ADL - A History of jewish Disinformation and Intimidation.pdf
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 ADL - A History of jewish Disinformation and Intimidation - Radio Islam
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ADL - A History of jewish Disinformation and
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which describes itself as a civil rights organization, has been in the
forefront of an ongoing attempt to label legitimate American-Arab and American-Muslim charitable, political,
and informational organizations as fronts for terrorism. This attempt is part of a long-standing ADL policy of
discrediting any individual or organization opposed to Israel or supportive of Palestinian rights. The ADL's
strong political loyalty to Israel as well as its acknowledged ties to Israel's external intelligence agency in
addition to its past practices of spreading disinformation and intimidating those who have spoken out against
Israeli policies should however serve as a warning about the ADL and the nature of its claims.
When the ADL was founded in 1913 it defined its mission as opposing the defamation of the Jewish people.
Over the years, the organization won respect for its active support of civil rights and its opposition to
segregation and white supremacist groups. However after the founding of the State of Israel and the 1967
Middle East War, the ADL significantly altered the way it defined its mission. In a 1974 ADL publication
entitled "The New Anti-Semitism", then-ADL National Director Benjamin Epstein argued that any "criticism
of Israel reflects insensitivity to American Jews and constitutes a form of anti-Semitism". This change in the
way it defined its mission meant that the ADL would no longer be engaged in merely civil rights work but
would rather take on a very strong political stance in defense of Israel. The main goal of the ADL became to
counteract any criticism of Israel and to promote Israel's interests regardless of other considerations.
Throughout the 1970's and 1980's, for example, the ADL was in the forefront of an effort to keep documents
underscoring Israel's sinking of an American naval ship confidential. Such efforts cannot be understood in the
context of the ADL's former civil rights agenda. Similarly, in November, 1994, ADL's Executive Director
Abraham Foxman personally appealed to President Bill Clinton to commute the prison sentence of Jonathan
Pollard, an intelligence analyst for the U.S. Navy who sold what the New York Times described as "suitcases
full of military intelligence" to Israel. Foxman's appeal to President Clinton can only be understood in light of
the ADL's new mission of promoting Israeli interests.
The fact that the ADL has become a pro-Israel interest group is, of course, not in itself problematic. The entire
United States political system is based on the freedom of interest groups to compete with others in promoting
their often conflicting agendas. However the ADL has overstepped the bounds of legitimacy on a number of
levels. The organization has engaged in illegal domestic spying activities, has worked with foreign intelligence
agencies to undermine the rights and endanger the lives of American citizens, has undertaken disinformation
campaigns slandering and intimidating numerous academicians, politicians, journalists, church officials, and
ADL's transgressions were most notably exposed in January 1993 when San Francisco newspapers broke the
story of ADL's extensive domestic spying network. The San Francisco Police Department discovered that
under the cover of fighting anti-Semitism, the ADL had gathered and sold to intelligence agents of the Israeli
and South African governments information on thousands of American individuals and groups. In addition to
nearly all Arab American organizations, those whom the ADL targeted included House Armed Services
Committee Chairman Ron Dellums, former Congressman Pete McCloskey, Los Angeles Times correspondent
Scott Kraft, the board of directors of public television station KQED, the Rainbow Coalition, a number of
labor unions, Greenpeace, as well as numerous other journalists, professors, members of Congress, and
activists who the ADL suspected had "anti-Israel" leanings. The information which the San Francisco police
department confiscated from the ADL offices included illegally obtained confidential police material. The
manner by which the ADL obtained such information as well as the fact that they sold it to foreign
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governments are both felonies.
The ADL's ties to the Mossad, Israel's external intelligence agency, had been known even before the scandal
broke out in 1993. During the court proceedings concerning a 1970 lawsuit against the ADL, an internal letter
was disclosed in which ADL's Epstein bragged about the close intelligence relations between the ADL and
Israel. Furthermore, in his 1988 autobiography, ADL general counsel Arnold Forster described the close
connections between the ADL and the Mossad. The Mossad connection is especially disturbing because of the
Israeli intelligence agency's long record of engaging in political assassinations of opponents of Israel
throughout the world.
Like the Mossad, the ADL has not been content with just gathering information on those who have spoken out
against Israel or in favor of Palestinian rights. The ADL has also actively engaged in discrediting them
through disinformation campaigns which are aimed at both distorting the records and intimidating those
opposed to Israel. While in the 1970's and 1980's, the ADL often falsely labeled such individuals as being
connected to the PLO or in the pay of Arab Gulf states, since the 1990's, the ADL has begun labeling them as
being connected to Islamic terrorist organizations. The ADL's allegations, while couched in a matter-of-fact
style, nearly always falls far short of providing any real evidence. However such allegations have had far-
reaching effects. After the ADL accused seven Palestinians and a Kenyan woman in California with ties to a
PLO terrorist group, for example, the eight individuals were arrested and deportation proceedings were begun.
