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about metaurus sun, leo moon, sagittarius rising, enneagram one, mental-emotional-physical, INTJ
posted on Monday, February 25, 2008
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Memorial Day '06
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Durer as Christ
the Tull look
posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2005
back when my hair was long...
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Palo Alto
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1973 |
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Sex | Male |
Interested In | Women |
Relationship Status | Single |
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Might have traveled to Ecuador, but he's posting[with Nazis] from Pennsylvania:
From denzen@... Tue Nov 13 09:04:32 2012
Return-Path: <denzen@...>
X-Sender: denzen@...
X-Received: (qmail 73076 invoked from network); 13 Nov 2012 17:04:24 -0000
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(envelope-from <denzen@...>)
id 1TYJuQ-0005Zw-Ut; Tue, 13 Nov 2012 12:04:23 -0500
Message-ID: <50A27D92.8080003@...>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 12:04:18 -0500
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110616 Thunderbird/3.1.11
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: 9-11 NeXuS <>,
PA Patriot <>
Cc: Anthony Lawson <lawson911@...>,
Christopher Bollyn <bollyn.books@...>,
Susan Clarke <s.1234567@...>, Ed Kendrick <whole2th@...>,
Peter Wakefield Sault <peter.sault@...>,
Wes Harrison <sebakewes@...>
References: <11AAD0FF-CD75-45B3-A176-BC7AF4E81CB9@...>
In-Reply-To: <11AAD0FF-CD75-45B3-A176-BC7AF4E81CB9@...>
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X-eGroups-Msg-Info: 1:12:0:0:0
From: galen <denzen@...>
Subject: Re: disinfo
X-Yahoo-Group-Post: member; u=123797409; y=GdJqel-p8pj1RMGIyRgCUrgNkkFbFJLIT3QIT56w6IZ2QIiCTkc
X-Yahoo-Profile: galendenzen
This is hilarious! Funny thing, he's right about Jones. I like what
Icke has to say. I believe in inter-dimensional Beings.
Cheers -- galen
On 11/12/2012 3:22 PM, wrote:
> funny!
IP: | |
Decimal: | 3512097090 |
Hostname: | |
ISP: | EarthLink |
Organization: | EarthLink |
Services: | None detected |
Type: | Broadband |
Assignment: | Static IP |
Blacklist: |
Country: | United States | |||
State/Region: | Pennsylvania | |||
City: | Washington Boro |
Through Ecuador proxy?:
IP: | |
Decimal: | 3357131689 |
Hostname: | |
Organization: | Artianexos |
Services: | Confirmed proxy server |
Type: | Broadband |
Assignment: | Static IP |
Blacklist: |
Country: | Ecuador |
Email headers from Galen look suspiciously like scam headers at this link:
Received: by with SMTP id n48csp228679weg;
Fri, 12 Oct 2012 12:34:51 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with SMTP id x3mr5150386yhh.14.1350070490807;
Fri, 12 Oct 2012 12:34:50 -0700 (PDT)
Return-Path: <>
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by with ESMTP id c2si8650309yhk.85.2012.;
Fri, 12 Oct 2012 12:34:50 -0700 (PDT)
Received-SPF: neutral ( is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of client-ip=;
Authentication-Results:; spf=neutral ( is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of
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by with esmtpa (Exim 4.67)
(envelope-from <>)
id 1TMl0S-0006AM-VQ
for ; Fri, 12 Oct 2012 15:34:50 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: "" <>
Subject: Liberty Reserve Short Term Investment
Dennis Mitrzyk - Scientists for 9/11 Truth
Dennis Mitrzyk.
Present or Most Recent Position: HP Sales and Marketing (19 years,
retired), Social Activist. Fields: Physics, Mathematics, Business.
DegreesDennis Mitrzyk
Present or Most Recent Position: HP Sales and Marketing (19 years, retired), Social ActivistFields: Physics, Mathematics, Business
Degrees and Schools: BS Physics, Mathematics, University of Michigan; MBA,University of Michigan
Statement on 9/11: "As someone trained in Mathematics and Physics, I knew right away that it was physically impossible for airplanes to have caused the free-fall collapses of the Twin Towers on 9/11. It was obvious to me from the beginning that the Twin Towers and WTC 7 were all demolished using powerful explosives expertly placed. It was also clearly evident to me after seeing the photos of the Pentagon wall before it collapsed that the Pentagon could not possibly have been hit by a large, commercial aircraft."
Additional Information: Dennis Mitrzyk is founder and moderator of 9-11-NeXuS, a Yahoo group devoted to 9-11 research and truth. Subscribe by e-mailing
Website: 911 . . .Who Really Did It?
Redirects to:
Dennis "galen" Mitrzyk's Overview
- Current
- Founder at Peoples' Action Network
- Past
- Marketing, Account Management, and Sales Development at Hewlett-Packard
- Education
- University of Michigan - Stephen M. Ross School of Business
- University of Michigan
- Recommendations
2 people have recommended Dennis "galen"
- Connections
232 connections
- Websites
Dennis "galen" Mitrzyk's Summary
Social Activist focused on freedom, peace, and prosperity through truth, justice, and accord.
Dennis "galen" Mitrzyk's Experience
Peoples' Action Network
November 2000
– Present
(12 years 1 month)
Visit for details.
Marketing, Account Management, and Sales Development
Public Company; 10,001+ employees; HPQ;
Information Technology and Services industry
June 1980
– September 1999 (19 years 4 months)
Dennis "galen" Mitrzyk's Skills & Expertise
Dennis "galen" Mitrzyk's Education
University of Michigan - Stephen M. Ross School of Business
MBA, Finance and Operations Research
1978 – 1980
University of Michigan
BS, Physics and Math
September 1973 – May 1977
Dennis "galen" Mitrzyk's Additional Information
- Websites:
- Interests:
social activism, paradigm shift, writing, music, yoga, social justice, philosophy
- Groups and Associations:
Moderator of 9-11-NeXuS -- a Yahoo group devoted to the truth of 9-11, Founder of PACAN (Palo Alto Community Action Network) -- an organization for local social activists
- Honors and Awards:
Shotokan Shodan Black Belt
Publication Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2002
Drop it, Walter Editor,
Walter Hewlett, I have something to say to you, "Get off it, already!" Your recent lawsuit to scuttle the HP/Compaq merger will do nothing but damage -- possibly irreparably -- the venerable company co-founded by your father and Dave Packard.
Your role as the spokesman for the rank and file in this issue has imbued you with a near religious fervor in your opposition to this deal, a deal that seems to have been approved by a majority of HP share-holders.
Now is the time for building bridges, not for caustic rhetoric and puerile games. Your vision for HP, sticking to the knitting and selling even more printers and ink, is unimaginative and prosaic. Why don't you leave the vision thing to people who actually have a vision?
I implore you to cease and desist your zealous opposition to the HP/Compaq merger. If you and your minions continue on this path, you will, through your shared desire to prove yourselves right, manifest what you fear -- a failed HP/Compaq merger. Dennis Mitrzyk Maclane Street Palo Alto
Imagine a world... Editor,
Imagine a world where people live in peace and harmony, a world where war is archaic, where non-violence is an organizing principle, a world where human dignity is respected and diversity is honored.
Imagine a world where government truly is of the people, for the people and by the people, a world where human values, not corporate profit, dictate public policy.
Imagine a world where respect for our delicate ecosystem is accepted as common sense, a world where our food is organically grown, where the water, the air and the soil are clean.
Imagine a world where health care and education are human rights, a world where people have the freedom to pursue their highest aspirations, a world where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are the birthright of every person.
This world is within our grasp. If we are able to dream it, we can create it. We can make this better world our reality. Dennis Mitrzyk Maclane Street Palo Alto
Smell the sulfur I'm afraid that President Bush is sadly mistaken if he thinks that he and his lawyers, rather than the people of this country, get to decide if we're going to launch a preemptive attack on Iraq. If Bush insists otherwise, Congress should begin impeachment proceedings immediately, as Bush will have proven that he has become intoxicated by his perceived power and is unfit to complete his term.
As for the rank and file of the American public, I have this to say: "Use your head on this one, not your heart."
Unfortunately, typical Americans are so hopped up on the elixir of our self-proclaimed grandeur that they seem to think we're invincible -- not to mention omnipotent, omnipresent and infinitely just. Forget about just having God on our side, we've now gotten it in our collective consciousness that we are God!
Anyone who understands irony will appreciate that, in embracing this notion, we have become exactly the opposite. It's high time to wake up and smell the sulfur -- before it's too late. Dennis Mitrzyk Maclane Street, Palo Alto
Compaq merger needed Editor,
As a 19-year veteran of the Hewlett-Packard (HP) Company with a sizable holding of HP stock, I have been following the proposed merger with Compaq very closely and I must say that I find the behavior of Mr. Walter Hewlett in this matter simply abominable.
Walter Hewlett claims that the merger makes no sense and would do nothing more than make the combined company more susceptible to the travails of the PC industry and would just dilute the earnings from HP's printer franchise. Well, that's interesting, because Dick Hackborn, the former HP executive who built HP's imaging business from the ground up, is very much in favor of the merger with Compaq, and so is the rest of HP's Board of Directors, except for Walter Hewlett.
Hackborn, Carly Fiorina and the rest of HP's board, except again for Walter Hewlett, are all accomplished businessmen and women, so I trust their business judgment much, much more than I trust Walter Hewlett's.
The vaunted HP Way can and will survive the Compaq merger. But if Walter Hewlett is successful in derailing the merger, he could very well be irreparably damaging the venerable company founded by his father and Dave Packard. I dearly hope that sanity prevails in this matter. Dennis Mitrzyk Maclane Street Palo Alto
Dennis galeu Mitrzyk, Dennis Mitrzyk, Dennis, Den, galen, Galen, Galen
Mitrzyk, Mitrzyk, galen Mitrzyk, Denny, Denis, gaylen, Den Mitrzyk, PAN
Listed as a "nazi op" at link:
[list appears created by a conspiracy buff, but seems to be partially accurate]
[political-research] Nazi Ops on the Internet
Sean McBride
Sat, 15 Dec 2007 09:27:59 -0800
Corrections and additions welcome. Definition of "Nazi ops": attacks on the Jews collectively by white nationalists or white supremacists: Nazi op > 9-11-NeXuS at Yahoo Groups Nazi op > Adelaide Institute Nazi op > American Dissident Voices Nazi op > American Free Press Nazi op > American Nazi Party Nazi op > American Police State at Yahoo Groups Nazi op > American Renaissance Nazi op > Andrew Winkler Nazi op > Barnes Review Nazi op > Bradley R. Smith Nazi op > Christopher Bollyn Nazi op > CODOH (Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust) Nazi op > Crescent and Cross Nazi op > Curt Maynard Nazi op > David Duke Nazi op > David Irving Nazi op > Dennis Mitrzyk Nazi op > Dick Eastman Nazi op > Don Black Nazi op > Edgar J. Steele Nazi op > Erich Gliebe Nazi op > Ernst Zundel Nazi op > Eustace Mullins Nazi op > Greg Raven Nazi op > IHR (Institute for Historical Review) Nazi op > Jared Taylor Nazi op > Jeff Rense Nazi op > Jewish Tribal Review Nazi op > John Kaminski Nazi op > Kevin Alfred Strom Nazi op > Kevin B. MacDonald Nazi op > Larry Lawson Nazi op > Lisa Giuliani Nazi op > Mark Dankof Nazi op > Mark Glenn Nazi op > Mark Weber Nazi op > MarWen Media Nazi op > Michael A. Hoffman II Nazi op > Michael Collins Piper Nazi op > National Alliance Nazi op > National Vanguard Nazi op > Noontide Press Nazi op > Occidental Quarterly Nazi op > On the Contrary Nazi op > Patrick Grimm Nazi op > Paul Fromm Nazi op > Nazi op > Shaun Walker Nazi op > Steven T. Hatton Nazi op > Stormfront Nazi op > Ted Pike Nazi op > Tom Valentine Nazi op > VDARE Nazi op > Victor Thorn Nazi op > VNN (Vanguard News Network) Nazi op > Wendy Campbell Nazi op > William Pierce Nazi op > Willis Carto Nazi op > Xymphora Nazi op > ZioPedia
Related email:
[political-research] Flushing Antisemites from the 9/11 Truth Movement
Sean McBride
Fri, 14 Dec 2007 08:39:22 -0800
Mark, I think it's very much in Dennis Mitrzyk's (Galen's) self-interest to clarify precisely where he is coming from on the IHR, Willis Carto, neo-Nazism, antisemitism and related topics. Galen left a message in which he appeared to defend the IHR, thus presenting himself as a supporter of a white supremacist/pro-Nazi group. I offered to present ironclad evidence proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that the IHR is awash with Nazi connections, but Galen prevented me pursuing the discussion. I also found it interesting that Galen (Dennis Mitrzyk) had been endorsed as a political candidate by John Kaminski. See this: Now, John Kaminski is one of the most virulent and extreme antisemites on the Internet. In fact, Kaminski's antisemitism is so extreme that I believe that he has even been banned at, a website which regularly publishes antisemitic diatribes. A question for Dennis: what are your connections to John Kaminski? Why did this notorious antisemite endorse you? Wendy Campbell and Steven T. Hatton have been evasive and intellectually dishonest about their ties to white supremacist and white nationalist groups. Galen appears to be protecting them from scrutiny. Why? How can anyone who would lie about the character of the IHR be trusted to tell the truth about 9/11? It seems obvious to me that Hatton and Campbell are trying to use 9/11 to stir up hatred against the Jews -- all Jews collectively. This is the only reason that the subject interests them. White supremacists, white nationalists and antisemites are a far greater threat to the credibility of the 9/11 Truth Movement than the no-planers. Why is Galen unwilling to address and discuss this problem? Mark S Bilk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Galen, whom did Sean McBride label as a Nazi, that justifies censoring his posts? I've looked at his posts going back a week, and found only that he labelled Vehmgericht (not Hatton) as "Nazi-sounding" and Willis Carto and the IHR as "Nazi". Are you censoring Sean for labelling Willis Carto and his IHR as Nazi? By his own writings, Hitler was Carto's great hero. Are you sympathetic to the IHR yourself? Mark On Thu, Dec 13, 2007 at 10:35:47AM -0800, galen wrote: >Sean, i've given you fair warning about labeling people Nazis. I've had >it with the infighting on NeXuS. I feel i have no choice but to put you >on moderated status -- galen
Some facts check out:
Dennis “galen” Mitrzyk
After graduating from the University of Michigan in 1980 with bachelor’s degrees in Physics and Mathematics and a master’s in Business Administration, Dennis Mitrzyk, also known as “galen”, moved from his native Michigan to Palo Alto, California where he began a nineteen-year career at the venerable Hewlett-Packard Company working primarily in the areas of marketing, sales development, and account management. In 1999 Dennis left HP to pursue his lifelong interests in activism, writing, and music.
2004 Write-in Congressional Candidate for California — District 14
Being a strong and vocal proponent of Progressive/Populist political thought, in 2000 galen proposed the creation of a Peoples’ Action Network (PAN) to be the Peoples’ alternative to the Democratic/Republican political machine which has been co-opted by big-money Political Action Committees (PACs).
Since 2001 galen has produced and hosted “The Next Step” a local cable TV program showcasing the art, the music, the literature, the spirituality, and the politics of the evolving New Consciousness.
In the post-9-11 world of rampant political skullduggery, galen has spent countless hours educating himself about the very suspicious unanswered questions surrounding the events of 9-11, the subsequent evisceration of the Constitution, and the implications of the ensuing declaration of “war without end”.
Dennis “galen” Mitrzyk is now running as a write-in candidate this November, 2004 for California’s 14th congressional district against the incumbent Anna Eshoo on a platform that promises a common sense approach to solving the myriad of problems we face in this nation and the world at large. Galen believes that another world is not only possible, but imperative to the very survival of humanity and the delicate eco-system upon which all life on the planet depends.
His campaign espouses the six principles of Freedom, Peace, and Prosperity for all through Truth, Justice, and Accord. In the service of Truth, galen advocates a full and independent Peoples’ Investigation of 9-11. In the name of Peace, galen supports the creation of a Department of Peace, he adamantly opposes a return of the draft, and supports withdrawing US troops from Iraq. He promises, if elected, to work to repeal the entire U$A Patriot Act, to promote Universal Health Care and free education for all, and to sponsor legislation to end the failed War on Drugs.
Dennis “galen” Mitrzyk can be reached at 650-493-0367 and at
Mr. Mitrzyk has been endorsed by the following people and/or organizations:
- Carol Brouillet, co-founder of the 9-11 Truth Alliance,
- John Kaminski, essayist,
- Alan Moore, founder of Butterfly Gardeners Association and Musicians and Fine Artists for World Peace,
- Leonard Orr, originator of rebirthing,
- Samina Faheem Sundas, executive director of American Muslim Voice,
- Drug Peace,
- The Light Party,
And John Kaminski is 100% Nazi trash:
Galen promoted the Nazi on his group late as Oct 2012:
| |||||||||
peace demonstration
John Kaminski