Berkowitz-Truth_About_9-11.pdf | 2418 KB | phollings1 | Jul 29, 2007 | ||||||||
One of the best intros to 911 (in my opinion).
Making the
Case for Our
The Truth About
by John Berkowitz
To announce that there must be no criticism of the
president, or that we are to stand by the president,
right or wrong is not only unpatriotic and servile,
but is morally treasonable to the American public.
– Theodore Roosevelt
imagine you’ve chosen to read this paper for one of two
reasons: You hope I can tell you something you don’t
know about what happened on September 11, 2001. Or,
you think I can’t. Or possibly both.
You can call the FBI (I did); their number is on the web
site. And if you ask them they will tell you what they told
me: “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama bin
Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard
evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”1
On the other hand, you may simply be surprised to learn
there is an alternative “truth” to everything you have been
told about 9/11. After all, you read the paper, watch the
nightly news, even listen to talk radio now and then. Why
wouldn’t they tell you everything they know about the
greatest and most deadly attack on American soil?
No hard evidence? Whatever evidence there may have
been – which was not sufficient for the FBI – was sufficient
to send us to war in Afghanistan. In fact, on October 3,
2001 National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice, said
publicly that the administration was going to release their
evidence that connected bin Laden to 9/11.2 To date they
have released no such information. What’s even more eye-
opening, we have learned that in 2005 the CIA officially
closed “Alec Station,” the unit formed to hunt for bin
Laden. 3
I strongly suspect you know more about Paris Hilton than
you do about 9/11. Not because you are more interested
in shallow Hollywood gossip, but because the mainstream
media is. Can you remember the last time you heard any
actual news? Not a sex scandal, not the thirty-seventh
update on the latest white female abductee, not some new
legislation to protect us from our neighbor, or the latest
political talking point. News; things that happened in the
world which you should know about, things that might
actually affect your life.
This is news. This is the kind of revelation that 10 or 20 years
ago 60 Minutes would have devoted all 60 of its minutes to.
But not today. Why? There are two big reasons.
The first is the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which
was supposed to open the media industry up to greater
competition, but in fact allowed a tiny number of giant
corporations to own virtually all of America’s TV, radio,
print, and video outlets.4 Which means that all across the
nation local and national news outlets speak in virtually one
voice – a voice which can be purchased for a few corporate
tax cuts. And who makes the tax cuts?
Let me give you an example.
On the FBI’s national web
site ( there is a
listing for Osama Bin Laden
(they spell it “Usama”). If
you view the list of crimes for
which he is wanted you see
that the attacks of 9/11 are
not listed. In fact he is wanted
for nothing more recent than
1998 and the deaths of “over
200 people.”
Go ahead and look. I’ll wait.
The second reason is fear. It used to be, if you were a good
reporter and had a portfolio you could be proud of, you could
get a job anywhere. So the more ambitious investigative
reporters didn’t worry if their sensational exclusive pissed
off the sponsors or the top brass – they could just go to a
competing paper which was more than happy to pick up a
juicy exclusive. But where do you go when all of the papers
Osama bin Laden
The Truth About 9
are owned by one or two companies? So, unless you’re Dan Within days, identical letters containing lethal doses of
Rather, and have decades of solid reputation under your anthrax were sent to Daschle and Leahy. The Senate and
belt, you keep your nose squeaky clean. And look what House of Representative buildings were evacuated and
happened to Dan Rather. sealed. The Patriot Act was rushed to a vote and passed.5
But if that isn’t enough intimidation (and it’s enough for The anthrax cases were never officially solved, but all of the
about 90% of the mainstream media), there is President anthrax was traced to a single laboratory in Ames, Iowa,
Bush himself, actually using his spokesmen (backed by where the FBI allowed the samples to be destroyed.6
presidential muscle) to threaten the press corps, “suggesting”
that if they pursue certain lines of questioning, they will be
blackballed. Don’t believe me? Ask Helen Thomas.
Fear is a powerful motivator. Remember Homeland
Security’s color-coded terrorist alert system? Yellow,
orange, red. They were like a national siren: “Be afraid, stay
afraid, fear everyone.” Could something like that be used
There are even subtler and deadlier threats out there.
Remember the anthrax letters of 2001? Do you remember
who got them? Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, and the offices
of every major network and several minor ones. And two
other gentlemen of note.
Tom Ridge, the Homeland
Security Chief who invented
the scheme, said he often
felt that the evidence was
too flimsy to justify raising
the threat level, but that his
department was overruled.
“More often than not we
were the least inclined
to raise it,” Ridge told
we disagreed with the
intelligence assessment.
Sometimes we thought
even if the intelligence was
good, you don’t necessarily
put the country on (alert). ... There were times when some
people were really aggressive about raising it, and we said,
‘For that?’ ” 7
On October 2nd, the U.S. Patriot Act was introduced in
congress. Senate Democratic Majority Leader, Thomas
A. Daschle, wanted to delay debate in the Senate until
he and others could read the 300+ page bill. Meanwhile
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman, Democrat Patrick
J. Leahy, warned that rushing this bill through would cause
lawmakers to overlook serious constitutional flaws.
We’ve all been manipulated by fear – motivated to vote for
one candidate over another, motivated to accept without
complaint ideas and laws that work against our own and our
nation’s self-interest, motivated to accept without complaint
the news we are given. Add to that the ceaseless chorus of
“conservative” talkers (who magically morphed from shock
The Truth About 9
jocks to pundits without pausing to take a breath). This
virtual army speaks in a single voice from every media
source, branding any contrary thinker with a scarlet letter
that can – and has – ended careers. The “liberal media”
is as mythical and about as mighty as a frog prince, and
anyone claiming to have been impacted by it belongs in the
same ward as the Emperor and his new clothes.
Many of these sites are valuable
sources of collected information
and ongoing analysis, where
the lay public can see raw video
footage, documentaries, white
papers and order books and
DVDs. But the sheer volume of
them is cause for confusion, as
conflicting theories compete for
legitimacy. This is because, unlike the well-organized army
of conservative pundits who speak in harmony, the 9/11
Truth Movement is a loose-knit swarm of individualistic
mercenaries all trying to out-shout each other. The deeper
one explores, the more it begins to feel as if some of these
sites are just intent on winning the Rube Goldberg Award
for the most outlandish and convoluted explanation of the
events of 9/11. Or as some legitimately suspect, resourceful
agents of a highly motivated opposition party are planting
absurd theories to both discredit the Movement and to
incite fighting among the non-comms.
There is yet a third reason to distrust the news you’ve been
fed. On February 20, 2002, the Pentagon announced the
existence of the Office of Strategic Information, which was
“quietly set up after September 11” to plant false stories abroad,
send phony e-mails from disguised addresses, and engage
in other covert activities to manipulate public opinion.
This announcement created such a public outcry that the
OSI was declared closed only six days later. Soon thereafter
the “temporary” Office of Global Communications was
made permanent, taking over all of OSI’s functions except
(reportedly) the covert manipulation.8 However when
discussing the closing of the OSI, Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld declared, “I went down that next day and said
fine, if you want to savage this thing fine I’ll give you the
corpse. There’s the name. You can have the name, but I’m
gonna keep doing every single thing that needs to be done
and I have.”9
Those of us seeking the truth about 9/11 cannot afford to
be distracted by such bickering. Truth – just like liberty
and freedom – must not only be fought for tooth and nail,
but maintained at all costs. We put our trust in our leaders
and gave away our own diligence, and the price we pay is
news stories about Tom Cruise’s baby in a time of global
war. So I will break from many of my brethren in the 9/11
Truth Movement and report and pursue only those facts I
can prove or confirm, and explore only those theories which
can be reasonably supported with accepted science and
forensics techniques.
Do you still wonder if you’ve heard all the news? Don’t
– you haven’t. Nobody has. 1984 is only 20 years late.
Then if you accept that there are truths left unspoken by a
government with an agenda, it should be a short leap to the
hidden truths of 9/11.
In Part I I will explore the physical evidence of the three
crash sites, and demonstrate why this evidence does not
support the official story of what transpired on 9/11.
And there is a whole underground community to help you
take that leap, called simply the 9/11 Truth Movement.
This ever-growing movement was started when four 9/11
widows pushed our government to form an independent
investigation. These “Jersey Girls”
are the same women “pundit” Ann
Coulter declared were “enjoying
their husbands’ deaths.”10 Since
2001 the 9/11 Truth Movement
has attracted thousands, many
of them former and current U.S.
military personnel, university
professors, airline pilots, eye-
videographers, award-winning
investigative researchers and
Ann Coulter
reporters, forensics specialists,
and noted experts in every field. Many them have formed
web sites and organizations of their own under the umbrella
of the Truth Movement, to raise awareness, take action,
or share conspiracy theories –, www.,, to list a few.
In Part II I will discuss the myriad of cases of unexplained
behavior by officials responsible for the response to
the events of 9/11 and others connected to those events,
including the President and members of his cabinet. I will
also discuss the many problems with the 9/11 Commission
Report and with the committee and the investigation
In Part III I will make the case for complicity,
demonstrating how high-ranking members of our own
government – including the President himself – not only
had foreknowledge of the events of 9/11, but went out of
their way to facilitate or even organize those events.
However before I can make such a bold and damning case
for our governments’ official involvement in the attacks of
9/11, I must carefully lay out the evidence. Which brings
us to ....
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the
truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation
that is afraid of its people.
– John F. Kennedy
Part I
Let me refresh your memory of September 11, 2001 with a brief timeline of the important events of that day.11
7:59 am:
8:14 am:
8:20 am:
8:28 am:
8:37 am:
8:42 am:
8:46 am:
8:50 am:
8:54 am:
8:56 am:
9:03 am:
9:06-9:16 am:
9:16-9:29 am:
9:28 am:
9:29 am:
9:30 am:
9:30 am:
9:37 am:
After 9:37 am:
9:40 am:
9:50 am:
9:52 am:
9:55-10:15 am:
9:57 am:
9:58 am:
Before 9:59 am:
9:59 am:
9:59-10:28 am:
10:00 am:
10:00-10:06 am:
Flight 11 takes off 14 minutes late
Flight 175 takes off 16 minutes late
Flight 77 takes off 10 minutes late
Flight 11 is a confirmed hijacking
Flight 11 enters New York control space; Boston flight control notifies NORAD
Flight 93 takes off 41 minutes late
Flight 11 hits the North Tower of the World Trade Center
Flight 175 heads for New York City
Flight 77 veers off course
Flight 77 transponder signal disappears; Flight 77 disappears from radar screens
Flight 175 crashes into WTC South Tower; millions watch live on television; Bush continues with
Bush reads pet goat story for nearly ten minutes
Bush works on speech with staff; makes no decisions
Cleveland flight control hears sounds of struggle as Flight 93 is hijacked
President Bush makes a scheduled speech; proclaims terrorist attack on our country
Langley fighters take off toward Washington; they could reach city in six minutes but take half an
Secret Service finally rushes Bush out of school
Flight 77 turns, then disappears from radar; Flight 77 crashes into reinforced section of the
FBI confiscates film of Pentagon crash
Flight 93 transponder signal turned off; flight still closely tracked
Molten metal pours from South Tower
Firefighters reach 78th floor of South Tower; find two isolated fires
Langley fighters finally reach Washington; accounts of timing are contradictory
Passengers begin attempt to regain control of Flight 93
Ed Felt said to describe explosion and white smoke from bathroom call
Gold transported through WTC basement; EMT worker given message that WTC towers are
going to collapse; Giuliani apparently told WTC towers will collapse when fire chiefs think
South Tower of WTC collapses
Firefighters don’t hear any message to evacuate North Tower
Hijackers respond to passenger revolt
Flight 93 cell call listeners hear silence, strange sounds
The Truth About 9
10:06 am:
After 10:06 am:
Flight 93 crashes into Pennsylvania countryside
Fighter said to fly past Flight 93 crash site; witnesses report lack of plane wreckage at Flight 93
crash scene
After 10:06 am:
Bush, told of Flight 93 Crash, wonders if it was shot down
10:15 am:
Pentagon section collapses
10:28 am:
WTC North Tower collapses
12:00 Noon:
Senator Hatch repeats intelligence community’s conclusion that Osama bin Laden is responsible
After 12:00 Noon: Larry Silverstein Tells fire department commander to ‘pull’ WTC 7
1:02 pm:
Rumsfeld calls for war
2:00 pm:
fighter pilot told Flight 93 was shot down
2:40 pm:
Rumsfeld wants to blame Iraq
4:30 pm:
WTC Building 7 area is evacuated
5:20 pm:
WTC Building 7 collapses; cause remains unclear
8:30 pm:
Bush gives third speech to nation, declares Bush Doctrine
9:00 pm:
Bush meets with advisers, declares war without barriers
11:30 pm:
Bush writes in his diary, “The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today. ... We think it’s
Osama bin Laden.”
Let’s explore the physical evidence of the three crash sites, in turn.
ccording to the official government inspected,
government certified account, a hijacked Boeing 767
crashed into the upper third of each of the Twin Towers,
a.k.a. WTC1 and WTC2. In both cases the airplanes,
traveling at around 500 mph, blasted holes in the sides of
the buildings several stories high and caused massive fires
on those floors. The fires were intensely hot due to the
presence of over 10,000 gallons of jet fuel still on board
each plane.12
The towers of the World Trade Center were uniquely
designed with an exterior “steel tube” design, the center of
each exterior column only 45 inches from those adjacent.
Most steel frame hi-rises rely on interior support columns
alone, but the WTC towers supplemented their 47 core
support columns with 236 exterior support columns,
providing multiple redundancy.14 The steel used in the
construction of the towers had a melting point of about
2770° F.15 However, the “exotic” jet fuel used on AA 11
and UA 175 was only refined kerosene (also known as
Jet-A), which even under the strict,
controlled, oxygen-rich conditions
inside a jet engine can only reach
about 1800° F16 – nowhere near the
2770° required to melt the steel.
It was reported13 that the fires
were so hot that they melted each
buildings’ steel core structure and
caused its upper third to collapse
down onto its lower section,
starting a chain reaction of floor-
by-floor collapse. This is known as
the “Pancake Theory.”
Even FEMA (the Federal Emergency
conducted the investigations) admits
in its report that the jet fuel largely
burned off in the first two seconds,
and completely burned off in less
than five minutes.17 After that all
that’s left to burn is paper, carpet,
furniture, curtains ... typical house-
fire stuff. And house fires – even out-of-control blazes
– average only around 900°-1200° F.18 In the World Trade
Center the temperatures were likely even lower. If you
examine images of the burning towers (you can find them
all over the Internet), you will see that the smoke pouring
out of them was black. Black smoke is a typical indication
of oxygen-starved or low-temperature fires. The National
To most people, this explanation
sounds plausible. After all, jet fuel
is an exotic high-tech mixture that
surely must burn at thousands of
degrees in order to push 90 ton jet
planes through the sky at hundreds
of miles per hour. Obviously the fires melted the steel; we
all saw the towers billowing smoke before they collapsed.
But the difference between plausible and provable can
be great. And there are a great many problems with the
“plausible” theory. To wit:
The Truth About 9
Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) stated in its
report that it found no evidence of temperatures over 1157°
F and only rare instances of temperatures over 482°.19 In
fact, shortly before the South Tower fell, firefighters reached
the 78th floor – where Flight 175 struck – and found only
two isolated fires.20
area around the Twin Towers, reporting and interviewing
anyone with a story to tell. Most of these segments were
broadcast only once, live, never to be seen again. But a few
individuals had the foresight to put a tape in their VCR that
morning, and some of this original live footage made its
way to filmmaker Dustin Mugford, who compiled much of
it in his video, “September 11th Revisited.”25 Here are a few
of those on-the-spot eyewitness accounts:
While it’s true that any temperature fire will eventually
weaken the tensile strength of structural steel over time,
this requires that the steel itself reach that temperature at
its core – and that takes many hours of sustained application
of heat. Remember that WTC2 fell less than an hour after
impact, and WTC2 after less than two hours. This is
not sufficient time for the fires to have caused structural
collapse of the towers – even taking into account the
structural damage already caused by the airplane impacts,
which the buildings were originally designed to withstand
(they were, in fact, designed to withstand the impact of a
Boeing 707, which is slightly smaller but faster).21
“We never really even got that close to the building
and the explosion blew and knocked everybody
over.” [CBS]
“The FBI is here as you can see. They have roped
this area off. They were taking photographs and
securing this area just prior to that huge explosion
that we all heard and felt.” [Fox News]
“It just went ba-boom, it was like a bomb went
off, and it was like holy hell
coming down them stairs,
and then when we finally
got to the bottom we were
coming out ... and another
explosion came ... sent
everyone flying...” [CNN]
It should also be pointed out that no
steel-framed hi-rise structure has
ever collapsed due to fire. Consider
the 62-story First Interstate Bank
Building fire in Los Angeles in 1988.
Even though the fire raged for over
three hours and completely gutted
four floors, no part of the building
It may no longer be possible to verify
collapsed.22 In 1991, One Meridian
these testimonies at this late date.
Plaza in downtown Philadelphia
However on August 12, 2005, the
burned through nine floors over an
New York Court of Appeals ordered
18 hour period. According to reports
the release of a collection of oral
temperatures exceeded 1000° F,
testimonies of 503 firefighters and
melting glass and aluminum window
medical workers taken in interview
frames, and causing concrete floor
form by the Fire Department of
slabs and steel beams to sag. Yet no
New York (FDNY).26 Here are some
part of the building ever collapsed.23
In 2005 the Windsor Building
– the fourth tallest skyscraper in
“I felt the ground shake, I
Madrid – burned for over 24 hours,
turned around and ran for
reaching a temperature of 1472° F
my life. I made it as far as
at its peak. Although several of the
the Financial Center when
uppermost floors eventually sagged
the collapse happened.”
and collapsed onto the lower floors,
[Lonnie Penn, E.M.T.]27
1988 First Interstate Bank Building fire
the rest of the building remained
standing.24 Compare this to a peak temperature of 1157° F
“I started walking back up towards Vesey Street.
and 56 minutes for WTC2.
I heard three explosions, and then we heard like
groaning and grinding, and tower two started to
But the World Trade Center towers did collapse, so
come down.” [Kevin Darnowski, paramedic]28
something must have caused it. According to scores of
eyewitnesses, multiple explosions rocked the towers before
“... all of a sudden you just heard, like it almost
either of them fell.
actually that day sounded like bombs going off,
like boom, boom, boom, like seven or eight ... this
On the morning of September 11, 2001, news crews from
is before the actual collapse happened.” [Thomas
every network and countless local affiliates swarmed the
Turilli, firefighter, F.D.N.Y.]29
The Truth About 9
Possibly the most damning
testimony30 comes from William
Rodriguez, a WTC janitor for
20 years. On the morning of
September 11, Rodriguez was in
sub-level 1 of the North Tower
when he and at least 14 others felt
a massive explosion in the lower
levels, below. “When I heard
the sound of the explosion, the
floor beneath my feet vibrated,
the walls started cracking and
William Rodriguez
everything started shaking.
Seconds after the first massive explosion below in the
basement still rattled the floor I hear another explosion
from way above. Although I was unaware at the time, this
was the airplane hitting the tower, it occurred moments
after the first explosion.” Seconds later co-worker Felipe
David ran into the office with severe burns on his face and
arms, screaming, “Explosion! Explosion! Explosion!”
the building, cutting the core structure in advance of
the progressing collapse.
❚ Debris, including 30 foot steel beams, was ejected
horizontally over 200 feet from the falling towers.34
Steel beams from the south tower were found embedded
20 floors up the side of 3 World Financial Center (the
Amex Tower), across the freeway from the World Trade
❚ With very few exceptions, all of the steel core and
exterior columns were neatly cut into 30 foot lengths, 36
which was a convenient length for hauling them away.
Controlled Demolition, Inc., a company that demolishes
structures all over the world – and coincidentally the
company hired to oversee the WTC cleanup – states in
its publicity: “Our DREXSTM systems ... segment steel
components into pieces matching the lifting capacity
of the available equipment.”37
❚ According to experts, the most likely – or possibly
only – process capable of quickly cutting through
structural steel is thermate, a mixture which causes a
rapid exothermic reaction typically reaching 4,500° F
almost instantly. 38 Brigham Young University physics
professor, Steven Jones positively identified thermate
residue on steel remains from the WTC.39
“He was burned terribly,” said Rodriguez. “The skin was
hanging off his hands and arms. His injuries couldn’t have
come from the airplane above, but only from a massive
explosion below. I don’t care what the government says.”
What makes all of these and other similar testimonies
especially significant is that they are corroborated by the
video and scientific analysis of the collapses, while the
official story is not. To put it bluntly, the physics simply
do not support the contention that fire brought down two
massively over-engineered steel-framed buildings. But they
do support controlled demolition of the towers.
❚ At 9:50 am molten steel is
seen pouring from an opening
high up the South Tower,40
where molten metal could
not possibly exist without the
use of thermate or some other
super-hot exothermic reaction.
Liquid aluminum from the
plane – which has a much
lower melting point – is ruled
out, as aluminum is not bright
yellow in liquid form.41
The combined application of physics, frame-by-frame video
scrutiny and laboratory analysis of physical debris do not
merely suggest controlled demolition – they virtually prove
it.31 Here are the salient points:
❚ The towers fell at free-fall speed, without even the
negligible resistance of friction. 32 A “pancake” collapse
implies that the weight of the upper floors would crush
the lower floors one by one. On September 11, the 110
floor towers collapsed in less than 15 seconds. If each
floor took only a half of a second to resist, the building
should have taken more than 50 seconds to fall.
❚ Six to eight weeks after
September 11th cleanup crews
were still digging yellow-hot
molten steel from the sub-
basements of the World Trade Center.42 In order to
be this color, the metal must be around 1900° F. This
metal contained high levels of sulpher, which was
not used in the construction of the towers, but which
would be expected in a thermate reaction.
❚ Videos show multiple examples
of explosive “squibs” blowing
out several floors below the
level of the actual collapse. 33
These are indicative of pre-
placed cutter charges inside
❚ The towers were pulverized to flour-like dust in mid-
air,43 which is in direct contradiction to the official
explanation that the crushing weight of the upper
The Truth About 9
floors caused the collapse; nothing of sufficient weight
remained to stress the floors below.
❚ Pyroclastic dust clouds (fluid, rolling, rapidly spreading
clouds) only occur in violent, hot explosions, such as
volcanoes.44 However this type of cloud occurred on
September 11 when the towers fell. An analysis of
the volume and speed of the pyroclastic flows on 9/11
using basic physics demonstrates that the gravitational
energy available from the elevated towers was not
nearly sufficient to produce such clouds.45
It is simply not physically, chemically, thermodynamically
or metallurgically possible for plane crashes and 60-100
minute fires to reduce two 110-story buildings to identical
piles of fine rubble. Any one of the above points should be
enough to initiate a legal investigation into the use of pre-
planted explosives in the World Trade Center. All eight of
them are enough to convict.
But how (I hear you demand) could 19 Muslim men armed
only with boxcutters possibly plant and wire the thousands
of charges needed to bring down the Twin Towers? They
couldn’t – that’s the point. More about this, and the
unexplained collapse of WTC Building 7, in Part II.
he case of the attack at the Pentagon is equally suspicious,
and the official story equally unlikely – but for a reason
opposite to that of the World Trade Center. Whereas the
WTC provided an abundance of physical and video evidence
for analysis, the Pentagon yielded almost none. Not even
the bare minimum one would expect to find connected
with a major jetliner crash.
to have smelled “gunpowder” or cordite48 (an artillery
propellant) at the site, rather than jet fuel.
❚ Bodies – no body parts, no blood, nor any urgency
on the part of officials on the scene to locate or treat
crash victims.49 There were, naturally, victims within
the offices of the Pentagon, however there appeared
to be no passengers at the crash site. The victims of
Flight 77 were later identified via DNA, 50 even though
the accepted account claims the fire from the crash
completely evaporated the plane they rode in on.
Among the evidence not found at the Pentagon:
❚ 60+ tons of Boeing 757 – no seat cushions, no wings,
no tail, no 6 ton titanium engines.46 Plane crashes are
messy, and a 757 is a massive piece of equipment. If
a 757 crashed into the Pentagon you would expect to
see a large field of debris littered with huge chunks of
twisted, scorched metal. With the exception of very
few pieces – one wheel, part of a landing gear, a piece
of an engine rotor – virtually all of the debris could be
picked up by hand and showed no fire damage.
❚ Luggage – no clothing, no suitcases, no shoes, no
personal effects.51 As I said, plane crashes are messy.
Except this one.
❚ Impact hole – no hole large enough for an entire plane
to disappear into (since virtually no debris remained
behind on the lawn). 52 Before the collapse of a large
section of the Pentagon about 20 minutes after the
initial crash, the only hole through the building’s
façade was about 18 feet in diameter and centered on
the second floor. The diameter of the fuselage of a 757
is about 12 feet. But the wingspan is about 125 feet,
and the tip of the tail is about 44 feet from the ground.
If they did not get left behind on the lawn, where did
they go?
❚ Jet fuel – no environmental toxic clean-up.47 If tens
of thousands of gallons of jet fuel had been spilled at
the site of the crash, the EPS would have required such
a cleanup of the soil. Also, some witnesses claimed
❚ Fire damage – no damage consistent with a fire hot
enough to completely consume a 60+ ton airplane
(since virtually no debris remained behind on the
lawn).53 After the damaged section of the Pentagon
The Truth About 9
collapsed, the interior directly
above the crash became
furniture, computers, even
books completely untouched
by fire.
the official story that American
Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757,
crashed into the Pentagon.
Those few larger pieces of debris
I mentioned earlier – part of a
small engine, part of a landing
gear, a wheel – might be from a
757. Or they might be from one
of any number of other aircraft,
both civilian and military. As
for the rest of the debris, several
small, twisted pieces of metal
were found with what appears to
be hull lettering consistent with
an American Airlines 757.57 What
is odd about these lettered pieces
– aside from the lack of fire damage
– is that there were so many. As
one researcher put it, “80% of the
evidence outside the Pentagon [was] covered in lettering
when in reality only about 1.7% of the entire aircraft actually
has lettering.”58
❚ Video – none of the 85
surveillance and security
video tapes confiscated by the
FBI from various traffic cams,
hotels and gas stations54 have
been released55 (although the
Department of Defense did
finally release two clips56 from
the Pentagon’s own security
cameras – out of dozens
– which artfully avoid showing
While it is true that a lack of evidence can not positively
prove anything, it is nevertheless disturbing and suspect
– particularly when you consider that our government has
in its possession a bonanza of video evidence which could
presumably prove the validity of the official story. The
bottom line is that – aside from what may be on those
videos – there appears to be no physical evidence to support
The other thing that was conspicuously missing from the
Pentagon attack on 9/11 was the anti-aircraft defense
system. More on this in Part II.
nsomuch as any one thing can be called the Enigma of
September 11th, it is United Flight 93 and its subsequent
crash in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The crash of Flight 93
left even less evidence, had fewer witnesses, and posed more
questions than any of the other plane crashes on 9/11.
“It didn’t look like a plane crash because there was
nothing that looked like a plane.” [Homer Barron,
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette]60
“There’s a crater gouged in the earth, the plane is
pretty much disintegrated. There’s nothing left but
scorched trees.” [Mark Stahl, CNN]61
Eerily similar to AA 77 at the Pentagon, where suspiciously
little recognizable airplane debris was recovered, and AA
11 and UA 175 at the World Trade Center where virtually
no airplane debris was identified, the crash site of UA 93
did not appear to have involved an airplane.
To be sure, something crashed in Shanksville. Many
eyewitnesses saw the approach of an airplane.62 But, as
in every other case on 9/11, 1) nothing was left that could
positively identify the plane that crashed, and 2) no formal
investigation was made to reconstruct the crash.63
“There was no plane. There was what you see, a
hole – and that is the dirt that the airliner threw
out – and the hole, about 6 meters deep ... and
that was all there was.” [Ernie Stull, Mayor of
Shanksville, PA]59
Flight 93 is infamous for the many cell phone and air-phone
calls and the reconstructed story of the passengers fighting
back with the rallying cry of “Let’s roll.”64 But one of those
calls was not publicized, and perhaps this call is the single
most important piece of eyewitness testimony to the fate
of Flight 93. First Class passenger, Edward Felt, called 9-1-
1 from the plane’s bathroom and reported that he “heard
some sort of explosion and saw white smoke coming from
the plane.”65
The Truth About 9
This was not the work of boxcutters. In fact this call, the
testimony of other eyewitnesses to the crash, and the
condition of the crash site itself all conspire – if you’ll
pardon the pun – to suggest that Flight 93 was shot down.
For example:
mph, heading almost straight down.71 In fact, the coroner
estimates only about 8% of the total body mass of all 44
people on board UA 93 was ever found, in small, scorched
pieces.72 Likewise, most debris found from the plane was
tiny, the largest pieces being smaller than a briefcase.73
... residents reported hearing the doomed jetliner
flying over at a low altitude before “falling apart
on their homes.”
What is surprising then,
considering these facts,
is the abundance of
identifiable items that were
found, virtually undamaged.
A red bandana (allegedly
used by the hijackers
according to the popular
story),74 the personal
effects of CeeCee Lyles,
a flight attendant on UA
93,75 photographs, wallets
with currency, purses
and their contents,76 and
a “hijacker instructions”
letter, written in Arabic77
(which was found in two
other places, in luggage
conveniently left behind
by hijackers allegedly on
Flights 11 and 77)78 – all
virtually unburned and
“People were calling in and reporting pieces of
plane falling,” a state trooper said.
Jim Stop reported he had seen the hijacked Boeing
757 fly over him as he was fishing. He said he
could see parts falling from the plane. [Pittsburgh
As stated before, very little debris could be seen at the crash
site. In fact debris, including one engine, was found up to
8 miles from the actual point of impact.67 This widespread
pattern of small debris is indicative of possible break-up
before impact. What’s even more disturbing is the fact
that the Cockpit Voice Recorder, when finally played for the
victims’ families and the press in April of 2002, abruptly
ended a full minute before the plane crashed. “... the tape
suddenly stops recording voices and all that is heard in the
last 60 seconds or so is engine noise.”68 What could possibly
cause this?
Also reminiscent of Flight 77 at the Pentagon, bodies did
not initially appear to be in evidence at the crash site:
“I stopped being coroner after about 20 minutes,
because there were no bodies there. It became like a
giant funeral service.” [Wallace Miller, Sommerset
County Coroner, Washington Post]69
“This is the most eerie thing,” [Wallace Miller] says.
“I have not, to this day, seen a single drop of blood.
Not a drop.” [Pittsburgh Tribune-Review]70
This is actually not all that surprising when you consider
that the plane struck the ground at an estimated 575
Compare this to the fact
that much of the evidence
“proving” that AA 77 hit the
Pentagon did not appear to
have been burned in the
“intense” fires, and that an
unusually high percentage
of the plane debris at the
Pentagon had surface paint to aid in identification. Also
compare this to the fact that the passport of alleged Flight
11 hijacker, Satam al Suqami,was “discovered” among the
rubble of the World Trade Center within hours of the
towers’ collapse.79 Coincidence?
f nothing else, the collective analysis of the physical
evidence points away from the “official” account of
the events of September 11, 2001. This alone suggests a
cover-up. Suggestions of cover-ups are nothing new, even
outside the relatively insular world of conspiracy theorists.
And certainly a lack of evidence supporting the “official
story” is no substitute for conclusive evidence supporting
a cover-up. However in this case we have evidence that
efforts were made by officials to obstruct and strong-arm
the investigations and to cherry-pick the conclusions
– evidence supporting a cover-up.
More on this in Part II.
The great masses of the people ... will more easily fall
victims to a big lie than to a small one.
– Adolph Hitler
Part II
n Part I of this exposé I examined the physical evidence
of the attacks of September 11, 2001 – the crash sites of
Flight 93 in Pennsylvania, Flight 77 in Washington, and
Flights 11 and 175 in New York as well as the subsequent
collapse of the Twin Towers.
far provided in support of their own explanation. If this
does not suggest a cover-up to most observers it has
certainly suggested one to growing numbers of people both
in America and abroad. These people – many of whom
have helped form and swell the ranks of the 9/11 Truth
Movement – have not been content to bicker over the fine
points of aerodynamics or controlled demolition. They
have begun looking into the workings of our government
agencies, and the conditions that could have led to the kinds
of breakdowns the 9/11 Commission reported.
