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About Me
Social Activist, Musician, Writer, Spiritualist
Palo Alto, CA


Member for
5 years 46 weeks



 [Conspiracy Spammer, Gullible Fool]

John-Michael Talboo




Member for
3 years 16 weeks
 Taboo is also on blogger:  http://www.blogger.com/profile/14205755665047779055

My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Male
Location United States
Introduction I saw a bio one time that stated a bio is for other people to lie about you, as opposed to an autobiography where you lie about yourself. Here's who I am according to some other people; take it with a grain of salt. :)
Favorite Books Debunking 9/11 Debunking
Please describe how you could take the peel off an apple all in one go:



 [Conspiracy Spammer with interest in "Moon Hoax"]

jonathan mark


About Me
I publish the online news activism journal FlybyNews.com (FN) that came out of the campaign to stop and/or expose the high risk Cassini (plutonium) Earth flyby.
Inspired by investigative reporter, author, filmmaker, Karl Grossman, FN learned not only about the dangers of Cassini, but what was behind the development of nuclear technology and the military's overtaking the US civilian space agency to dominate the planet.
So, since Cassini we have been reporting news critical for "life's survival in the 21st Century. These issues include on the theft of democracy in the US 2000 election, 9/111 invetigative reports, global warming, and other hot topics.
I co-founded Valley 9/11 Truth with Stephen Goodale (www.valley911truth.org). I am convinced that the most effective way to reclaim a lost USA democracy is by exposing the 9/11 crime and cover-up. This spring we help coordinate a 9/11 truth tour with Michael Berger and film, “Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of our Republic” Mike Berger is also the Media Coordinator for 911Truth.org
My ezine, Flyby News plans to continue supporting such campaigns until at least 2012.
"9/11 Truth is a very important issue with the power
to bring lasting change to our country."
-- William Sloane Coffin


Member for
5 years 50 weeks
Used the 911 conspiracy site to promote radio show of Kevin Barrett, who recently endorsed American Third Position white power candidate Merlin Miller:


Merlin Miller Interview On American Freedom Radio

 American Freedom Radio | Merlin Miller is a guest of Kevin Barrett. Kevin Barrett, Ph.D., is an outspoken 9/11 truth activist, author, and academic. A co-editor of 9/11 and the American Empire Vol. 2: Christians, Jews and Muslims Speak Out (Interlink, 2007), and author of Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie (Progressive Press, 2007), he has taught English, French, Arabic, American Civilization, Humanities, African Literature, Folklore, and Islam at colleges and universities in the San Francisco Bay area, Paris, and Madison, Wisconsin. He is a co-founder of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth http://mujca.com. This show, like his writings, features Dr. Barrett’s all-out struggle for truth spiced with his offbeat sense of humor.

Merlin Miller and American Third Position were also promoted as a candidate at 911blogger.com with no challenge from users:


US Presidential Candidate: "Israel Did 911" Tells Ahmadinejad Zionists Control US Politics
Submitted by Joe on Fri, 09/21/2012 - 7:02am
US Presidential Candidate: "Israel Did 911" Tells Ahmadinejad Zionists Control US Politics


The presidential race in the US is in high gear with both the Republicans and Democrats holding their high-profile national conventions in recent days.

Last week, it was Mitt Romney and his fellow Republicans in Tampa, Florida and this week, Democrats converged on Charlotte, North Carolina for their get together.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Merlin Miller, US presidential candidate for the American Third Position party, to further talk over the issue.


