Mohan Shunned... (fractured thread) Re: [9-11-NeXuS] Re: Wood is a Total Fraud! ...Re: Cartoons/Dr. Judy Wood

Mohan Shunned... (fractured thread) Re: [9-11-NeXuS] Re: Wood is a Total Fraud! ...Re: Cartoons/Dr. Judy Wood
Posted By: Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:58 am  |
Hi Ed, Peter, and Susan, it sometimes seems that the 9-11 activists who are smart, courageous, and honest are few and far between. 

Has anyone besides me noticed how this has rolled out?  This buffoon, Mister Thomas Potter, sent me an unsolicited e-mail full of DEW, Judy "fraud" Wood balderdash.  My reply is attached below but the long and excellent analysis of Doctor Kendrick and my reply analogizing "fraud" Wood's propaganda opus to a "shit sandwich" were not included.

Have we not seen these same tactics over and over again with the Fetzer Bozons?  It's all designed to be a huge diversion and mind-numbing waste of time... et voilà! we are.

It's so funny that Potter would say, "Your actions [Ed] along with Dennis Mitrzyk, and Peter Wakefield Sault remind me of school children sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting LA, LA, LA, LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" because that is precisely what Mohan Rao did yesterday when i tried to talk with him about this!

On a personal note to Mohan, who just happens to live in the Andes near me, i have this to say:  Congratulations, your performance of a grown man running around with his fingers in his ears going "na, na, na, na..." like a spoiled five-year old (i'm not making this up!) has garnered you an Academy Award Nomination for your role in "Home Alone 5: Alone in the Dark with Scary Aunt Judy "fraud" Wood" and your disrespectful treatment of me has earned you a coveted place on "Galen's Shun List". 

Mohan, the bottom line for me is once someone has shown themselves to be in "bad faith", i don't want anything more to do with them.  You don't like my energy? ...well guess what? ...i don't like your energy either, and i want nothing more to do with you.  And no, i'm not going to pretend like we're "buddies" because we're not and i don't believe in "convenient" lies.  As is my policy, your shunning does not extend to your son or wife unless they decide to imitate your duplicitous treatment of me.  There was just so much wrong with your behavior towards me yesterday that i'm not willing to even begin outlining it here.

By the way, Mohan, you have several times insisted you've seen me mad.  I've insisted you've never seen me mad.  So, you're calling me a liar.  Let me tell you something, if you were to actually see me angry, though i doubt that this will ever happen, there would be no denying it.  I occasionally have lost my temper over the years, so i know what it feels like.  Trust me, no one in this peaceful town has ever seen me angry and i prefer to keep it that way.  This is precisely why i have a Shun List.  Once i realize i'm at odds with someone and they demonstrate pathological hypocrisy and "bad faith", i'd rather just have nothing more to do with them.  I don't wish you ill, i just wish not to interact with you anymore.

For truth and justice -- galen 

PS: Yes Potter, my legal name is Dennis Joseph Mitrzyk.  I don't think that's a big secret.  I'm sure your bosses know.

On 10/10/2012 7:18 AM, Ed Kendrick wrote:
"The Evidence" is said to be unique to DEW, however, toasted cars, building materials turned to dust can be explained by thermitics used in combination with high-velocity explosives.  Allegations of steel turned to dust are unproven--and poor quality video evidence, upon seeing the NIST videos, is clearly seen not to support the conclusion that steel was turned to dust.  See my previous unanswered points which I will not take time to copy/paste into this rebuttal. Â

Potter remains silent (ignorant?) about what constitutes the scientific method and "irrefutable evidence".  He seems not to realize that the Judy Wood DEW explanation is a hypothesis.   "LA, LA, LA, LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"  In the obvious ignoring of every point that has been made, Potter's accusing others of willful ignoring is a big lie called "projection".

Fortunately, we have 10 disciplined scientists (Jones, Harrit, et. al.) who have published a paper that has yet to be refuted--proving the presence of nano-thermite and byproducts (iron spherules) in the World Trade Center dust.