The collective analysis of this evidence does far more to
discredit the official explanation of 9/11 than support it.
In fact, there appears to be far more evidence in support
of popular “conspiracy theories” than officials have thus
resident Bush and members of his administration
stated publicly80 and repeatedly after September
11th that they had no inkling that terrorists were
planning to attack Americans on their own soil81 or that
they had planned to used airplanes as missiles.82 However
members of the administration
have revealed literally hundreds
of warnings – both general and
specific – that were received by
Bush and his administration in
the eight months of his term
prior to September 11th.83
secret by the Bush administration until its existence was
revealed by the FBI in May of 2002. In a hastily-convened
press-conference, then-National Security Advisor,
Condoleezza Rice, stated86 that the briefing “was an analytic
report that talked about UBL’s methods of operation,
talked about what he had done
historically, in 1997, in 1998.”
“It was not,” she reiterated, “a
warning.” She also famously
declared, “I don’t think anybody
could have predicted that these
people would take an airplane
and slam it into the World
Trade Center.”
The most publicized ignored
warning was President Bush’s
August 6, 2001 PDB (Presidential
Daily Briefing), titled “Bin Laden
Determined to Strike in U.S.”84
Unlike typical PDBs which are
two to three pages, this report
was reportedly 111⁄2 pages in
length.85 This briefing was kept
In fact, it has been standard
operating procedure since
the 1996 Atlanta Olympics
to create “no-fly zones” for
certain high-profile occasions –
because of possible threat from
hijacked jetliners. Called the
“Atlanta Rules,” this extensive
The Truth About 9
set of security measures, which includes closing nearby
airspace and deploying interceptor helicopters, was used
several times prior to 9/11, including at George W. Bush’s
inauguration87 in January of 2001. In July, 2001, Italian
authorities put in place even more aggressive anti-aircraft
measures for the G8 Meeting in Genoa, including batteries
of surface-to-air missiles, fighter jets and off-shore naval
vessels. In fact, President Bush stayed on-board the
American aircraft carrier, USS Enterprise, out of fear of an
air-based assassination attempt from Osama bin Laden.88
crash an aircraft loaded with
C-4 and semtex explosives
into CIA headquarters.90
As a result the FBI
investigated various
flight schools in North
Carolina, New York,
and Oklahoma, where
al Qaeda operatives had
taken flight training.91
In fact, as recently as July,
2001, FBI agent, Ken Williams,
authored a memo detailing 10 different Middle Eastern
men attending flight school in Phoenix, AZ.92
There had also been specific warnings of terrorists using
airplanes as weapons. In 1999, for example, a report
prepared for the CIA warned that terrorists associated
with Osama bin Laden had plans to hijack an airplane
and crash it into the Pentagon.89 The report also recounts
well-known case studies of similar plots. Aside from such
warnings, our government had tangible evidence that al
Qaeda-affiliated terrorists could and would use airplanes
as missiles, in the form of the foiled “Project Bojinka” in
which Pakistani national, Abdul Hakim Murad was set to
Indeed, there were military training exercises specifically
focused on responding to hijacked planes being flown into
buildings.93 One wonders if Dr. Rice was truly as ignorant
as she claimed to have been.
ccording to the Bush administration, terrorism
has always been its highest priority – even before
September 11, 2001. Yet for the first eight months
of his presidency, George Bush held just one cabinet-level
meeting on terrorism – one week before 9/11. Richard
Clarke, the top anti-terrorism advisor held over from the
previous administration, met with President Clinton on a
weekly basis. However, upon expressing his concerns to
National Security Advisor Rice, Clarke was demoted from
a cabinet-level position to a staff-
level position.94 In contrast, CIA
Director, George Tenet, before
the 9/11 Commission, rejected
the notion that the CIA had failed
to do its job, declaring, “Failure
means no focus, no attention, no
discipline, and those were not
present in what we or the FBI did,
here and around the world.”95 But,
if this was true, certainly any of
the following occurrences should
George Tenet
have tipped off these hyper-alert
commission’s findings and their 50 recommendations
for combating terrorism in the U.S. The report
stated, “A direct attack against American citizens on
American soil is likely over the next quarter century.”
The Bush Administration was disinclined to follow
the report’s recommendations, instead announcing
that Vice President Dick Cheney would study the
“potential problem of domestic terrorism” – which the
commission had just concluded two and a half years
❚ Spring 2001: The National Security Agency (NSA)
had been recording Osama bin Laden’s satellite phone
calls since 1996, noting that the person he spoke with
most frequently was his mother, Hamida, whose line
they also monitored. In one phone conversation with
Hamida, bin Laden said he would not be able to call
her again for a long time, adding, “Great events are
about to take place.” At the time, President Bush was
so convinced that this would be the way to catch the
terrorist leader that he told the Emir of Qatar, “We
know that he’ll call his mother one day – and then well
get him.”97 No effort was made to “get” bin Laden after
this call was recorded.
❚ January 31, 2001: The bipartisan US Commission on
National Security/21st Century issued its final report
on domestic terrorism. Co-chairmen former Senators
Gary Hart (D) and Warren Rudman (R) personally brief
National Security Adviser Rice, Defense Secretary
Rumsfeld, and Secretary of State Powell on the
❚ April, 2001: In the spring and summer of 2001,
American intelligence picked up a number of reports
on al Qaeda that strongly indicated a pending major
attack against American targets. For example, in
April, 2001, one intelligence source suggested that
The Truth About 9
Osama bin Laden was interested in using commercial
pilots as terrorists. The source warned that al Qaeda
wanted to mount another attack or attacks like the first
World Trade Center bombing in 1993 – something
“spectacular and traumatic.”98
predicted upcoming attacks that would occur “on a
catastrophic level, indicating that they would cause the
world to be in turmoil, consisting of possible multiple
– but not necessarily simultaneous – attacks.”103
❚ July 16, 2001: British Prime
Minister Tony Blair received
a report from British spy
agencies, warning that al
Qaeda was in “the final stages”
of preparing an attack on the
United States. This report
was “based on intelligence
gleaned not just from [British
intelligence] but also from US
agencies, including the CIA
and the National Security
❚ April 1, 2001 – September 10, 2001: Between these
dates the FAA received 105 intelligence summaries. Of
these, 52 mentioned bin Laden, al Qaeda, or both. Five
of them mentioned al Qaeda’s training for hijackings
and two reports concerned suicide operations
unconnected to aviation. Despite all these warnings,
the FAA failed to take any extra security measures.99
❚ April-May, 2001: President Bush, Vice President
Cheney, and various national security aides were
given briefing papers with titles including, “Bin Laden
Planning Multiple Operations,” “Bin Laden Public
Profile May Presage Attack,” and “Bin Laden Network’s
Plans Advancing.” The exact contents of these briefings
remain classified.100
Tony Blair
❚ August, 2001: Russian President Vladimir Putin
ordered his intelligence agencies to warn the US that
suicide pilots were training for attacks on targets
within the United States.105
❚ May-July, 2001: During this
period, the NSA reported it
had intercepted “at least 33
communications indicating
terrorist attack.”101 None
of these communications
offered specific details. This
information was distributed
to several other intelligence
agencies. Later, National
Security Adviser Rice stated
Condoleezza Rice
that she had read “chatter
that was picked up in [2001s] spring and summer.
