911 Memo.doc

911 Memo.doc
      70 KB   a_truth_soldier   Aug 29, 2008

Links heavily to far right libertarian conspiracy cults fronts. 


Senator Dayton: NORAD Lied About 9/11
As read on Internet discussion board:
Dear Sentator, Congressman, Farmer, Baker, Candlestick Maker:
Did NORAD lie about 911? It would appear so. NORAD may be simply trying cover themselves because they THINK one of their terrorist war games, more specifically operation “Vigilant Guardian,” which was in progress on the morning of 911, that perhaps something went wrong, and that some of the remote controlled air-born vehicles they had up in the air that morning were either manipulated somehow, or malfunctioned.
See: http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Jun2002/n06042002_200206043.html
See: http://www.startribune.com/stories/484/4904237.html
See also re. Operation Vigilant Guardian: http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Jun2002/n06042002_200206043.htmlwent

A prediction made in 2000 by soon-to-be top officials in the Bush administration that the changes they desired would be difficult unless "a new Pearl Harbor" occurred.
The Project for the New American Century, (PNAC) Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century (www.newamericancentury.org)
"The government should be charged with a systematic response that, one hopes, will end the way that the attack on Pearl Harbor ended — with the destruction of the system that is responsible for it." Henry Kissinger, "Destroy the Network," Washington Post, September 11, 2001 (washingtonpost.com), quoted in Thierry Meyssan,9/11: The Big Lie (London: Carnot, 2002) 65.
"For once, let's have no fatuous rhetoric about 'healing.'. . . A day cannot live in infamy without the nourishment of rage. Let's have rage. What's needed is a unified, unifying Pearl Harbor son of purple American fury." Lance Morrow, "The Case for Rage and Retribution," Time, September 11, 2001.

Two years ago a project set up by the men who now surround George W Bush said what America needed was "a new Pearl Harbor". Its published aims have, alarmingly, come true. : John Pilger :12 Dec 2002 http://pilger.carlton.com/print/124759 John Pilger, New Statesman, December 12, 2002.
Leonard Wong, Institute of Strategic Studies, Defeating Terrorism: Strategic Issues Analysis, "Maintaining Public Support for Military Operations" (http://carlisle-www.army.mil/usassi/public.pdf), quoted in 9/11: The Big Lie, 127.

