David Ray Griffin - The New Pearl Harbor (2004).pdf

David Ray Griffin - The New Pearl Harbor (2004).pdf 1703 KB a_truth_soldier Aug 29, 2008
. Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 911

Written by a theologan(!)


At Amazon one review is insightful, possibly indicating a cult influence at work in Griffin's writtings, and definitely a cult appeal:


1.0 out of 5 stars Disturbing questions about the author, December 19, 2004
This review is from: The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11 (Paperback)
If there's any case to be made for another investigation of 911, it would have to be better reasoned and more robust than this book. I'm very disturbed that in America today, people on the Left and the Right accept anything that fits their world view without any critical thinking.

Any intellectually honest examination of the questions raised in this book would preclude the writing of the book at all. The author uses innuendo and citations of citations (some of which I couldn't even verify) to cobble together an inchoate mess that makes no good argument for anything except for better education in America.

Having been raised on JFK books, I can testify that Griffin's book could have been written using a template for conspiracy theories. The author starts out with the usual disclaimer of having come to his startling revelations after being a believer of the "official theory." Then he goes on to cover himself by stating that although some holes might be found in his arguments, there are so many arguments that the totality argues for acceptance. Finally he makes the stock claim that he's not arguing for a position on what happened on 911, only arguing for another investigation. This is all from Conspiracy Theory 101.

In addition to innuendo, Griffin resorts to such FoxNews-type tactics as "those familiar with the facts" when "those familiar" are Internet conspiracy theorists. Do we really want the standard of investigative research in America to be on the level of a polemic? God knows we have no real investigative journalism going on in the mainstream media, but that doesn't mean we fall to the level of whatever is out there.

The author calls for a Congressional investigation but why would he trust the conclusions of the government? He also disparages the ideas of civil engineers who have theorized about the Twin Towers' collapse, some of whom were involved in building the towers. Who are these magical investigators who will make Griffin believe? They don't exist. This is just like JFK in that no matter how many investigations are conducted, no matter how many qualified experts offer data, the results will be met with, "Well, they're probably in on it or they can't be objective because the thought that the government is involved is just too hard to contemplate."

Case in point, there has already been an extensive forensic examination of all remains from the Pentagon. All but a couple of the victims on Flight 77 and in the Pentagon were identified by DNA and odontology. It doesn't matter because the folks lauding Griffin's book, if they read the report at all, will dismiss it as being written "by the government." Nevermind the professional credentials of those investigators who carried out the work. They're all in on it. Same goes with the NTSB investigation of the 757 crash.

I'm sure Griffin has the best of intentions. I have no position on the argument in his book, i.e. that there should be another investigation. I have a serious problem with his methodology. This is not the level of public discourse we want if we want a vital, informed democracy. There is a fundamental flaw in these overreaching mythologies in that they examine nothing and posit everything.

But in the end, this is a religious argument. By that I mean that it is argued by a True Believer and no contrary evidence can be countenanced.

If those of us on the Progressive side of the political debate want to be taken seriously and if we seriously believe in the power of Progressive ideals and principles, we'd better be a hell of a lot more rigorous than this in the way we frame our ideas. Griffin's book does not meet that ideal and in my opinion, is the kind of weak distraction that feels good for those who want to demonize those with whom they disagree, but is harmful to the debate that needs to occur in a democracy.

That debate is about how we examine the important questions of our time. Methodology is important. The arguments in this book only meet the standards of Creation Science...and it requires the already-converted to believe them. 
 Whatever Griffin's original motives, he's been hijacked[kidnapped?] to pump out propaganda for the far Nazi right, notably the American Free Press.

 todd fletcher at 911blogger:  http://911blogger.com/blog/5125


Dave Gahary interviews Tod Fletcher on the book he helped David Ray Griffin write, Cognitive Infiltration, which dissects President Obama's Information Czar's paper on how to deal with conspracy theorists.



 American Free Press is a Nazis friendly publication:


According to one former correspondent, the newspaper's direct ancestor was the publication The Spotlight,[1] which ceased publication in 2001 when its parent company, Liberty Lobby, was forced into bankruptcy. Like The Spotlight and Liberty Lobby, Willis Carto, one of America's most influential political racial theorists known for his promotion of antisemitic conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial, was one of its founders.
Like The Spotlight, the newspaper describes itself as "maverick, independent grass-roots media". It proclaims a "populist and nationalist" political orientation.[2]
"The Israelis literally control our press all except a few of us, the American Free Press and The Barnes Review and a few other patriotic, independent publications around the country. They control our Congress… . Any one of them [members of Congress] is liable to rise up on the floor at anytime and deliver a speech praising Jews and Zionists and Blacks and Indians and heaven only knows, but can you imagine any one of them standing up and praising White Christians?"


Writers for the newspaper include Michael Collins Piper, whose work has been characterized as anti-semitic,[4] and James P. Tucker, Jr., a longtime Spotlight reporter whose focus is the Bilderberg Group. Articles by Carto also appear occasionally. James Edwards, who now hosts The Political Cesspool (broadcast as a service of the neo-Nazi Stormfront) was also a former writer for the newspaper.
The newspaper also runs columns by Joe Sobran, James Traficant, Paul Craig Roberts, Ron Paul, and others. The newspaper's podcast series has featured mainstream guests including Brian Baird, Philip Giraldi, Dean Baker, and others.[5]
Attendees of the 2006 American Free Press / The Barnes Review conference included [6] Arthur Jones, former member Nationalist Socialist White People's Party [7] and USS Liberty investigator Tito Howard. Dr. Hesham Tillawi whose show has been called "a megaphone for Holocaust deniers and white supremacists seeking to broadcast their hatred and anti-Semitism into American homes"[by whom?] also was a speaker.
Some authors of the American Free Press such as Michael Collins Piper and Carto-affiliated institutions such as the Center for Historical Review have published books which have been published in paper and electronic format on the America First Books website America First Books.[8][9] William B. Fox is the publisher. It promotes nationalist viewpoints similar to those of the American Free Press and its authors. On its website it is explained why "supporting nationalism, to include even certain forms of 'white nationalism' makes good long term business sense"


The Southern Poverty Law Center considers it a hate group[10] and claims that it "carries stories on Zionism, secret 'New World Order' conspiracies, American Jews and Israel."[11] One of the newspaper's ex-contract reporters, Christopher Bollyn, is sometimes cited for his reporting in the 9/11 Truth Movement. The Anti-Defamation League has criticised the newspaper and, in particular, Bollyn for linking of prominent figures in the Jewish community with the events of September 11, 2001, and in September 2006 attacked the newspaper for disseminating "antisemitic propaganda".[12]
Many contributors such as Mark Dankof[13] and Mark Glenn are also contributors to Iran's PressTV television station. The website Veterans Today which advocates moderate views towards Iran and Syria also carries content created by AFP.[14] According to Accuracy in Media, "Press TV spews out unending streams of anti-American propaganda", and refers to Dankof as a Ron Paul supporter who is also a "Press TV propagandist". In a May 2011 article Dankof protested the British government attempting to shut down Press TV, blaming it on "media outlets and correspondents with provable connections to the American Jewish lobby; Israeli intelligence; and Neo-Conservatives thirsting for a War of Civilizations with Iran specifically, and the Islamic world generally.” [15] In a May 2011 article, Dankof also quoted from and wrote that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion accurately reflect the state of the world. He lauded PressTV as one of the few exceptions to the Jewish control of the media.[16]