Webster Tarpley - 911 Synthetic Terror (2004).pdf

Webster Tarpley - 911 Synthetic Terror (2004).pdf 2363 KB a_truth_soldier Aug 29, 2008

 Conspiracy magnum opus of veteran Larouche cult leader Webster Tarpley.   The Larouche cult heavily pushes various anti Jewish conspiracies and pioneered much of the dog whistle code words people can be duped into using, but followers and cadre who know the message will receive a double meaning.

For instance when Larouch/Tarpley talks of London BANKERS, they really mean JEWS. 

New World Order?  Most people interpret this vaguely as rich people/corporations.  The target audience knows it means JEWS.

Bilderbergs?  Not just descendants of a rich family...JEWS.

Venetians?  JEWS

British Royal Family?  In thrall to the JEWS

Tarpley dances around what "outside force" is supposedly controlling/blackmailing the US government in his book.  But his followers know he means THE JEWS.


One Amazon review shows the reader how Tarpley has mixed documented information with conspiracy bullshit to present a compelling case, even when his sources are obviously Larouchie.  It also shows his Tarpley has succeeded in hiding his Larouche past from  unwitting members studying conspiracy theories; it indicates the dominate conspiracy culture leadership has helped hide or downplay Tarpley's Larouche connections, enabling the dangerous fascist network that harbors Nazi propaganda:

This is 1 of the most enigmatic and dangerous books I've ever read; (and I consider myself to have read many). The book through maybe over the first 2/3rds or so of itself does an outstanding job of exposing Bush & the fascistic phony neocons for what they are; unfortunately Tarpley does it primarily through grotesquely partisan and highly questionable sources like Executive Intelligence Review and the New Federalist which are revoltingly Lyndon Larouche's sinisterly propagandistic rags. Fortunately for Tarpley much of Bush's & the neocons fascism, along with some of the most controversial parts of his book, can be checked and cross-referenced through other sources. There were a few things that Tarpley came up with that I thought,"where did he get that?" which he doesn't source.

Can be downloaded free at indymedia:
