In all cases they are known to have continued their anti-Semite agenda in other places.
People who left the group because of the Nazi friendly propaganda will of course not be listed here.
David Slesinger
Oct 2, 2007
9:33 pm
Dick Eastman
Mar 12, 2007
4:14 pm
J. Austin
Mar 5, 2007
10:55 am
Ben Noyes
Mar 12, 2007
7:33 pm

11:11 pm
From: Susan Clarke <s.1234567@...>
Subject: Re: Howard Cohen Confused?
To: "Anthony Lawson" <lawson911@...>
Cc: "galen" <denzen@...>, "Dick Eastman" <oldickeastman@...>, "Wes Harrison" <sebakewes@...>, "Carol Brouillet" <cbrouillet@...>, "Gilad Atzmon" <giladatzmon@...>, "Peter Wakefield Sault" <peter.sault@...>, "Louis Charles" <lcharles14@...>, "Howard Cohen" <masterplanningassociates@...>
Date: Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 11:44 PM
Howard, I'm unfamiliar with those films. Took a look at one for a few minutes until it got violent. Not my type of film. Anyway, the language you used was apparently just a figure of speech that guys throw around, not a physical threat.
What I don't
understand is this: the owner of that site you discuss, Brother
Nathaniel, is himself Jewish, so I wonder first about the complexities
of the meanings of the word "Jew" to him.
Stunningly, you infer that the word is itself a slur!
don't take it that way, only literally. So I cannot judge that there is
something wrong with a frequent use of the word in the titles of the
articles on the site. If one cannot use a standard word because it is
understood as a slur, how then can one communicate on that
No doubt I disagree with Brother
Nathaniel on some points, as anyone would with someone else. I obviously
cannot answer your question how I judge all the statements in all
the articles, because they contain many points. If you provide me one
or two points that you find discriminatory or offensive for other
reasons, then I of course can answer whether I agree or disagree with
you. But the very use of the word "Jew" as offensive? I think you might
be oversensitive.
Per statements such as "Jews
own the Federal Reserve," while a writer or speaker thereof might (or
might not) feel resentment, objectively the statement is true (at least
in so far as one means that Jews of Eastern-European descent own the
Fed). It behooves us not to interpret truth as inherently victimizing.
I've had to catch myself at times when overhearing women and blonde
slurs (at least when my hair has been blonde),
and toss them aside, just as I've just caught myself recognizing that
"head up an ass"-type guy-comments are not meant literally, even if they
are intended to demean another.
If you
find on that site some assertions that go beyond objective truths and
into the realm of "hatred", as you put it, then, please show them to me,
and yes, I will agree with you.
From: Howard Cohen <masterplanningassociates@...>
To: Anthony Lawson <lawson911@...>; Susan Clarke <s.1234567@...>
Cc: galen <denzen@...>; Dick Eastman <oldickeastman@...>; Wes Harrison <sebakewes@...>; Carol Brouillet <cbrouillet@...>; Gilad Atzmon <giladatzmon@...>; Peter Wakefield Sault <peter.sault@...>; Louis Charles <lcharles14@...>
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: Howard Cohen Confused?
To: Anthony Lawson <lawson911@...>; Susan Clarke <s.1234567@...>
Cc: galen <denzen@...>; Dick Eastman <oldickeastman@...>; Wes Harrison <sebakewes@...>; Carol Brouillet <cbrouillet@...>; Gilad Atzmon <giladatzmon@...>; Peter Wakefield Sault <peter.sault@...>; Louis Charles <lcharles14@...>
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: Howard Cohen Confused?
Susan, I wouldn't waste my time reading Nathanael's articles any more than I would read speeches by Hitler or Goebbels. His "body of work" speaks for itself. FYI: The first thing on his website is:
My Name Is Brother Nathanael Kapner
I'm A "Street Evangelist"
I Grew Up As A Jew
I'm Now An Orthodox Christian
I Wish To Warn How Jewry
Is Destroying Christianity Throughout The World Howard 386-316-0842 (24/7) |
Apparent email harassment:
n 18 September 2012 08:34, Howard Cohen <masterplanningassociates@...> wrote:It could all be fake, but either way the exchange documents group communications with major Anti-Semite players, including Christopher Bollyn.
Excuse me Anthony it was Peter Sault that confirmed the names were removed on August 17th and that your group didn't require the three of us to be on your list.
"I got the message the first time. I'm sure the rest of us can discuss the possibility that the three of you might comprise a sophisticated damage control exercise equally well without any of you."
Please remove the names the next time your group sends you any further messages. This is a courtesy that gentlemen do for each other.
Thank you.
386-316-0842 (24/7)