Neither Wood, nor Hightower dispute the finding of nano-thermite and iron spherules with a scientific analysis of equal or greater persuasion.  The biggest disappointment of Judy Wood and Mark Hightower is their entry on the scene by throwing out the nano-thermite discovery as if it didn't matter and is irrelevant in explaining what happened.  Hightower might have started with courteous congratulations to Jones/Harrit and noted simply and correctly that higher blast velocities were required than nano-thermite could produce.  Instead, both Hightower and Wood introduced their work with rejection of the Jones/Harrit (Bentham) report. 

The Judy Wood DEW explanation is a hypothesis that has yet to be tested and reported upon in the scientific literature.  If DEW is obvious as alleged, surely, there are twenty scientists who see the "obvious" DEW evidence and are willing to put their professional reputations on the line by performing testing and reporting the results in a scientific paper..

And since Potter cannot articulate what he alleges is obvious and ignores substantive refutation, the best characterization of Potter so far is "book salesman" (assuming he has good intentions) and the more likely characterization is "disinfo agent".

Ed K

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 9:00 PM, Peter Wakefield Sault <peter.sault@...> wrote:
A man who uses the verb 'to dustify' wants me to believe in ray guns from Outer Space.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Potter [mailto:mr_thomas_potter@...]
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 12:46 AM
To: 'Ed Kendrick'
Cc: 'Mohan Rao', 'Marti Oakley', 'Zan Overall', 'Wendy Campbell', 'Jerry Mazza', 'Stephen Lendman',
'Adrian Salbuchi', 'T. Mark Hightower', 'Tim Titrud', 'Criminal Zionist Slooth', '9-11 NeXuS',
'Peter Wakefield Sault', 'Susan Clarke'
Subject: Re: Wood is a Total Fraud! ...Re: Cartoons/Dr. Judy Wood

"The first glaring error is claiming Dr. Wood's hypothesis to be irrefutable."

Dear Ed,

Dr. Judy Wood does not present conjecture or a hypothesis. She presents overwhelming, conclusive, and indisputable evidence that leads to the conclusion of a Directed Energy Weapon "dustifing" the whole World Trade Center Complex. You cannot convict someone of a crime unless you know what crime has been committed. I encourage you to read WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? Your actions along with Dennis Mitrzyk, and Peter Wakefield Sault remind me of school children sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting LA, LA, LA, LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU! And I mean that in the nicest possible way dearie.

Why am I thinking about Dr. Christian Szell from the 1976 movie Marathon Man?

Thomas Potter

--- On Tue, 10/9/12, Ed Kendrick <whole2th@...> wrote:

From: Ed Kendrick <whole2th@...>
Subject: Re: Wood is a Total Fraud! ...Re: Cartoons/Dr. Judy Wood
To: "Thomas Potter" <mr_thomas_potter@...>
Cc: "Mohan Rao" <mohaninthesky@...>, "Marti Oakley" <ppj1@...>, "Zan Overall" <zn365@...>, "Wendy Campbell" <info@...>, "Judy Kemecsei" <judyk8@...>, "Jerry Mazza" <gvmaz@...>, "Stephen Lendman" <lendmanstephen@...>, "Adrian Salbuchi" <arsalbuchi@...>, "T. Mark Hightower" <T.M.Hightower@...>, "Tim Titrud" <oregontt@...>, "Criminal Zionist Slooth" <taboo_but_true@...>, "9-11 NeXuS" <>, "Peter Wakefield Sault" <peter.sault@...>, "Susan Clarke" <s.1234567@...>
Date: Tuesday, October 9, 2012, 3:52 PM

My previous reply was courteous and formed in a manner of scientific methodology per Mohan's polite request.  Your reply does not have such politeness and is deserving of an in-kind response (or even better, no response).  

The scientific method (hypothesis-->theory-->scientific fact) is missing in your argument.  Sophistry is your game, Mr. Potter.

The first glaring error is claiming Dr. Wood's hypothesis to be irrefutable.

My how you botch the science with your middle school analogies!

It is sychophants of Dr. Wood like you who convince me that Dr. Wood is a distraction to the already well-development controlled demolition theory.

As many realize, the more we divert our energies from WHO did 9/11, the longer these enemies of mankind have to consolidate their holdings and plunder new territories based upon the lies of 9/11.

We all agree that 9/11 was not done by those who are claimed to have done it.

Your sincerity and strategic sense (your intention) will be apparent as you either continue a sophistic argument or engage WHO did 9/11 with the vengange and energy that the crime deserves.

And, in the spirit of intention, Mr. Potter, please explain how a proof of DEW makes any difference at all in WHO did 9/11--and how we might IN PRESENT TIME--approach those with motive, means, opportunity and the complicity of Congress/media/Hollywood, heads of state and others.  How does this argument about HOW change the WHO--and especially, WHY SHOULD WE BE DRAWN TO THIS DISTRACTION WHEN WE COULD NOW BE PURSUING INDICTMENTS, ARRESTS and TRIALS which would facilitate understanding about the HOW?

Dr. Ed Kendrick Development Group
Charter Member of Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Thomas Potter <mr_thomas_potter@...> wrote:
Dear Mr. Rao,

Thank you for pointing out that  Mr. Dennis Joseph Mitrzyk's personal attack was instigated as a means to ignore the the evidence that not only a Directed Energy Weapon exists but that it was demonstrated for the whole world to seeon September 11, 2001. The integrity, irrefutability, and solidity of Dr. Judy Wood's research, however, as well as its importance, have not protected it from programs of denial, disinformation, falsehood, and smear. In light of the seemingly indefatigable attack-and-disinformation campaign mounted against it, her research and book will outlive us all and hold a singular position in world history.

For those who have difficulty comprehending this fact, remind them that "Empirical evidence is the truth that theory must mimic". It isn't the other way around. Dr. Judy Wood presents evidence that leads to the conclusion of a Directed Energy Weapon used to selectively "dustify" buildings with a WTC prefix. She does not present a theory. To solve a problem, we must first begin with defining the problem. Here is a simple quiz:

1. Were the towers once there? (yes or no)

2. Are the towers still there? (yes or no)

3. Did most (over 50%) of the towers turn to dust? (yes or no)

Choose the question that corresponds to their answer to #3 above:

4. (a) If your answer to question #3 was "no," Please review the empirical evidence contained in WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? more carefully or find someone who can.

4. (b) If your answer to question #3 was "yes," Does there exist a mechanism or technology capable of doing this? (yes or no)

==> If your answer to question #4b was "yes," we are in agreement.

==> If your answer to question #4b was "no," please explain your contradiction, claiming something occurred that was impossible to occur.

When "white man" first arrived on the American continent with firearms, indigenous people did not need to know the serial numbers of their weapons to understand what they can do. They didn't need to have seen such weapons in order to know that there exists a weapon that can fire a piece of metal fast enough to kill their brother. Likewise, by the end of the day on August 6, 1945, the people living near Hiroshima, Japan, did not need to understand how a nuclear bomb works in order to know that there exists a technology that can produce enormous amounts of heat or to know that there exists a super-duper Kinetic Energy Weapon (KEW) that is capable of destroying an entire city.

1.) Did an unknown (secret) technology kill Native Americans and Japanese civilians? Yes, both groups of people were killed with an unknown (secret) technology.

2.) Was a demonstration of the unknown (secret) technology proof that it existed? Yes, both groups of people knew that the unknown (secret) technology existed from witnessing its demonstration.

3.) Did both groups of people need to know how the unknown (secret) technology worked to know that it existed? No, neither group of people needed know how the unknown (secret) technology worked to know it existed.

4.) Was an unknown (secret) technology demonstrated on September 11, 2001 in New York City? Yes, the empirical evidence proves that an unknown (secret) technology was demonstrated.

5.) Was a demonstration of the unknown (secret) technology on September 11, 2001 in New York City proof that it existed? Yes, we know that the unknown (secret) technology exists from witnessing its demonstration.

In your short list of evidence you mentioned Hurricane Erin which is covered in Chapter 18 (pages 395-412) of WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? I find this subject of particular interest.

