in an attempt to shame them into silence about the flagitious machinations of the Zionist Global Crime Syndicate NWO that is destroying all of Humanity and the entire planet.

My only question remains my only question: How much longer will we willingly put up with this noisome poppycock being foisted on us by under 10,000 people worldwide?!  Sure, their lackeys number in the millions; but if we sever the head of this beast the rest of it dies the convulsive death it so richly deserves.

For truth and justice -- galen

PS: What a clever scheme it is to accuse anyone such as myself who realizes the true nature of what's happening in the world today of being a "hater", of being so full of hate to loathe all Semites!  This is such an effective and divisive tactic that someone i consider a friend, someone who knows me well enough to know better (i'm talking about you, Tom), stooped so low as to accuse me of "hating Jews".  What unequivocal nonsense!  I have many Jewish friends and Tom knows it, yet he still tried to brand me as a "hater".  What can i say?  Tom also still stubbornly clings to the impossible lies of 9-11, a crime planned and perpetrated by the same people who control the entire world, including the ongoing massive depopulation plan.

On 11/1/2012 2:41 PM, Susan wrote:
Other emails pushing Anti-Semite crap:  Galen claims to believe Hitler was a Jewish puppet, cuz that makes sense[/sarc]:
galendenzen Oct 29, 2012
5:44 pm

 Re: Response to: Regarding: Patriotard Lies About Hitler
 Wow, the truth will set you free!  GF got his nose rubbed in it.

I think what happened is the Global Zionists set Hitler up from the get-go.  The Zionists saw in Germany the potential to challenge their plans for global hegemony, so they set Germany up to be destroyed, for its people to be shamed into submission for committing a genocide that they did not commit.

I believe something similar is happening in the US right now.  The Global Zionists want to destroy America and her People since they've used us to get what they want, control of the entire world, now they must destroy us because too many are waking up to the truth!

It seems that Hitler, like JFK, was aware of the Dark Cabal; but neither were sufficiently awake to avoid being killed by it.
For truth -- galen
 So Hitler didn't destroy Germany, it was the Jews.  Glad that got straightened out.  Again, no one on the list objects.  Either they're all brainwashed, or they're too scared of the consequences.

One retard by the handle alawson911 promotes a laundry list of who's who in the Holocaust Denial community on the list:

 Anthony Lawson
lawson911@... Apr 8, 2011
2:34 pm
Missing Notes to: A thinking IDF soldier. Are we getting somewhere?

 Hello again,

I'm sorry about this.  The following should have been added, after my sign off:

His own video notes are as follows:
As an Israeli Jew who has served over four years in the IDF, I support the open discussion of the Holocaust, and I am opposed to the laws in Germany, France and elsewhere, which make it an offence to question the Holocaust.
(The following notes have been copied from my original notes.)

Suppressing free and open discussion on any subject is as bad as telling lies, and knowingly suppressing the truth is the biggest lie of all, because it is based, not on a mistake or a genuine error, but on a deliberate intention to deceive. Having been tortured, Rudolf Höss, who was the commander of Auschwitz from 1940 to 1943, almost certainly lied to save the lives of his wife and children. Even if torture and duress cannot be proven, the overwhelming reason for recognizing the utter falsity of the Höss confession is that the gassing method he described was not scientifically plausible. Yet Höss's conviction has stood, by inference, as a testament to the cruelty of Germans in general, since he was tried at Nuremberg, in 1947, and subsequently hanged on April 16th, 1947, in Poland. With great respect for those who have tried—though harassed, punished, fined, imprisoned and otherwise abused—to tell it like it really was: Arthur R. Butz, Robert Faurisson, Paul Grubach, Gerd Honsik, David Irving, Kevin Käther, Nicholas Kollerstrom, Fred Leuchter, Horst Mahler, Ingrid Rimland, Germar Rudolf, Bradley Smith, Sylvia Stolz, Fredrick Töbin, Ernst Zündel and many others. General References:
At Basle I founded the Jewish state Claim: Auschwitz II-Birkenau, more than 20,000 people could be gassed and cremated each day. Cremation specialistsdisagree Stephen F Pinter: No gas chambers in German camps "Not one case of death by poison gas was found." Interesting video: Israeli Minister "We always use the anti-Semitism trick or bring up the Holocaust" 14 August, 2002 Shulamit Aloni --------------------------------------------------------------
Source: Name: Anthony Lawson Website:

Only fools believe what they are told, when it is clear that much else is being hidden.
 This yahoo group looks less progressive by the minute.  Another email wonders :

Did Six Million Really Die? The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

Be sure to check out

Institute for Historical Review

The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988

Dr. Russell Barton
[Dr. Russell Barton was the third witness called by the defence. He testified on Wednesday, March 9, 1988.]

Dr. Russell Barton testified that he was the same Russell Barton referred to in Did Six Million Really Die? and confirmed that the quotes from his article in Purnell's History of the Second World War (vol. 7, no. 15) dealing with his experiences as a medical student at Belsen camp after its liberation were correct and consistent with his recollections of the event. (21-5137 to 5141)

Barton testified that he arrived at Belsen concentration camp on May 2, 1945. He had the view of most people at the time regarding Belsen; that it was a camp in which people had been ruthlessly exterminated and deliberately starved to death. (21 5153) The impression of the camp he first gained was one of "horror"; some inmates were dead and piled up outside the huts, others were in various stages of dying, disease and dehydration. In one hut, the inmates were in relatively good condition, they could get up and walk. (21-5154) In other huts, there was the pervasive smell of feces, vomit and decay. People were crying for doctors. Many could not feed themselves. (21-5155)

The death rate when Barton first came was about 300 to 500 people a day. The inmates pushed dead people out of the huts because the lice which carried typhus left dead bodies and went to the living. Everybody was terrified of getting typhus, including the British. The bodies were in a state of severe malnutrition, and very few were clothed. A fire burned constantly at Belsen, upon which the clothes of the dead were thrown to burn the lice. Other garbage was also thrown into the fire, as there was no garbage collection. A dreadful smell permeated the camp which could be smelt about three miles away. (21-5156, 5157, 5158)
 It goes on, TL;DR, to recycle the typhus killed most people, which actually doesn't refute the amount dead, just how they died.  Nazis are stupid.  Whether it's gas chambers or overwork, disease and exposure, they STILL KILLED THE JEWS.

Galen does reply.  Not to call bullpucky, but to say Dan is "off topic":

 Dear Daniel, while this is might be interesting to those of us studying the crimes of 9-11, the "Holocaust" is not directly related to 9-11 so info on it is not appropriate for this forum.

Thanks for understanding.

Best regards -- galen

danieltowsey wrote:
But Galen considers the  problem of the International Jew to be appropriate:

 Radical Press
Nov 29, 2011
2:48 am

THE INTERNATIONAL JEW ; The World's Foremost Problem

Industrialist Henry Ford
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” -- Henry Ford
Ten articles reprinted from articles appearing in 'The Dearborn Independent' from May 22 to October 2, 1920.
Foreword.   Editor's Foreword
The Man.     Henry Ford -- The Man

Article    2.  Angles of Jewish Influence
Article    3.  Victims, or Persecutors?
Article    4.  Are the Jews a Nation?
Article    5.  The Jewish Political Program
Article    7.  How the Jews Use Power
Article    9.  Bolshevism and Zionism
Article  16.  The State of All-Judaan
Yep, dem Jews are responsible for EVERYTHING. Lol.

And they're great fans of David "KKK" Duke:

galendenzen Jun 19, 2012
4:50 pm
Re: From Dr. David Duke -- New Shocking Video! +++ The Outrageous Racist Hypocrisy of Israel and World Zionism! 

 On 6/18/2012 4:12 PM, dukeupdate wrote:
> (Mailing list information, including unsubscription instructions, is located
at the end of this message.)
> ***********************************
> From Dr. David Duke
> Box 188 Mandeville, LA 70471
> +1 (985) 626-7714
> ***********************************
> June 18, 2012
> My Dear Friend,
> Right now I am facing three legal proceedings dealing with my rights to speak
and publish and even to visit with and advise patriots around the world. The
Zionists are really trying to tighten the screws on me. Their money is
unlimited, obviously mine is extremely limited. But legal proceedings are
expensive. Yet I must fight these legal battles so I can continue to tell the
truth on the vital issues facing us...

Anthony Lawson
Feb 4, 2012
10:08 am 


No Matter what David Duke stood for when he was associated with the Ku Klux Klan, he sure is making up for it now.

Ignore this video at your peril.

The Coverup of Zionist Organized Crime!

