galendenzen Mar 18, 2007
1:59 am
Greetings and welcome to all you associates of 9-11-NeXuS, especially
new members, and hello other fellow 9-11 Truth Activists. Since
compiling and publishing a list of the top 41 “People Likely Criminally
Involved in the 9-11 Conspiracy” on Saturday, March 10, 2007, the
membership of 9-11-NeXuS has more than tripled. I have followed the
numerous posts and discussion threads over the past several days and
have been very pleased, in general, with the quality of information and
That said, i want to communicate the following posting guidelines to
help make 9-11-NeXuS even more effective than it already is:
* Most of the people in this group are well aware that the OCT is
physically impossible because it violates several important laws of
Physics, Chemistry, Thermodynamics, and Aerodynamics and that many of
the actual perpetrators of the crimes of 9-11 are those people singled
out in the aforementioned document. While many of us 9-11 Truthers have
a pretty good idea who did what, i feel very strongly that it is
inappropriate to suggest that certain of these known treasonous,
criminal, mass murders be “strung up” without a trial and due process.
This has not been a strong theme in this group, but it has been
suggested by a couple members. If you're looking for a Bastille or
Winter Palace to storm, 9-11-NeXuS is not the place for you. Even
though we have been deprived of our right to Habeas Corpus by the very
same criminals who planned and executed the terrible events of 9-11, i
think it's important that we don't stoop to their level of depravity in
seeking out justice. In the future, please refrain from advocating
extrajudicial treatment of suspected 9-11 co-conspirators; instead,
let's put our energy into immediately removing these people from their
positions of power and trying them for their crimes in a legitimate
International Criminal Court.
* Since Yahoo limits the amount of space available to their groups, it
is important that members of this group are conscientious in their
management of replies to posts. For instance, if someone posts a
helpful article that's long and full of pictures, please do not reply to
the post unless you're willing to remove the original article from your
reply. The problem is one of content and disc space management. Say
that someone posts a great article that takes up 250 kb and that just
four people reply with a line or two without removing the original
post. All of a sudden, this one post has taken 1000 kb of unnecessary
space. If there is anyone out there that doesn't know how to remove the
original post from your reply, please send me a note and i'll explain.
It's easy.
* On a related topic, if your reply is to only one person in this group,
please add that person's address to your address book and reply to them
individually off list. Please only reply to the entire list if your
comment is meant for the entire list.
* Please use this group only for posts directly related to 9-11. While
i certainly understand and agree that 9-11 is part of the much bigger
agenda of a NWO, i want to keep this group focused specifically on
9-11. Yes, there's a global economic collapse in the making, a war
against Iran being planned by the exact same criminal miscreants that
did 9-11, and martial law being planned. Yes, these are all important
topics and worthy of discussion, but this is not the place. If we can
focus enough energy and attention on 9-11 to indict and convict the
perpetrators, i believe we can stop the NWO, the coming war on Iran, the
coming economic collapse, and the coming martial law.
* Since we are colleagues in 9-11 truth and allies, we should treat each
other with appropriate respect and decorum. If you disagree with
someone, disagree and state your case. There's no need to deride them
or denigrate their intelligence or motives. However, disinformation
agents and trolls are not allies of the truth. They join groups such as
this purely to infect them with their spurious logic in an attempt to
divide and destroy the group. I'm keeping a close lookout for trolls
and disinformation agents in this group and will not tolerate utter
nonsense from the likes of Web Fairy (Tale), Nico Haupt, and Gerard
Holmgren. These people are disinformation agents and do not deserve the
respect of those of us who are sincere and reasonable people.
* The final posting guideline is this: please avoid simplistic — and
consequentially, nonsensical — claims like, “(fill in the blank)
were/was responsible for 9-11”. I’ve read many reasons why certain
people believe this, that, or the other were behind 9-11. A common one
is, “Jews were responsible for 9-11”. Such a statement is patently
absurd. Yes, some of the people who planned and executed 9-11 clearly
are Jews, most of those are Zionists, some of them are Mossad agents;
but not all Jews were involved in the planning and execution of 9-11,
nor were all the people involved Jews or Zionists. I believe it was
John Austin who made the excellent analogy that it makes as much sense
to say, “Humans created the nuclear bomb”, as it does to say, “Jews did
9-11”. Actually, the first statement is true, but meaningless; the
second statement isn't even true. Cheney is not Jewish and he is
clearly a 9-11 criminal co-conspirator. Even if it turns out that the
entire 9-11 plot can be traced back to the Rothschilds, it still is not
accurate to claim that “Jews did 9-11” because not all Jews are
Rothschilds. Even if members of the Rothschilds were the masterminds
behind 9-11, it's also not true to say, “the Rothschilds did 9-11”,
because there were plenty of people involved who are not Rothschilds.
Please refrain from making broad, sweeping claims in this group that
defy logic and reason.
In closing, i want to thank all of you who submitted additional
candidates to be included in the list of 9-11 criminal co-conspirators.
I'm reworking the list and will republish it soon. I'm also working on
four new lists as follows and welcome your submissions:
* People Criminally Complicit in the Crimes of 9-11 — This is a much
longer list than the list of co-conspirators and includes virtually
every member of Congress — particularly people like John McCain — and
virtually every major media mogul and media personality.
* Disinformation Agents Infecting the 9-11 Truth Movement — I’ve
already named, above, three people who belong on this list. Judy Wood
also belongs on the list as do several others whose names i'll not
mention at this time.
* Gatekeepers of the “Left” and “Right” — The false framing of
right-left, conservative-liberal, red-blue is a clever and insidious
contrivance of the ruling elite to divide and conquer the people. The
only frame that makes sense to me is People-State… either you are for
and with the People or you are for and with the State. Gatekeepers of
the “left” and “right” pretend to be speaking for the people but are
consciously or unconsciously doing the bidding of the State.
Gatekeepers of the “left” include such people as: Jon Stewart, Noam
Chomsky, George Monbiot, George Lakoff, Dennis Kucinich, and Amy
Goodman, to name a few.
* People Criminally Involved in Creating the New World Order — The
function of this list is to identify the top 6660 people who are pushing
humanity toward a global, fascistic, police state.
Thank you all for your attention and your dedicated pursuit of the truth
of 9-11.
In Truth and Justice — galen
PS: To join 9-11-NeXuS, simply send an e-mail to .
In 2012 this guideline:
The final posting guideline is this: please avoid simplistic — and
consequentially, nonsensical — claims like, “(fill in the blank)
were/was responsible for 9-11”. I’ve read many reasons why certain
people believe this, that, or the other were behind 9-11. A common one
is, “Jews were responsible for 9-11”. Such a statement is patently
absurd. Yes, some of the people who planned and executed 9-11 clearly
are Jews, most of those are Zionists, some of them are Mossad agents;
but not all Jews were involved in the planning and execution of 9-11,
nor were all the people involved Jews or Zionists.
was unceremoniously dropped when this email posted to the list without "galen"s objection:
Judaism--a threat to humanity
Observe also "galen"s blossoming Holocaust denial:
| |||||||||
Heather, i beg to differ that this talk represents "great
research". This guy either doesn't know that Germans did not
systematically gas millions of Jews (in which case he hasn't done
any research on the topic) or he knows it's a shameless lie but
repeats it anyway; either way, it doesn't look good for him.
-- galen On 11/11/2012 5:51 PM, Heather wrote: |
Galen's paranoia about Zionist Mossad Agents(jews who disagree with him):
Re: [Total911TruthNOW] Fwd: Fw: The "Jews" don't control the media... Really? | ||||||
Some things are worth repeating. Here's an e-mail i sent to Rebecca Abrahams on 8.9.2005 titled "All the world's a stage...". I never heard back from Miss Abrahams, but she has done some solid work at ABC exposing the truth of 9-11. While Miss Abrahams is Jewish, i don't think she's a Zionist Mossad agent; on the other hand, her partner Mark did seem to be a Zionist Mossad agent.
When i was doing marketing at HP, one of our slogans was: When Performance Must Be Measured By Results. We must hold ourselves up to this same standard. If someone makes a claim and said claim doesn't pass the test of empirical evidence, said claim is categorically proven to be wrong.
My counter claim is this: To be clear, it's Zionists who control the media, not Jews. While not everyone on the attcahed list is a Zionist, many are; and so, i make my case.
If we're going to discuss things and come to something approximating a group consensus, we must give succinct empirical data more weight than we give the unsubstantiated claims in the attached HIR article.
In Truth -- galen
-=-=-=-=-=- Hi Rebecca,
I enjoyed meeting you and Mark yesterday. I feel we had a great exchange of info and ideas up to the point where i was critical of "Zionism". I think it's sad and dangerous that no one can say a single negative thing about Zionism or the State of Israel without being labeled "anti-Semitic" or "anti-Jew". Half of the women i've dated over the years are Jewish, some of my best friends are Jews; so please, don't try to paint me with that very broad brush -- it's not fair and it's just not true. We all need to grow up and get real with each other very quickly here. If we're not able to do this, i don't see how we're going to stop the coming nuclear conflagration. I repeat: This is NOT about Jews versus Gentiles, it's about the People versus the State.
I claimed last night that the US media is controlled by Zionists. Both you and Mark bristled at the suggestion. I've done some research which is attached below. Mind you, i'm not saying everyone on this list is a Zionist -- not all Jews are Zionists... some are, some aren't.
Rebecca, i think that you're very smart -- and attractive too, but that's beside the point. If you're able to transcend your "training" to vilify anyone and everyone who dares speak out about Zionism, i feel that you could play a major role in exposing the truth of 9-11 and scuttling this insane march toward global nuclear war. I can't overstate the importance of this. We're on the same team... if you can't see this, we have a major problem.
I've chosen my words carefully here because of the importance of that with which we're dealing. I hope you understand me better and i do hope to hear from you.
Dennis "galen" Mitrzyk
Jewish Domination of American Media
Galen founded the group in 2006. It's taken SIX years to drop the facade of not blaming Jews for 9/11 or pushing pro Nazi bullshit. Admittedly the facade was tissue thin, but now it's gone the gloves can come off.