This is the introduction to the chapter:

"It was a beautiful early-autumn morning in New York City. September 11, 2001, started out calm, with pleasant temperatures and crystalline blue skies. Some had taken time to do early morning errands. But very few of those people, in fact very few among the entire population of New York City, knew that a massive hurricane was located at that very same time just off the shore of Long Island. That storm was Hurricane Erin, as seen in Figure 411:"

Why was Hurricane Erin traveling straight for NYC from September 3rd-11th 2001, yet it was not reported on by any major media broadcast in that area? Most people are totally unaware that Hurricane Erin came closest to New York City and reached its largest size on 9/11. Hurricane Erin was slightly larger than Hurricane Katrina (i.e. Kinetic Energy as measured by Accumulated Cyclone Energy Index*), and hurricanes rarely head straight for NYC, so why wasn't it reported on by any major corporate media station? Furthermore, why was Hurricane Erin still not reported on when it reached its closest point to NYC on the morning of September 11th, just before it diverted from its straight-line trajectory by suddenly turning and heading out to sea? How were meteorologists absolutely certain that this hurricane would make a sharp right-hand turn away from New York City? Not only is New York City near sea level, but so is most of Long Island. Evacuation from those areas would be a mammoth undertaking and could not be organized at a moment's notice and yet the public remained uninformed. The data shows that Erin slowed down as it approached New York City and then remained almost stationary during the morning of 9/11. Immediately after the World Trade Center complex was attacked, Erin began to move away from New York City. Coincidentally, Hurricane Erin was studied more than any other hurricane had been studied before, and more was learned from it than had been learned from any hurricane before it.

NASA Makes A Heated 3-D Look Into Hurricane Erin's Eye
Hurricane Erin raced across the North Atlantic and along the eastern seaboard in September 2001. She was used as an experiment for a study to improve hurricane tracking and intensity predictions, allowing meteorologists to provide more accurate and timely warnings to the public.

The mission originated from the Naval Air Station in Jacksonville, Fla. The mission united researchers from 10 universities, five NASA centers and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. CAMEX-4 is a series of field research investigations to study tropical cyclones — storms commonly known as hurricanes.

Mission Summary - Hurricane Erin

9/11 Morning Weather Reports | NYC Not Warned of Approaching Hurricane Erin

Geraldo Rivera“If Only a Hurricane Had Come on 9/11″ at 00:49
Even veteran hurricane sleuth Geraldo Rivera didn't know about Hurricane Erin as this September 3rd, 2010, broadcast of Fox & Friends demonstrates!!!

*The accumulated cyclone energy index (ACE) for Hurricane Erin was HIGHER than the ACE index for Hurricane Katrina. This subject is covered in Chapter 18, section E, page 405 of WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO?

Accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) is a measure used by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to express the activity of individual tropical cyclones and entire tropical cyclone seasons, particularly the North Atlantic hurricane season. It uses an approximation of the energy used by a tropical system over its lifetime and is calculated every six-hour period. Kinetic energy is proportional to the square of velocity, and by adding together the energy per some interval of time, the accumulated energy is found. As the duration of a storm increases, more values are summed and the ACE also increases such that longer-duration storms may accumulate a larger ACE than more-powerful storms of lesser duration.

Thomas Potter

--- On Tue, 10/9/12, Mohan Rao <mohaninthesky@...> wrote:

From: Mohan Rao <mohaninthesky@...>

Subject: Re: Wood is a Total Fraud! ...Re: Cartoons/Dr. Judy Wood
To: "galen" <denzen@...>
Cc: "Thomas Potter" <mr_thomas_potter@...>, "Marti Oakley" <ppj1@...>, "Dr Edward J Kendrick" <whole2th@...>, "Zan Overall" <zn365@...>, "Dr Tom Tvedten" <tomtvedtenmd@...>, "Wendy Campbell" <wendy@...>, "Judy Kemecsei" <judyk8@...>, "Jerry Mazza" <gvmaz@...>, "Stephen Lendman" <lendmanstephen@...>, "Adrian Salbuchi" <arsalbuchi@...>, "T. Mark Hightower" <T.M.Hightower@...>, "Tim Titrud" <oregontt@...>, "DeZionizer" <dezionizer@...>, "Criminal Zionist Slooth" <taboo_but_true@...>, "9-11 NeXuS" <>, "Peter Wakefield Sault" <peter.sault@...>, "Susan Clarke" <s.1234567@...>
Date: Tuesday, October 9, 2012, 1:35 AM

My feeling is that we should not attack Thomas P. on a personal level. We should look at the evidence and not resort to personal attacks, obviously.
I think we can all agree on this point.