Take care,

Anthony Lawson
Ed Kendrick
taboo_but_tr... Feb 5, 2012
3:02 pm
Hell-bent toward World War 3--based upon big lies 

 For over a decade, 9/11 is the foundation for justifying wars and "change" in our freedoms, our prosperity, our security, and our moral standing in the world.  Our safety and security of all we hold dear is in our hands--at our keyboards and in every encounter we have with others who are not yet awake to the vast conspiracy.  Kevin Bracken is a top leader of an Australian trade union. The 15 minute video is produced by Anthony Lawson.  Lawson's YouTube channel is alawson911 .  Lawson's body of work about 9/11 and associated criminality is highly recommended for our awakening.

What can we do?  Well, forward this email to every minister (especially "christian" zionists), policeman, military person and civil servant (including mayors, councilmen)--forward it to EVERYONE.  We are well past the time to be concerned about what people will think of us as "conspiracy theorists".  The term itself is a propagandistic tool that has successfully postponed the awakening.

Let us never be afraid to point out Israel's obvious role in the 9/11 false flag-SIlverstein,Jerome Hauer,ICTS,Dov Zakheim,Mossad agents arrested on 9/11,Frank Lowy etc. Their fingerprints are all over it and brave patriots like Ken O'Keefe,Alan Hart,Alan Sabrosky and others are not afraid to say it. Its all well and good to point out Isreals negative influence over the US. And its important. But it changes almost nothing. Its way past time we REALLY confront the 9/11 lie, fully and completely.

All together now!  We will succeed to the degree that we confront and expose pure evil.  It's time for the up-wising.  

The person who can make a difference is wearing your underwear.  FORWARD THIS EMAIL.

Ed Kendrick
PS:  In my last mass email I included a 30 minute video made by Dr. David Duke.  Many of us are conditioned to avoid being accused of "anti-semitism" when attempting to speak about the many Israeli connections to 9/11.  David Duke distinguishes a Jewish crime network which has infiltrated governments, mass media conglomerates, military, banking, stock markets and most other positions of power and influence.  Whatever David Duke did with the Ku Klux Klan, he is making up for it now.

PPS:  Some of you know of Rachael Corry's horrible death being run over by an Israeli bulldozer when she stood in front of it to stop the destruction of Palestinian homes.  This devil (comment below) could not resist demonstrating his support of the vast conspiracy by AIPAC.  Enemies inside the gates for sure.  If you aren't familiar with AIPAC, here's the official oath of "friendship":  Is Obama committed to Israel--or Islamics?  We know them by their deeds.

Hello again,I thought you might be interested in a comment that has just been posted on the video: 
AIPAC 101 — What Every American Should Know

Phil Holtz
philholtz54 Jul 11, 2012
10:15 pm

Fw: From Dr. Duke -- My New Documentary! Trayvon Martin, Real Racism and the Zio Media! +++ You Can Watch NOW! 

From Dr. David Duke
Box 188 Mandeville, LA 70471
+1 (985) 626-7714
July 11,2012

Dear Friend,

Here is my new video. Actually it is a full 30 minute DOCUMENTARY that has taken hundreds of hours of work to complete. But I believe you will find it very powerful!

Trayvon Martin, Real Racism and the ZioMedia!

You will find this video to powerful exposure of the lies of the ZioMedia in the Trayvon Martin Case and how they use tactics of divide and conquer to advance their agenda.
Also, I respectfully remind you that ....
.. I absolutely, and urgently NEED YOUR SUPPORT!

BECAUSE without it, the videos that I am producing will be stifled and suppressed without ever being seen!

As I said in my letter last month, we really need some substantial gifts, perhaps even 5,000 or more from those who can. But ANYTHING you can do, whether your gift is a few hundred, or just a few Dollars or Euros, would be really appreciated and utilized fully. I am at a critical point, and I hope you truly understand the importance of this communication, BECAUSE without your taking a personal responsibility to help me at this time, I can't do what I need to to advance our agenda. You are determinant of my ultimate success or failure.

*********so here is how you can help right now!*************

You can aid my work very speedily by using this link to make a personal gift!
Thanks for you help in supporting my work because without you it wouldn't have a chance, and with your support we have a great chance to awaken the world.
Also, please don't forget my radio program is now on LIVE every day and the full archives are available to listen anytime!!
So please excuse the reminder, but I really need the action and support right now of everyone who likes and appreciates these great videos!

Dr. David Duke
Former Member of the House of Representatives-LA
to make an instant gift!
The new video link again
PS Please let me know personally what you think of the video!

I appreciate you very much and You are welcome to send me a personal letter at
the "Contact Dr. Duke Personally" link right here:

 Any group in contact with David Duke is lying if they claim to be progressive.  

911 NeXuS is a front group for closet Nazis and their racist propaganda.