Jewish Supremacy: My awakening to the Jewish Question
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eErnest Duke
Sun 16 Dec 2001 09:09:53 PM PST
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a_truth_soldier | Aug 29, 2008 |
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With great 1 star reviews like this:
1.0 out of 5 stars eloquent nonsense,April 25, 2006 ByThis review is from: Jewish Supremacism: My Awakening to the Jewish Question (Hardcover)David Duke is, along with William Pierce, the intellectual powerhouse of the neo-Nazi/white supremacy movement. He has a Ph.D. (in history, no less), and he wrote his dissertation on Zionism and Jewish influence, which, apparently served as one of the foundations for this book. Duke is also a politician, and even ran for president, which is a terrifying thing to consider, since this book, which promotes his ideas and interpretations of Jews, is little more than a polemic very much like Mein Kampf, only with more sophisticated language and footnotes. One of the Duke's primary arguments is, of course, that Jews are responsible for just about everything bad. He links to them to Communism and a whole series of other "subversive" activities and movements, and believes they are waging a war of sorts against the white race, by helping to encourage multiculturalism/multiracialism, and he sets out to prove that Jews were involved with the NAACP, and other civil rights organizations. As if this is a bad thing. As for Communism, Duke draws attention to the fact that many Jews have been involved with Communists, like the Rosenbergs, who were executed as Soviet spies in the 1950s. Marx, of course, had Jewish heritage, though he was an atheist. Trotsky was Jewish, as well. As was Julius Martov, the leader of the Mensheviks. Stalin, however, was not Jewish. Neither was Molotov, the Soviet foreign minister who helped Stalin purge the foreign ministry of Jews (calling it a kikes' nest). Molotov had replaced a Jew named Litvinov, who had been replaced so the Soviets could deal with the Nazis. Many of Stalin's Commissars were not Jewish, nor was Lavrenti Beria, the head of the NKVD, responsible for thousands if not hundreds of thousands of executions. It seems as if Duke simply wants to deny that Stalin and many of his cohorts were white, and that Stalin came from Georgia, a nation that had historically been staunchly Orthodox Christian.
Stalin, of course, killed and sent many Jews to gulags. Duke also neglects to explore the reasons why Jews might have found Communism/Bolshevism appealing. Tsarist Russia was virulently anti-Semitic, with Jews being blamed for economic problems (though they, like so many other Russians were victims of horrible repression during centuries of tsarist rule), and also being subjected to persecution consistently throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries. If Communism promised to change the current system of government, why would Jews not find it appealing? Of course, there were many Jews who fled the Soviet Union and never did like Communism, but it was better for them to stay in Russia than to fall into German hands. Jews in Poland and western Ukraine welcomed the Soviets when they invaded in 1939, because of continual anti-Semitism in those regions. Duke obviously espouses white supremacy and survivalism; Zionism is really nothing more than Jewish variations of these things, and yet he condemns it, and claims it poses a threat to the white/European/Christian race. His comments on the Talmud, and the passages he chooses to quote from the Talmud are occasionally taken out of context. One passage frequently cited by anti-Semites seems to suggest that it is okay to have sex with girls as young as three, but the real meaning of this passage is much different.
The Talmud is not the main holy book of Judaism. The Torah is. The Talmud, as I understand it, is a book of rabbinical commentary and wisdom. If Duke and other Christians want to lay claim to the Old Testament, which is full of verses talking about mass murder of people with different beliefs, then it is awfully hypocritical of Duke to talk of how the Talmud encourages the murdering of gentiles (or goyim). I will not even begin to address his thoughts on the Holocaust, many of which should not be surprising, considering the audience this is written for. Duke's doctoral degree is in history, and he should know better. There is so much evidence verifying the actuality of the Holocaust, that those who continue to deny it are simply ignoring things they know will forever tarnish the reputation and image of their precious Third Reich and their wonderful Fuhrer. Some may find this book to be full of nothing but absolute truth, but, for the rational reader, many of Duke's claims are crazy and pathetic, as he more or less condemns an entire group of people, by linking ALL of them to things like Communism and Zionism. It is akin to portraying all Catholics as alcoholics or child molestors, which, of course, is absurd.
If the reader is curious, for God's sake don't buy it. Download the pdf for free here:
Promoting David Duke takes all doubt away that this Yahoo group and it's owner have a racist/Anti-semetic agenda.