911 was carried out by rogue elements within the United States government, in general within the Department of Defense and the Executive Branch, and more specifically by certain members of the Plan for a New American Century (PNAC), with the assistance of DARPA; also assisted by and through the intelligence agencies of both Pakistan (ISI) and Israel (Mossad), and Saudi Arabia. Former CIA Director James Woolsey, the coordinator of DARPA, also is a dedicated PNAC Member. Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Dov Zakheim, Richard Perle, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, all were involved in this operation, planning for which began as far back as the Reagan Administration, where these same subjects were referred to as “The Crazies.” There is in fact, probable cause for the arrest and prosecution of these subjects in regard to the 911 Attacks, however, this will never occur as the Dept. of Justice would be the entity charged with prosecuting and investigating these charges.
There are indications and reports that certain segments of the military, under certain commanders, are prepared to arrest the President and these other subjects as listed above, in the event another major terror attack occurs. The emergency appointment of a true independent special prosecutor and a specially appointed independent investigatory body would seem the most effective option, but even that has complications. The President as Commander in Chief, controls the military, or least large sections of it. But Congress has the power to address this danger, if it does so in time. It will take strong courage and leadership to do so.
Congress has been effectively rendered inactive as to the truth of the 911 Attacks; the anthrax attacks shortly after 911 was intended as a signal to Congress, i.e. a message, that they could be “gotten to” anytime as needed. It was a specialized terror attack specifically targeted at the Congressional Branch of government. That’s why the anthrax, which was a US ARMY AMES strain, was sent to both congressional leaders, and that is why the President and Vice President began taking (*See attached exhibit marked Section-A) CIPRO antibiotic on 09-11-01 when there was no apparent knowledge that anthrax had ever been a threat whatsoever, but apparently the White House sure knew about it! Indeed, the federal postal workers, some who died, were not so advised of any such threat…and I cannot be certain, but Congress was not advised on 09-11-01 to start taking CIPRO. And yet still the public knows nothing about the true nature of the Anthrax Attacks, as it know nothing about the true nature of the 911 Attacks! Another important aspect is that the Anthrax Attacks were intended as a Psychological Operation (PSY-OPS) to demoralize and dissuade at both a conscious and subconscious level. This President seemed have a habit of not acting on 911, and watching other people die. First in the classroom in Florida on 911 when he could have ordered the evacuation to the World Trade Center and the Pentagon after the first strike plane strike on WTC-1, and the second time when he and the Vice President took CIPRO to protect themselves against Anthrax (which no one else knew about) while postal workers and other citizens are left to be killed by it.
FLASHBACK!!! October, 2001: President Bush says he thinks it is preposterous for anyone to think a videotape showing Osama bin Laden boasting about terrorist attacks in the United States is fake. Speaking at the White House Friday, the president called such criticism of the tape “weak support for an incredibly evil man.” Mr. Bush said the video is genuine and shows the Saudi exile as a “devious and cold-hearted murderer who laughs about suicide bombers.” You can find links to the original reports and the video in question here: http://www.help-for-you.com/news/Dec2001/Dec15/PRT15-79Article.html
The FBI says it was this guy….
The Dept. of Defense and CIA says it was this guy….
The subject shown in the video is not Osama-bin Laden. This imposter is much heavier, has a totally different nose, and is not even the same race as Osama. He has been reported to be a Jamaican national serving as an agent for Pakistani ISI and the CIA. This video was the sole “evidence” upon which the United States linked Osama bin-Laden and the Taliban to the 911 Attacks. (Note: The Department of Defense had had this video posted on its website, but once the suspicions of the video came out, they removed it from their