Marsha McCleland[right wing health conspiracy nut, claimed Terry Schiavo wasn't braindead:
Marsha had a completely delusional belief Schiavo's husband killed her:

  • Terri did not want 2 die
    Those that think that r ill informed
    She cried, "I", "I", "I" over & over again as they removed the tube
    Not life supportand
    The lady cop on duty cried @ hearing this & was replaced
    She was able 2 eat jello @ first but that monster husband of hers said no more of that
    She sat in the lobby & said hi @ all who entered @ one time until michael caught on 2 that
  • Only those ignorant of facts side with michael
    I believe he suffocated her with a pillow & not choked her as others think
    He did it to her & that's why he wouldn't give her back 2 her parents as the world begged
    He will pay
    He pays now being the most hated man alive in America next to bush who pretended 2 try to save her
    He pulled executive power 2 go 2 Iraq but would not save an innocent life that wanted to live
    When she died we were sent back into the dark ages

 McCleland has never retracted this BS  https://www.youtube.com/user/mofmars3 ]

Marsha  frequents other Yahoo lists pimping the vaccine/autism link scam:


Marsha L. McClelland
3380 Prange Drive, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223
(330) 926-1679
E-MAIL  mofmars@
Marsha is a big APFN fan:

Mofmars Mofmars3@wmconnect.com
Sun May 25 15:02:52 2003

This link will provide you answers....

APFN(American Patriot Friends Network) is part of the violent right wing organizers who are willing to kill immigrants and abortion doctors for their "cause".


Network of patriotic movements, including "Minute Man Press" online.
 They also push Birther Bs:

UPDATE: OBAMA'S KENYAN BIRTH RECORDS DISCOVERED IN BRITISH NATIONAL ARCHIVES http://www.apfn.org/apfn/obamas-birth-certificate.htm

 It's odd then that Marsha Claims to be an Obama supporter at her facebook page:


Lives in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
 It's complicated 
Born on May 27, 1954Female
I'm an activist working to grow our network to help save children from harm of vaccinations, harmful drugs & other toxins let loose. Please join our activist group>>> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/WeThePeopleUnitedForVaccinationEducation/ I'm a retired activist who came out temporarily, at first, to help Obama get elected. Then when I saw this hot topic concerning vaccinations brewing, I went full time back at activism. Disappointed, so far, with some of President Obama's action & inaction but still standing with him in hope he's not allowed himself to become a puppet. I'm still betting he's playing chess as others play checkers & his genius getting "US" through. But I am worried.
We're worried too.  Don't trust this bitch. Sounds like another crypto-fascist trolling the left.  A leopard doesn't change its spots.


Talboo is active in a couple meetup groups:


John-Michael Talboo


Sligo, PA
Hometown: Sligo

Member since:

July 6, 2012


My site: http://911debunke... My group: http://groups.yah... Who I am According to Other People: http://911debunke...


John-Michael Talboo


Sligo, PA
Hometown: Sligo

Member since:

July 31, 2012


About me: http://911debunke... Join my Yahoo group, Pennsylvanians for 9/11 Truth, at: http://groups.yah...

Members of these groups heavily represent the Ron Paul cult(see racist connections of Ron Paul HERE and HERE), and right wing "Liberty" constitutional propaganda.

Talboo also shares interests in other conspiracies( which would remain a freedom of speech issue if he didn't think spamming yahoo lists blaming the Jews was the best place to promote his  conspiracies):

Posted Jul 6, 2012 7:41 PM
Hello all,

My name is John-Michael Talboo and I run the Debunking the Debunkers blog, located at http://911debunkers.b..., and am a contributing writer/volunteer for Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth:




I also recently started the Yahoo group Pennsylvanians for 911 Truth.


I hope the members here will join the group and post their Pennsylvania specific 9/11 truth events and activism ideas/reports. All of this type of material is welcome from other states and countries as well, but needless to say, I'd like Pennsylvania related items to dominate things as much as possible.

Here's Who I am According to Other People:



Talboo is spamming lists with Jew haters because he wants Jew haters to promote his conspiracies.  That means Talboo is a Jew hater himself.  Or he doesn't care one way or the other, which is possibly more dangerous.

"Galen" OTOH knows he's running a con  AND knows he's helping Nazis organize. We suspect this is the real reason Galen moved to Ecuador, not the touchy feeling New Age bullshit he tells his friends.