Just to throw in my two cents, I recently finished reading Where Did The Towers Go and I have to say, the evidence is very solid (no pun intended.)
I wanted to find any holes in her analysis so I read it slowly, very careful to understand each and every point she made. It is 500 pages with many pictures and several diagrams.
With my bachelors degree in materials science and engineering, I was able to understand everything she presented. Not too difficult for someone with a BS in any science or engineering field.

I am sure that anyone who reads her book would agree - the evidence, without any analysis, stands on its own. I encourage anyone interested in this topic to check it out.

Before reading the book, I was very skeptical of any claims that went beyond the generally agreed upon idea that some kind of explosives were used.
It obviously wasn't the planes that caused it, so it must have been explosives, right?

[By the way, before reading her book, I read Steven Jone's arguments against Wood's book and thought he had a reasonable argument. After reading her book, I feel it is obvious he is being disingenuous.]

After looking at the evidence, not necessarily any analysis of pieces of evidence, just the evidence itself, it is clear that no type of explosives could have been be used.
This is based on the simple formula for a falling body, time = root of (height over 1/2 G), and the fact the buildings took around 10 seconds to completely collapse (video and seismic evidence.)
If each floor waited for the floor above to touch it before it started moving down, it would take over 96 seconds for all 110 floors to reach bottom. This is assuming the floors offer no resistance (resistance would increase the time considerably.)

If you are generous and assume that, say, every tenth floor gives away so the building collapses in 10-floor packages, then it would still take over 36 seconds.
Any explosives, whether dynamite, thermate or mini-nukes,  would had to have started the explosions on each collapsing floor about 2.4 seconds before the 10-floor package above reached it.
The videos we have all seen over and over again have shown a single collapse wave, not one with 2.4 second gaps between huge explosions.

On the particular topic of thermite and thermate, it is my understanding that chemical residue cannot actually be positively identified because it is simply a mixture a metal and a metal oxide, like Al and Fe2O3, and the addition of sulfur and barium nitrate in thermate. With or without the use of thermite/thermate, you would expect to find both aluminum and iron oxide in the dust because the outer skin wheatchex are aluminum and the core columns are steel.

There are so many anomalies that indicate a directed energy weapon was used. If you read the book, it's too hard to refute the idea.
I believe that the only way you could honestly disagree with her findings in the book is to not read it.

Here's a short list of evidence that must be explained:
  • collapse in about 10 seconds
  • cylindrical holes in WTC 6 about 25feet in diameter 
  • flipped over cars in between upright cars
  • cars that looked burnt but were not heat damaged, up to a half mile away from the towers
  • engine blocks completely destroyed but not by heat
  • seismic data
  • extreme magnetic anomalies in Alaska coinciding with the attacks
  • unusual amounts of dust
  • large amounts of 0.10 micron size dust (unusually small)
  • Strange occurrence, media reporting and behavior of Hurricane Erin
  • no damage to the fragile "bathtub" that keeps out the Hudson River
  • the very unusual circumstances with the attempted repair of Bankers Trust building
  • the huge volume of dirt brought in and out of the site
  • the list goes on...

If anyone would like to respond to this, please keep it scientific and friendly. I don't wish to be called star-struck or an idiot! LOL! Galen, I highly recommend that you review Wood's evidence before stating that it is false because of someone else's opinion, someone who may not be honest. I know we all want to get to the truth and are really on the same side, so we should work together as much as possible, respecting our differences and learning from each other.

I also appreciate your efforts in seeking and understanding the truth behind the massive amounts of disinformation.
I would like to create a slide presentation on the evidence of a directed, free-energy weapon and would like to run it past you, Galen, to see what you think of it. I would appreciate your honest critique and suggestions.

With respect and honest curiosity,

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 7:03 PM, galen <denzen@...> wrote:
Thomas, apparently, in your mind, the fact that both thermite and nano-thermite were found in the debris of the WTC is not the kind of empirical evidence that counts.  The fact that this evidence was published by an international team of scientists, all of whom having the PhD degree that seems to have you star-struck by Wood, doesn't seem to constitute solid evidence to you.

Wood is a total fraud whose sole purpose is to divert people away from the "smoking gun" of nano-thermite, a "smoking gun" that points straight at the head of Mossad, Israel, and Global Zionism.

You're obviously an idiot.  This is not something i'm willing to debate with you so please

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