website. Why? If they stood by its validity, and claimed it was authentic, why remove it? Why hide it? Why not stand by your evidence? Obviously they did not want people looking too closely at the video, that’s why.) The President had to come up with a way to make this connection if he was to launch a war into Afghanistan, and thus convince the American people. There had to be an admission or confession, so one was manufactured. It is no wonder the President was so defensive back in October 2001, (see above) when many sources claimed the video was in fact a fake. And then we had the oft-vetted WMD evidence to go into Iraq, which turned out to be false as well. It is absolutely astounding that the American people, are for the most part, so gullible and naïve, that they are shown such a video by the mass media, and take that as a valid confession and evidence of guilt. It does speak volumes as to the effect of Psychological Operations methods upon the collective consciousness of the masses. Consider that the CIA assisted in the creation of the Pakistani ISI, that the ISI then created the Taliban and provided them with aid, comfort, and a regional staging area in Afghanistan. Then consider that the CIA created Al-Queda, http://www.geocities.com/libertystrikesback/afghans.html , and then consider that Al-Queda was joined with the Taliban with the assistance of the CIA and ISI.
Picture comparisons:
The next target of the Executive Branch / Dept. of Defense, will be the Federal Courts, i.e. Judicial Branch, which is the last remaining obstacle between it and unfettered authority to act with impunity, in any way it so desires, with no congressional oversight, and no legal restraints. One more large terror attack, and this scenario will occur. And then it will be up to sections of the US Military to do their sworn duty, to protect this country from all enemies, foreign, or DOMESTIC…
FLIGHT – 175:
Are you aware, that it was not a commercial 767 airliner that struck Twin Tower #2 on 911? In fact, it was a modified, highly retrofitted military 767, flying by remote control using advanced but current Global Hawk type technology. The aircraft that struck Twin Tower #2 has a cylindrical pod on the bottom of the aircraft, and it does in fact fire some form of projectile into Tower #2 a moment before impact. There is video proof of this aspect as well. Such things are not standard equipment for a commercial airliner, and Boeing has advised they could not comment on this extra aircraft equipment due to “national security” concerns. National security concerns!!!??? I guess that anytime the government wants to hide incriminating evidence, conduct terrorist operations against its own citizens, or invade other countries based upon fabricated evidence, all it has to do is say, “national security” or “state secrets” and all is taken off the table and hidden from view. And even more ominous is the question of what actually happened to the passengers and the real Flight-175…based on the evidence, there is some logic and credibility to this possibility:
· The number of passengers on each of the four flights was kept artificially low.
· All four planes were commanded to turn off their transponders, maintain radio silence, and land at a military base. The caller explained the order as a response to a terrorist attack.
· Before each of the planes landed, a decoy was sent up to match its flight path, either above or below it, so as to fool air controllers into thinking that the decoy's radar blip was from the original flight.
· Once all of the planes had landed, all the passengers were herded onto Flight 93, which then took off and was destroyed over Pennsylvania.
· The Twin Towers and Pentagon were hit by the remote-controlled aircraft.
The Barcelona daily La Vanguardia, which has run a series of articles based on a technical report on this pod, asked Boeing about these features, who claimed they were unable to respond. See for original reference: http://www.amics21.com/911/enigma.html
See also: Flight-175: http://www.thoughtcrimenews.com/secondplanearrow.jpg
"...What you will hear is a clip from NBC reporter Pat Dawson on the morning of 9/11.
In it he discusses the comments of Albert Turi, the Chief of Safety for the New York City Fire Department. Turi reported not only that there were numerous secondary explosions within the towers but that there was also a bomb on one or both of the planes that crashed into the towers. This would explain why video footage shows both planes emitting strange flashes before they hit the towers, as well as the 'pod' on the underbelly of Flight 175..."
See also: http://www.amics21.com/911/mysterious.html

