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Domain ID:D104626671-LROR
Created On:13-Jul-2004 17:32:02 UTC
Last Updated On:20-Jun-2010 00:23:36 UTC
Expiration Date:13-Jul-2015 17:32:02 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:Brandon Gray Internet Services (R1322-LROR)
Registrant ID:FD5E395796B3E475
Registrant Name:Dennis Mitrzyk
Registrant Organization:The PAN Party
Registrant Street1:201 Maclane
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Registrant State/Province:CA
Registrant Postal Code:94306
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Registrant Phone:+1.6504930367
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Admin ID:FD5E395796B3E475
Admin Name:Dennis Mitrzyk
Admin Organization:The PAN Party
Admin Street1:201 Maclane
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Admin City:Palo Alto
Admin State/Province:CA
Admin Postal Code:94306
Admin Country:US
Admin Phone:+1.6504930367
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Tech ID:1832A5904F727F7B
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Tech Phone:+1.8665634678
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Samefag that run the Yahoo list.
Facebook confirms:
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Dennis "galen" Mitrzyk's Overview
- Current
- Founder at Peoples' Action Network
- Past
- Marketing, Account Management, and Sales Development at Hewlett-Packard
- Education
- University of Michigan - Stephen M. Ross School of Business
- University of Michigan
- Recommendations
- 2 people have recommended Dennis "galen"
- Connections
- 232 connections
- Websites
Dennis "galen" Mitrzyk's Summary
Social Activist focused on freedom, peace, and prosperity through truth, justice, and accord.
Dennis "galen" Mitrzyk's Experience
Peoples' Action Network
November 2000
– Present
(12 years 1 month)
Visit for details.
Marketing, Account Management, and Sales Development
Public Company; 10,001+ employees; HPQ;
Information Technology and Services industry
June 1980
– September 1999 (19 years 4 months)
Dennis "galen" Mitrzyk's Skills & Expertise
Dennis "galen" Mitrzyk's Education
University of Michigan - Stephen M. Ross School of Business
MBA, Finance and Operations Research
1978 – 1980
University of Michigan
BS, Physics and Math
September 1973 – May 1977
Dennis "galen" Mitrzyk's Additional Information
- Websites:
- Interests:
- social activism, paradigm shift, writing, music, yoga, social justice, philosophy
- Groups and Associations:
- Moderator of 9-11-NeXuS -- a Yahoo group devoted to the truth of 9-11, Founder of PACAN (Palo Alto Community Action Network) -- an organization for local social activists
- Honors and Awards:
- Shotokan Shodan Black Belt
Ooooh look out for that black belt. It'll come in handy when " Moderator of 9-11-NeXuS -- a Yahoo group devoted to the truth of 9-11," include confronting him allowing the spread of Nazi friendly propaganda on his list.
More on the PANparty:
The website is full of touchy feeling hippy feel good cult inspired verbiage. But reading between the lines, is a teafag friendly fascist framework :
Freedom, Peace, and Prosperity
Truth, Justice, and Accord
"3P" might be code for "Third Position", making itdisturbingly simular to "A3P", short for the white power party, American Third Position.
"unite progressives and populists into one
organization" more likely means USING progressives to build a "populist"(more like fringe right liberatrian) front.
The Six Principles
Issues | Freedom |
Freedom — honor human rights; reestablish the Constitution in its
entirety; repeal all laws that violate the Constitution; abolish all
laws involving “victimless crimes”; return privacy to the “private
sector”; guarantee civil rights for all including the right to same-sex
marriages; guarantee reproductive rights; guarantee freedom of
spirituality/religion and cognitive liberty; end the failed War on
Drugs; repeal the entire U$A Patriot Act…
List will appeal to liberals but any reference to "liberty" is likely a code for fringe righty propagandists that, appearances aside, this website will protect their interests.
Issues | Peace |
Peace — call for an immediate cease and desist of armed conflict
worldwide; call for all armies and militias to “stand down”; withdraw
all troops from foreign soil; take the ‘profit’ out of war; end
militarism; oppose reinstatement of the draft; support the creation of a
Department of Peace; make non-violence an organizing principle…
Again appeals to liberal ideals, in a romantic and politically unrealistic way
Issues | Prosperity |
Prosperity — ensure universal health care and free education for all;
alternative clean and renewable energy (solar, wind, wave, hemp,
biomass, new technologies); safeguard the delicate bio-sphere; guarantee
sustainability; economic reform based on Nested Social Capitalism (a
multilayer economy including “gifting-lending-barter-exchange-local
currency-global currency” and the internalization of all “exogenous
costs”); encourage and reward ingenuity; eliminate Political Action
Committees (PACs); revoke “corporate personhood”; adopt a thirteen-moon
More common liberal platforms, a mix of reasonable and unrealistic goals(adopt a thirteen-moon calendar? He's not even trying to be taken seriously) Has the marks of a proto cult: swiping real issues and mixing them with garbage to push a fringe agenda.