When it was later discovered that no real evidence existed against the eight individuals except for the fact that
they had distributed anti-Israeli magazines, the media sharply criticized the government.
One of its first salvos in the disinformation war was its 1975 report entitled "Target U.S.A.: The Arab
Propaganda Offensive", in which the ADL distorted the images of nearly all mainstream Arab-American
groups. The ADL followed up that report with its most controversial book of all: Pro-Arab Propaganda:
Vehicles and Voices, an enemies list of 31 organizations and 34 individuals which was published in 1983 and
was largely aimed at countering opposition to Israel from University professors and student organizations. The
publication intentionally takes statements of those on the list out of context, accuses them of Anti-Semitism,
and falsely accuses a number of academic scholars of being part of a PLO support network or of having been
paid by Gulf Arab countries. The report calls upon Jewish leaders in Universities throughout the country to
boycott and intimidate those appearing on the list. Those who appeared on the list later found themselves
ostracized by the academic community with some losing their jobs or denied promotions. S.C. Whittaker, the
former chairman of the Political Science Department at Rutgers University admitted, for example, that
political reasons, rather than academic ones, prevented Dr. Eqbal Ahmad from obtaining a regular teaching
appointment after his name appeared on the ADL list. Dr. Noam Chomsky, who also appeared on the list, says
that since the book was published, protesters have appeared at every one of his speaking engagements and
have distributed distorted ADL reports containing fabricated quotes that he was alleged to have made in an
attempt to intimidate him and his listeners. On Nov. 30, 1984, the Middle East Studies Association passed a
resolution protesting the "creation, storage, or dissemination of blacklists, enemy lists" or surveys that call for
boycotting individuals or intimidating scholars. Similar intimidation campaigns have been waged by the ADL
against reporters and journalists who have criticized Israel.
Throughout the 1980's, the ADL also accused liberal church officials, church groups, and religious
organizations which called for peace and justice for all in the Middle East as being connected to the PLO. The
Reverend Don Wagner and the Presbyterian Church had especially been accused by the ADL of having
connections to the PLO, though no evidence was ever presented backing up such contentions. On the other
hand, after a 1994 report on the religious right, the ADL was accused by religious conservatives of going after
people for their political views and of taking numerous quotes of religious leaders out of context. Also on May
25, 1994, the ADL's Jerusalem office released a sensationalist story which appeared the next day in the New
York Times and other newspapers which alleged that the Vatican had admitted to being responsible for the
Holocaust. The Vatican later totally denied the story. The ADL's blatant misrepresentation of facts was
sharply criticized.
The ADL's credibility has been severely shaken by its long record of disinformation. While the ADL has every
right to continue advocating pro-Israel policies, its real agenda should be exposed and it must be made to end
the illegal spying, harassment, and intimidation of political opponents. More importantly, U.S. law
enforcement agencies, the media, and political circles need to see the ADL for what it is: a pro-Israel group
more than ready to distort the truth to further the Israeli agenda. While in retrospect, it now seems very clear
that the ADL's wild allegations against alleged PLO support networks in the 1980's were baseless, it must be
remembered that at the time they were seen as credible and led many people to lose their jobs and others to be
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imprisoned. The ADL's current crusade against alleged Islamic terrorist networks is almost identical to its
earlier one against so-called ties to the PLO. Both campaigns are based on general stereotypes and fears and
are devoid of evidence and fact. To repeat such allegations without further investigating them, as some in the
media have done, is unprofessional and unethical. To act upon them, as some law-makers and law-
enforcement agencies have done, is dangerous and threatens the freedoms and civil liberties Americans have
grown to expect.
The Jewish
"Anti-Defamation League" (ADL)
Court Rules For Activists on ADL
Judge Orders Opening of Enemies Lists
ADL Claims Victory in Court Ruling
ADL - A History of Disinformation and
ADL ́s Ties With Mossad
ADL Suit Reinvigorated
ADL Nov 98 press release
Jewish lobby sways U.S. policyG Stopping Extremism Before the Crime
Lobby's influence due to skill in Congress Protecting Privacy, Monitoring Hate
Jewish Commit U.S. Troops ADC Press Release: Resolution
to Combat
Bookburners and their Victims
Cal on Spying & Names
King & Berlet On ADL Trip To Right
CA Appeals Court Decision on ADL
Spy vs. Spite
ADL & Mossad
Counterpunch-Were Spies Journalists?