In re. to the pod/cylinder/missile/projectile/ignition/flash combo on the alleged Flight-175, Boeing was contacted and provided with pictures of this anomaly. After some time, Boeing staff and engineers, having had the opportunity to examine and analyze these anomalies, responded, when asked to comment on these anomalies, and the response was none of these:
A. "We don't see anything - there is nothing there"
B. "That a normal part of the plane - a wing mount or pylon"
C. "That’s really strange - we have no idea what that is."
But rather:
D. "We cannot comment due to national security."
That should tell you something….does that fallback phrase sound familiar at all??????
(See attached marked Exhibit Section- B)
There is also evidence that 5 of the so-called “hijackers” were trained to fly aircraft at military bases, and they were in all likelihood CIA operatives, who were assisting the FBI conduct a terrorist sting operation involving the hijacking of aircraft, this sting operation being also conducted on 911. These two operations, both the terror war games, and the probable FBI sting operation, unbeknownst to the parties and agents involved, served as a platform for which the 911 attacks were both launched, conducted, and later covered up.
There is absolute proof that no 757 airliner struck the Pentagon .
Muslims Defy Laws of Physics at the Pentagon:
Scroll down to the Pentagon pics. Look at the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th pics shot from above. Now the "plane" smashed straight into the Pentagon right? Go a step further, and say the "plane" struck at an angle, pointing to the right angle. Try matching up the entry angle to the round exit hole. Print it out and use a straight edge ruler if you want to. Look at the perfect round hole exiting straight out of the exit point. No flying object hit the Pentagon. It is IMPOSSIBLE that an object hit and entered, at the location they have stipulated, and then exited leaving a perfect circle in the location they have stipulated. IF the exit hole would have been caused by an object hitting, entering the area they have stipulated, then the hole would be jagged, asymmetrical, blasted and torn out from the side at an angle, as the object would have caused the exit hole from ANGLE, not from straight on, but...it could not have exited there if it hit straight-on!! Do the math. Any object hitting where they say it hit could not have left a clean symmetric round hole, which is flush and straight on. Please also explain how a 65 ton 757, traveling at hundreds of miles per hour, with the kinetic energy of a freight train, loaded with jet fuel with a BTU rating of 860,000,000, crashed into the side of the Pentagon, and leaves a nothing but some scorched tiles and hole only a few yards wide? Where is the damage to the lawn? The public was only shown pictures of the Pentagon after the section collapsed, much later on. But look at the pictures taken before the collapse. Where did the wings go, the tail, the seats, luggage, plane parts, bodies, engines, landing gear? 65 tons of metal and its contents, all simply folded and compressed itself in that little hole. Truly those Muslims had some special magic box cutters! And then, in regard to the “exit” hole which is a almost a perfect circle about 12 feet wide in the third ring of the Pentagon, the Pentagon first said the “nose” of the plane exited there. Then they said it was an “engine” that exited there. This is not possible. No object which struck the outside of the Pentagon where they said it struck, could have exited in such a manner. An analysis of all the evidence indicates that this section of the Pentagon prewired for a channeled explosive blast. A bomb at the front / outside of the building and channeled shaped explosive charges leading back to where most of the people were killed in the Pentagon, including the Naval Intelligence Command. The exit hole itself was also caused by such shaped explosives.
There is a video confession, on file, by the owner of World Trade Center complex, that the largest building in the Trade Center complex next to the Twin Towers themselves, i.e. WTC-7, was brought down by a controlled pre-planned demolition. There is also clear evidence that another building, WTC-6, and the Twin Towers themselves were brought down by controlled demolition as well. Indeed, close investigation of the video of the “collapse” of WTC-1, WTC-2, and WTC-7 show clear evidence of demolition charges going off, including showing the blasting charges ejecting from the buildings. The firefighters inside the building radioed that they could hear these explosive charges, and later surviving firefighters explained what they observed close-up:
Explosive Video - New York Firefighters Telling of 911 Controlled Demolition, Bombs!
See also: http://www.prisonplanet.tv/articles/may2004/050504bombsinwtc.htm
See also: http://prisonplanet.tv/articles/april2004/042704secondaryexplosions.htm
See also: http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/analysis/towers.html
There is clear evidence that Flight-93 was shot down over Pennsylvania, that the alleged cell phone calls by “victims” were forgeries using current voice morphing technology. There is credible supposition that Flight-93, which was shot down over Pennsylvania, was targeting Congress on 911, but that part of the 911 Attack was interrupted by a fighter pilot following orders, orders not from Dick Cheney, but from his North Dakota Air National Guard Adjutant General Commander. Thus this pilot likely did not “stand-down” as was intended by the perpetrators.
See: http://letsroll911.org/articles/flight93shotdown.html
SIBEL EDMONDS – FBI ANALIST Sibel Edmonds and Behrooz Sarshar, beginning in December of 2001, began filing reports to their superiors at the FBI. These reports could lead to the collapse of a corrupt power structure that has a stranglehold on the very institutions that are obligated to control it. We cannot excuse these institutions, for while they fiddle, they pass death sentences on their own troops, and on the people of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Sibel Edmonds is a former FBI translator. She blew the whistle on the cover-up of intelligence that names some of the culprits who orchestrated the 9/11 attacks. These culprits are protected by the Justice Department, the State Department, the FBI, the White House and the Senate Judiciary Committee. They are foreign nationals and Americans. Ms. Edmonds is under two DOJ “gag orders” that forbid her to testify in court or mention the names of the people or the countries involved.
JH: “Let me read you a short quote from Dr. Griffin's book, quoting from War and Globalization: The Truth Behind September 11 by Michel Chossudovsky and ask you to comment on it. "...The transfer of money to Atta [$325,000], in conjunction with the presence of the ISI chief in Washington during the week, [is] the missing link behind 9/11....The evidence confirms that al-Qaeda is supported by Pakistan's ISI (and it is amply documented that) the ISI owes its existence to the CIA." Jim Hogue, Interviewer
SE: "If they were to do real investigations we would see several significant high level criminal prosecutions in this country. And that is something that they are not going to let out. And, believe me; they will do everything to cover this up."--Sibel Edmonds, former FBI translator http://baltimorechronicle.com/050704SibelEdmonds.shtml