Issues | Truth |
Truth — call for a Peoples’ Investigation of the USG’s 9-11 cover-up
and the many unanswered questions around 9-11; extol and repopularize
the virtue of honesty, particularly among public officials; bring
transparency and accountability to government; make the implicit explicit…
The detail of the Investigate 9-11 reads:
Peoples’ Investigation of 9-11
As Voltaire said, “Those who can convince us to believe absurdities can convince us to commit atrocities”. The USG (US Government) has convinced the majority of people in this country of the absurd notion that Muslim fundamentalists, orchestrated by bin Laden from a cave deep in Afghanistan, hijacked four planes with nothing more than box-cutters, avoided the air defenses of the entire country, and flew said planes into the World Trade Center (WTC) and Pentagon. This “official narrative” begs many questions, is full of holes, and even requires you to believe the laws of physics were magically suspended on 9-11.
The 9-11 cover-up Commission omission Report was such a whitewash that it failed to even mention such things as: the FBI agents who were told to stop investigating the suspicious Saudis in flight schools; WTC building 7, the other skyscraper that fell that day; and Marvin Bush, the brother of George W. who ran a US-Kuwaiti joint-venture that managed security for the WTC, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport — all of which were involved in 9-11.
Many people now realize that John F. Kennedy was assassinated by elements of the military-industrial-intelligence complex. These same shadowy forces were involved in the crimes of 9-11. The PAN PartY is committed to a full and open Peoples’ Investigation of the very suspicious events surrounding 9-11.
Note: As always, the PAN PartY is open to submissions from like-minded individuals to create additional detail on this and other important issues.
For conspiracy tin foil, relatively tame. Basicly cliff notes of the Pre "Truther Movement" Fahrenhiet 9/11, to be used as a rough framework for the Jews Did It conspiracies to develop.
A hint of far right sympathies can be seen in the impeachment section:
Let’s be clear about something, Bill Clinton deserved to be impeached. Not because he had sex with Monica Lewinski, but because he lied under oath. This is how easy this should be… put George W. Bush and his entire criminal coterie under oath and start with the questions.
Few progressives take the impeachment of Clinton seriously. The auther is pandering to the right readers who consider Clinton's impeachment second only to the Nuremburg Trials.
Issues | Justice |
Justice — submit articles of impeachment on all public officials who
have demonstrably violated their solemn oath of office to uphold and
protect the Constitution, particularly Bush and members of his criminal
regime; press charges and seek financial retribution under the RICO
Anti-Racketeering Act against various elements of the U$G and sundry
private and public corporations that have conspired to raid the national
treasury, violate the national trust, and plunder the natural resources
of the entire planet; try all war criminals in the International
Criminal Court; institute “instant runoff voting” (IRV) and proportional
representation; reestablish the Constitutional right of jury
More ideas found commonly among lefty groups(IRV), mixed with right code words (Protect the Constitution).
Issues | Accord |
Accord — free all political prisoners including victims of the War on
Drugs; sign international treaties such as the “anti-ballistic missile”
(ABM) ban, land-mine ban, chemical and biological weapons ban, et
cetera… ; offer an official apology to all peoples harmed over the
years by the policies and activities of the U$G; promote direct democracy.
Targeted to appeal to the politically naive. "Direct Democracy" is impractical in populations larger than cities. Obsfucates the function of Represetantive Democracies(Republics).
There history page is enlightening, though not in the way they intended. Numerous references to the "constitution" guarentee the PAN party is, if not a front for the fringe right libertarian party, then it was meant to appeal to and organize people sympathetic to right libertarianism:
History in Progress of the PAN PartY
The idea for the PAN PartY originated in a conversation at Lake Tahoe between Sandrine Dolader and Dennis “galen” Mitrzyk on Friday, November 3, 2000.
The Peoples’ Action Network (PAN) was conceived to be the primary countervailing force to the Political Action Committees (PACs) that had dramatically demonstrated the scope of their power in the 2000 Presidential campaign.
By excluding all viable presidential candidates other than the ordained Democrat and Republican from the debates, the PACs effectively control what is debated. The same thing is happening in this election cycle. The entire topic of the war on Iraq is officially off limits. The only contention between Kerry and Bush regarding the war is who between them would wage a ‘better’ war.
The PAN PartY gestated for several years and is now being launched in stages.
Stage one — explore and test the concept — is done.
Stage two — form an Advisor Council (AC) — is underway. If you’re interested in being on the AC, please contact the PAN PartY chair. AC participation is merit-based, revolving, and informal. If you are/were on the AC, please feel free to submit a biograph up to one-page long for this site.
Stage three — introduce the PAN PartY web-site — is complete. Since PAN is the Peoples’ network, we are inviting all interested people to submit content for the site. In addition to essays and favorite quotes and links, we invite people who have knowledge in a particular areas to submit detailed material to the PAN PartY chair. If any portion of submitted material is used on the site, the author will be credited as either “author” or “co-author”.
Stage four — run candidates for office — is underway. At the moment, Dennis “galen” Mitrzyk is running in California, district 14, as a write-in candidate for Congress under the auspices of the PAN PartY. Our intention is to eventually run candidates for Congress in every Congressional district. If the People manage to take back the House, we can take back our Constitution, and our country.
Stage five — shift the global paradigm by coalescing a critical mass of Consciousness around a new paradigm — is beginning to take shape. If you like movies, see “What the #$*! (bleep) Do We Know?!” to see how our thoughts about “what is” affect “what is”. Also, read Kucinich Culture Newsletter (2:4) and SoC (1:3) in the Essay section of this site.
There you have it, a brief history in progress of the PAN PartY.
Dennis “galen” Mitrzyk