ADL accused of McCarthyite tactics
Secrecy defended by ADL
Internet: The Jewish-ADL Perspective
ADL - A History of jewish Disinformation and Intimidation - Radio Islam
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Some other chosen topics:
USA ́s Rulers: -They A Prominent
Are All Jews! False Witness
Farrakhan ́s Speech on Islam and
Jewish Racism democracy
Caricatures Germany Nasser Forum
Photos France Luther Drugs
This Site England Shahak When
Statistics Morocco Ford Letters
Conspiracy Sweden Rami War
Medias Sverige Yassine Capitol
Revisionism Lebanon Faurisson Links
Zionism Maroc Marx Right
Enemy Catechism Franklin Victims
Quotes Marocain Remer Khazar
Encyclopedia Islamism Garaudy Talmud
Newspapers Books Koestler Jews
Freedom fighters
| Yassine | Rami |
| Farrakhan | Franklin |
ADL - A History of jewish Disinformation and Intimidation - Radio Islam
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Marx on Jews
| french | English | Svenska |
Garaudy: The Resistance
| English | French | Deutsch | Svenska |
Christianity: The Resistance
| English | French | Deutsch | Svenska | Portug |
Islam: The Resistance
| English | French | Deutsch | Svenska | Portug | Portug | Russian |
Did Six Million Really Die?
| English | French | Deutsch | Svenska | Danske | Russian |
Introduction to Revisionism
| English | French | Deutsch | Svenska | Finnish | Portug | Rumanian |
The Protocols of Zion
| English | French | Deutsch | Svenska | Portug | Russian | Spanish | Italian | Danish |
Judaism =Racism, Domination, Dccupation
| English | French | Deutsch | Svenska | Portug | Russian | Spanish |
The moral and political
of Criticizing Jewry
It is time to see the REAL enemy !
We should step up struggle against Zionism
It is not just enough to know that we are right
ADL - A History of jewish Disinformation and Intimidation - Radio Islam
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The Jewish "Peace Talks"
Professor Israel Shahak about:
Les Juifs sans masque
Shahak om judar
Jüdische Religion
The Jewish Laundry
of drug Money
Jewish Grip
on American Film and The Ideology Behind Massacres
Television Promotes Bias
Against Muslims Jewish History, Jewish Religion
Abdullah Mohammad Sindi
About Shahak ́s "Jewish History..."
ADL - A History of jewish Disinformation and Intimidation - Radio Islam
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Jewish hatred towards Christianity
From Hebrew-Language
Who Run USA ?
Israel Versus Iran chapter
Israeli Policies Toward Iran and Syria
Israel's Strategic Aims and Nuclear Weapons
Syrian Cities and Relations with Irak
Israeli Foreign Policy after the Oslo
Israeli Foreign Policies, August 1994
Israel and the Organized American Jews
JewishLobby in the US and the Iran Affair
The Jewish Lies:
Our weakness
We must know that our weakness is Israel's
strength.The regimes that are in power in our
countries are like dead bodies, our "leaders" are
politically finished. Instead of stepping down in
honor, they cling bitterly to power and try to drag
their peoples along into the precipice. In the first
place, we must conquer tyranny, decadence and
corruption in our own hearts and in our countries!
Instead of giving up, we must work seriously to
create the economic, political, military and social
conditions for the future victory of the Justice.
The future belongs to the forces of Islam. The
Hezbullah, Hamas and the Jihad are the Islamic
response to the Zionist challenge. The Islam
began in the 6th century as a cultural, and spiritual
Nos voleurs!
Il y a des problèmes extrêmes où nous nous
debattons et que nous avons trop tardé à regarder
en face. A la différence des pays occidentaux, nos
"pays musulmans" ne connaissent que peu de
hold-up de banques. C'est que les voleurs
d'envergure savent qu'aujourd'hui, dans nos pays,
la source d'enrichissement la plus sûre, la plus
rapide, la seule à vrai dire, est le pouvoir. À titre
d ́exemple : le systeme féodal (makhzen) - qui n ́a
rien à voir avec l ́Islam - que Hassan II a pérpétué
anachroniquement au Maroc en plein XXe siècle -
fait de la corruption généralisée un systhème de
gouvernement. Le régime de Hassan II constitue,
pour notre pays, pour notre peuple et pour notre
ADL - A History of jewish Disinformation and Intimidation - Radio Islam
movement against the superpowers of that time.
The military strength of the Islam grew as a
consequence of its spiritual strength. Today,
capitulating before the jewish arrogance is not a
solution; it is betraying the future generations. If
we can not create victory today, we muste not
create defeat ourselves. The least We can do is to
capitulate without resisting. Any "solution"
violently extorted, any unjust
"peace" (capitulation) will be rejected by the
future generations. The only real solution of the
Palestinian question lies in the return of the
Palestinian people to their fatherland.
Ahmed Rami
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avenir un danger mortel réel. Face à ce danger et à
son défi, il n y a, devant nous, qu ́une seule
alternative et une seule réponse: une révolution
islamique radicale, éclairée, intelligente, tolérante
et liberatrce! En Islam, la liberté est la régle.
L ́interdit est l ́exception. Il s ́impose,
AUJOURD ́HUI, urgence et nécessité vitale de
LIBERATION DU MAROC. Les grands ne sont
grands que parce que nous sommes à genoux.
Ahmed Rami
Écrivain, journaliste et fondateur de la staion radio Radio
Islam,Tel: +46-708121240 Email
Writer, journalist and Founder of the radio station Radio
Islam,Phone: +46-708121240 Email
Tomorrow it will be too late
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