These are the letters which the DOJ tried to retroactively classify. Letters in the public domain for years suddenly become secret because of one person's willingness to keep blowing that whistle. Even members of Congress have been put under a “gag order” by Attorney General Ashcroft after those members were briefed by Ms. Edmonds:
Sibel Edmonds - Whistleblower Video
Security' Blocks FBI Critic Case
Lost in Translation
Statement of FBI Whistleblower Sibel D. Edmonds and her
We should have had orange or red-type of alert in June
or July of 2001

*Pay special attention to Page-13 of the document for relevancy to 911.
Formerly top-secret documents give insight into type of thinking that goes on in some Pentagon minds. Now declassified 40 years later, we must ask, if this is what they had planned then, what do they current have planned or what is actually in progress right now? 40 years from now, we will look back and say the same thing about 911. Personally, I do not intend to wait that long. Another sobering aspect. We did not learn until 40 years later, that Cuba had a Russian manned, nuclear tipped missile armed, loaded, and locked onto Omaha, NE at this concurrent time period, to be launched if America invaded Cuba. What if JFK had went along with this plan? Then we learn that the same PNAC members who were in the Reagan Administration, and who are now in very high Pentagon and White House positions in the George W. Bush Administration, were the same ones during the 1980s who came up with Operation Orpheus which, among other things, proposed engaging the Soviet union in a limited nuclear exchange. This is why, within intelligence circles during the 1980, they were referred to as “The Crazies”. According to retired Navy Lt. Cmdr. Al Martin, a former officer in the Office of Naval Intelligence, a plan was hatched in the 1980s by the Reagan-Bush administration to provoke a limited nuclear war with the Soviet Union to cover up Iran-Contra crimes and install a military dictatorship in the U.S. Under the scenario, George Bush Sr. would have been president of the military government. Also involved in the alleged scheme were Iran-Contra criminal Oliver North and CIA Director William Casey.
Operation Northwoods, as a document, titled “Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba” was provided by the Joint Chiefs of Staff as an official military plan to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara on March 13, 1962, as the key component of Northwoods.
Written in response to a request from the Chief of the Cuba Project, Col. Edward Lansdale, the Top Secret memorandum describes U.S. plans to covertly engineer various pretexts that would justify a U.S. invasion of Cuba.
These proposals - part of a secret anti-Castro program known as Operation Mongoose - included staging the assassinations of Cubans living in the United States, developing a fake “Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington,” including “sink[ing] a boatload of Cuban refugees (real or simulated),” faking a Cuban airforce attack on a civilian jetliner, and concocting a “Remember the Maine” incident by blowing up a U.S. ship in Cuban waters and then blaming the incident on Cuban sabotage.
The following excerpt from James Bamford's "Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency" (Doubleday, 2001) provides very disturbing information that is directly relevant to the events of September 11, 2001.
Indeed, we must wonder if the inexplicable intelligence and air defense failures claimed by US Government agencies are simply part of some elaborate cover story. Even worse, we must consider the possibility that the September 11th attacks on New York and Washington were simply a bigger, badder version of the faked Gulf of Tonkin "incident," which was successfully foisted upon a gullible US public to push them into supporting the war against Vietnam, and provided Lyndon Johnson with the pretext for sending in the first substantial ground troops into Vietnam, more specifically, 5000 Marines at DaNang. 58,000 U.S. Military personnel would be killed, and many more wounded, based upon a false pretext.
"The chilling Senate study concluded by warning of a revolt by senior military officers such as the one portrayed in [the movie] Seven Days In May. . . . Finally, the Committee specifically pointed to General Lemnitzer and called for an examination of the relationship between him, his chiefs, and the extreme right-wing groups. Outwardly, Lemnitzer remained stiff and correct. But deep inside he was raging at the new and youthful Kennedy white house . . . although no one in Congress could have known it at the time, Lemnitzer and the Joint Chiefs had quietly slipped over the edge."
Body of Secrets, by James Bamford
Former investigative producer for ABC's World News Tonight with Peter Jennings; Author of The Puzzle Palace, (1983)
You surely will not see any of this information and evidence being mentioned by the so-called “independent” 911 Cover-Up Commission, even though much of this evidence and proof was in fact forwarded to the Commission from hundreds of people across the nation. Did the Commission even investigate this evidence? No. Even though every aspect of the official story of 911 can be either be: 1.) disproven, 2.) ruled out, 3.) found to be extremely improbable, 4.) found to be impossible in violation of the laws of science, physics, psychology, probability, forensics, and crime scene processing. This applies to information contained within the 911 Cover-Up Commission report, the so-called “independent” commission, serving as a Government damage control, truth suppression, and data manipulation entity. The 911 Cover-Up Commission, hand-picked by the Bush Administration, and administered by a White House staffer, asked no real questions, and its final report is an organized system of ignorance, a stupidity, a premeditated idiocy. The chairman, Tom Kean is a close associate of the Bush Administration. Why do you think the Commission forbade a 911 widow from serving on the Commission? Too many real questions would be asked! But keep asking yourself this question: With all of this proof and evidence crying out for investigation, analysis, and review…the 911 Cover-Up Commission does not address ANY of it. Perhaps I am wrong, but the Commission did not even address the issue of the aforementioned terror war game drills that were in progress on 911. It is said where there is smoke, there is fire. In regard to government complicity in 911, it looks like a blast furnace.
In addition to the aforementioned aspects I have listed, there is an astounding additional plethora of evidence and proof, both in support of these aspects, as well as other related aspects which are too lengthy to be covered in this memo. Many others and myself are concerned for your personal safety Senator. These people are nothing to screw around with. The last public official who presented a threat of exposure of the 911 complicity, was murdered along with his pilot and his entire family. His name was Paul Wellstone. I would urge you to network with other elected officials if you are going to confront these massive crimes against humanity, in that there is safety in numbers. Some of these are Tom Paine, Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Dennis Kucinich, etc. I would also suggest demanding full time Secret Service protection for you and any other official who confronts these mass murderers. Quite frankly, it is my honest judgment that Congress should pass an immediate emergency resolution to have Congress secured and protected by as many Secret Service agents, police, etc., and any other resources as necessary, so that a full scale true investigation may be conducted; indeed the scope, nature, and the parties involved strongly justify such an action. Congress, as a viable branch of our government, is in jeopardy.
They murdered an entire Naval Intelligence Command at the Pentagon to eliminate evidence and potential witnesses to their 911 Attack operation, which was most probably intrinsically linked to the aforementioned war game drills that were in progess on 911. They will not hesitate to kill again if they feel they are going to be exposed further.
This is also the a large factor in the likelihood that another larger government sponsored “terror” attack is pending in the near future, to take the attention off of what is being discovered about the 911 Attacks, and to declare martial law, etc. The weapon of choice may likely be a tactical nuclear device in large city, with Iran being the likely scapegoat. At that time, anyone can be arrested for no cause, and held with no charges and no trial, for any length of time, and that includes elected officials, as well as citizens. The Patriot Act, and the pending Patriot II, was just an appetizer in preparation for the main course.

If you wish to learn additional information, evidence, and proof of these and other aspects, I would be glad to have a hard copies forwarded to you for your review at no cost. I have attached at the bottom of this memo, some additional informational / investigatory resources for your review as well.
Video documented evidence analysis:
911 Media/News Outlet:

Conduct additional comprehensive research / investigation – 911 generally:
The New Pearl Harbor - Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11
by David Ray Griffin, foreword by Richard Folk - Online Edition:
“Griffin shows, with insight and a firm grasp of the many dimensions of the global security policy of the Bush Administration, that getting 9/11 right, even belatedly, matters desperately. The layer upon layer of unexplained facts, the multiple efforts by those in power to foreclose independent inquiry, and the evidence of a pre-9/11 blueprint by Bush insiders to do exactly what they are now doing on the basis of a 9/11 mandate is why the Griffin assessment does not even require a reader with a normally open mind. As suggested, 30-percent receptivity will do, which means that all but the most dogrnatically blinded adherents of the Bush presidency should be convinced by the basic argument of this book.”
Read it On-Line: http://vancouver.indymedia.org/news/2004/06/141355_comment.php
Flight 93-research and investigation source:
RICO 911 lawsuit against government:
1. http://911forthetruth.com/
2. http://911forthetruth.com/pages/pressRelease.pdf
Additional Pentagon / Flight 77 investigation / research:
In re. cell phone usage on aircraft – calls by passengers: (Note: research indicates many family members who received calls from alleged passengers on the flights noted odd speech patterns and strange comments. Ex: One passenger allegedly called his mother, and stated stated his full name, i.e. “Hi mom. This is John Smith. We are being hijacked.” Other reports state that none of the cell phone calls appeared on the phone bills of the passengers.
See: http://www.nypress.com/17/30/news%26columns/AlanCabal.cfm
See: http://feralnews.com/issues/911/dewdney/project_achilles_report_3_030426.html
In re. current voice morphing technology:
See: http://www.public-action.com/911/voice-simulation/
See: http://mi.eng.cam.ac.uk/~hy216/VoiceMorphingPrj

Bush Administration Stonewalls On Production of
Documents Concerning Decision to Put Staff on Cipro
Beginning September 11, 2001
Brentwood Postal Workers Denied Treatment While
White House Protected Itself
Judicial Watch Wants to Know Why White House Went on Cipro Beginning September 11th
What Was Known and When?