‘Unbelievable news coming in weeks,’ said one. ‘A big
event ... there will be a very, very, very, very big uproar.’
‘There will be attacks in the near future.”102 These
reports were dismissed.
❚ August 6, 2001: President Bush received his now-
infamous PDB, “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in
U.S.” According to the New York Times, President
Bush “broke off from work early and spent most of that
day fishing.”106
❚ September 6-10, 2001: Alarm bells sound at the New
York Stock Exchange when unusually high numbers
of “put options” are placed on American Airlines and
United Airlines stocks. A put option is a contract
locking in the selling price of a given stock for a set
period of time, so should the value of that stock fall the
contract holder can sell that stock at the set price, even
if purchased at a lower price after it fell. The put options
placed on United Airlines and American Airlines
stocks (Flights 175 and 93 were United Airlines, and
Flights 11 and 77 were American Airlines) in the days
prior to 9/11 were up to 285 times their average.107 “To
the embarrassment of investigators, it has also emerged
❚ June-July, 2001: President
Bush, Vice President
Cheney, and various
national security aides
were given briefing papers
with titles including, “Bin
Laden Threats Are Real”
and “Bin Laden Planning
High Profile Attacks.” The
exact contents of these
briefings remain classified.
However according to the
9/11 Commission, these
The Truth About 9
that the firm used to buy many of the ‘put’ options ... on been and concluded, after the events of 9/11, that “Based
United Airlines stock was headed until 1998 by ‘Buzzy’ on everything I’ve seen, I do not believe anyone could have
Krongard, now executive director of the CIA.”108 prevented the horror of September the 11th.”?109
These are but a few of the hundreds of examples exposed by It is difficult to accept such widespread and cavalier
researchers and the press; there are no doubt many more incompetence from the leadership of greatest nation
that have not been revealed. on Earth with the most advanced intelligence network
in history. But if not gross incompetence, what is the
alternative? Either they did not know an attack was eminent
(and how could they not?), or they did know.
The question one is often confronted with upon seeing the
above or any of the multitude of similar missed warning
signs is this: Could all 16 branches of the intelligence
community, the Bush administration, and even the President
himself actually have been as diligent as they claim to have
And everything that implies.
or many people who believe the U.S. was behind the
attacks on 9/11, the most clear-cut and damning
evidence is the apparent controlled demolition of the
Twin Towers (see Part I). Of particular note to these “CDers”
is the fact that at approximately 5:20 pm on September 11,
the 47-story Building 7 – which had not been struck by an
airplane – also collapsed into its own footprint at nearly
freefall speed, when the only apparent damage was a 20-
story section of the south-west corner caused by falling
debris, and two small fires in the lower levels.110
When the video record of this collapse is analyzed, it is
clear that the collapse actually begins at the top (the
penthouse is the fist part of the structure to give way), the
entire building sags in the middle, and produces pyroclastic
dust clouds, exactly like the Twin Towers.111 Yet damage
to Building 7 was minimal compared to other buildings in
the complex which did not collapse. This strongly suggests
that controlled demolition of the same order as the Twin
Towers was used to bring down WTC7.
best argument for official complicity, those who reject this
evidence point out what is, at first glance, conspicuously
absent: opportunity and motive.
Opportunity: Rigging a building for traditional industrial
controlled demolition requires months of preparation,
including wiring all of the explosive charges. How could
this have been accomplished?
Motive: What would anybody gain from demolishing one
of the richest and most well-known businesses and banking
centers in the world?
Let’s take a closer look.
Larry Silverstein, 72, is the owner of Silverstein Properties,
Inc., a real estate investment and development company
that has consummated in excess of eight billion dollars
in transactions since it’s formation in 1957.112 Just seven
weeks prior to September 11, 2001, Silverstein acquired a
99-year lease from the New York City Port Authority for the
entire World Trade Center Complex. This is the first time
in the buildings’ 31-year history that the complex changed
But while many believe that the “obvious” physical evidence
of controlled demolition of WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7 is the
The Truth About 9
Known infamously as a “private CIA,” Kroll, Inc. is a multi-
national security company employing thousands of ex-CIA,
FBI, and Special Forces people as well as forensics, data
recovery, and criminal law specialists.119 Self-described as “the
world’s foremost independent risk consulting company,”120
Kroll has one division, O’Gara-Hess & Eisenhardt, which has
provided mobile security to every US President since 1945.121
Kroll, Inc. is a subsidiary of the American International
Group (AIG) the world’s largest insurance company, along
with Marsh McLennan (a “global
professional services” firm) and
ACE Financial Solutions – all
of which are owned and run by
members of the Greenberg
Family, many of whom serve on
the Council on Foreign Relations
(CFR). The Greenbergs have some
startling connections to the Bush
family, most notably through the
Miami-based law firm, Greenberg
Maurice Greenberg
Traurig, LLP:122
ownership. Of the $3.2 billion lease, Larry Silverstein
put up only $14 million of his own money, borrowing the
There are a number of points of interest regarding this
transaction. The lease specified that Silverstein would
have the right to rebuild the structures “should they be
destroyed.”114 Silverstein also took out an insurance policy
on the complex explicitly in case of terrorist attack. After
September 11, Silverstein won a lawsuit filed against the
insurance carriers – arguing that the collisions of AA
11 and UA 175 constituted two separate terrorist events
– enabling Silverstein to collect a total $4.6 billion in
insurance payoffs.115
❚ The Greenbergs personally represent Florida Governor,
Jeb Bush.
❚ Greenberg Traurig, LLP represented George W. Bush
in Bush v Gore.
❚ On Election Day 2000 Greenberg Traurig hired the son
of Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, who then
cast one of the five-to-four deciding votes which gave
the presidency to George W. Bush.
Upon taking over ownership of the World Trade Center
Complex, Silverstein hired Kroll, Inc.116 to manage security.
Kroll, Inc. was not new to WTC Security; immediately
after the 1993 bombing, the Port Authority hired Kroll,
Inc. to analyze the entire WTC Complex and design a new
comprehensive security system at a cost of $50 million.
These security upgrades included
a complete rewiring of the entire
complex with both copper wire
and fiber optics, and the company
that was hired to integrate these
systems was Securacom.117 At
that time Marvin Bush, the
current President’s brother, joined
Securacom’s board of directors.
(Securacom also handled security
for Dulles International Airport,
where AA 77 took off on 9/11).118 Marvin & George W. Bush
❚ The Greenbergs partially funded and sponsored a
delegation of House-Senate Armed Services Committee
members and government contractors to Israel to
study torture techniques and interrogations resistance
❚ Greenberg Traurig works with 9/11 victims’ families to
receive their reparations by preparing the paperwork
by which the families agree never to sue the US
government for any reason.
The three Greenberg companies,
AIG, Marsh and ACE, were the
original insurers of the World Trade
Center Complex, however before
9/11 they sold off the contracts to
their competition (a technique known as “reinsuring”).
An odd move for “the world’s largest insurance company”
who clearly had the resources to cover this massive policy,
except that when the towers fell and Silverstein sued for
the insurance payoff, these reinsurers were left holding the
For many, this conspicuous involvement of the Bush
family directly in the security of the World Trade Center is
enough to satisfy the “opportunity” aspect of the CD theory.
However this evidence is hardly damning. Kroll, Inc. is the
real story, here.
The Truth About 9
As for the alleged demolition of the towers and Building 7,
it is not at all inconceivable that several of Kroll’s military
holdings would be able to provide both the expertise and
the technology to demolish the buildings. We know Kroll
was paid millions to study the entire complex down to the
smallest bolt, and that Securacom (and Marvin Bush) was
hired to rewire the buildings and install all-new equipment
in 1997.123 Although no hard evidence has been presented
to support this, it is possible that the towers and Building
7 could have been prepped and wired for demolition at this
time. Explosives would have to have been installed later, as
they degrade over time.
and the Mayor’s Office of
Emergency Management.
Jeremy Hauer, a Managing
Director at Kroll, Inc.,
assisted with the design
and construction of the
OEM “bunker” and Kroll,
Inc. managed it.129 This
50,000 square foot center
had bulletproof windows,
bomb-resistant walls, its own water, power, and air supplies,
and a 6,000 gallon fuel tank in violation of city fire codes.
It also had banks of surveillance equipment tied into the
police and fire departments.130 Some conspiracy theorists
have speculated that this bunker was the command center
for coordinating the 9/11 attacks, including the controlled
demolition of the Twin Towers – despite the fact that no solid
evidence in support of this theory has been forthcoming.
It has been widely reported that
in the days before 9/11 different
sections of the towers were “powered
down” for cabling upgrades.124
During these power downs, security
cameras were inoperative, as were
electronic security locks. It was
also reported that on the Thursday
before 9/11, the bomb-sniffing
dogs used by WTC security were
abruptly removed from duty.125
This would conceivably satisfy the issue of opportunity. But
what about motive?
Before 9/11 the Twin Towers were a growing financial liability;
vacancies were increasing, the structures themselves were
30 years out-of-date, and having commenced construction
before 1970 they contained 300-400 tons of asbestos.126
One is moved to wonder why Larry Silverstein was so eager
to take over the lease. From a business standpoint it could
be argued that the wisest financial move would have been
to dismantle the towers and build something else. In fact
it has been reported that some years prior to 2001 the Port
Authority had received orders from the EPA to have the
buildings completely dismantled by 2007.127 However due
to the presence of asbestos, demolition using explosives
would have been illegal, and dismantling the towers beam-
by-beam would have cost many billions of dollars – an
estimated $2.6 billion just to construct the scaffolding.
Kroll would have known the disposition of the towers when
they studied them after 1993, and Silverstein would have
learned of the EPA’s order through full disclosure during
the real estate transaction transferring ownership of the
towers to him, if not sooner.
Building 7 had its own dark history. Silverstein owned it
outright; an affiliate of Silverstein Properties, Inc. built 7
World Trade Center in 1987.128 Organizations with offices in
Building 7 included the CIA, the Defense Department, the
United States Securities and Exchange Commission, The
United States Secret Service, the Internal Revenue Service,
One result of the collapse of WTC7 is the loss of records by
the Securities and Exchange Office, who had a number of rich
companies under investigation.131 The resultant dismissal
of these cases would save these companies millions if not
billions in fines or reparations. Another office in WTC7
which lost a great deal of valuable paperwork was the
CIA’s counterterrorism and counterintelligence office.132
Could this office have had hard evidence which would have
contradicted the Bush Administration’s allegations during
its push to go to war in the Middle East?
There certainly appears to have been sufficient motive to
destroy WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7.
Oh, and before we leave this
subject, one more little detail.
Jeremy Hauer of Kroll, Inc.,
mentioned above, is the same
man who hired the WTC’s new
Chief of Security shortly before
9/11 – Former FBI agent, John P.
O’Neill. Mr. O’Neill had been a
top anti-terrorism expert who
had focused primarily on al
Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, and
was a key investigator into the
John P. O’Neill
2000 bombing of the USS Cole by
al Qaeda.133 O’Neill resigned after 25 years with the FBI
when he was passed over for a promotion to the National
Security Council due to an investigation over a misplaced
briefcase – a trivial incident then over a year old.134 John
O’Neill moved into his new office in the North Tower of
the WTC on September 10, 2001, where he perished the
following day.
The Truth About 9
Failures to Report:
he United States (jointly
with Canada) has a
highly sophisticated
military air defense system
in place, known as the
North American Aerospace
Defense Command, or
NORAD.135 Founded in
1958, NORAD consists of
Integrated Tactical Warning
and Attack Assessment or ITW/AA (continent-wide
surveillance, assessment and notification of manmade
objects in space) and Aerospace Control (Canadian CF-18
and US F-15 and F16 fighters and associated personnel
in bases throughout Canadian, US and Alaskan zones).
NORAD also has the authority to order units from other
armed services, including the Air Force, and the Air
National Guard.
According to NORAD’s timeline,137 the FAA failed to notify
them about Flight 11 until 8:40 am, 25 minutes after the
first signs of trouble and 16 minutes after receiving the
following transmission:
“We have some planes. Just stay quiet and you’ll
be okay ... Nobody move. Everything will be okay.
If you try to make any moves, you’ll endanger
yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet.” 138
Also according to NORAD’s own official timeline, the FAA
did not notify them about Flight 77 until 34 minutes after
loss of radio contact and 21 minutes after both towers had
already been struck – and Flight 77 had already made a 180°
turn and was headed directly for Washington, D.C. In fact
the FAA didn’t notify NORAD about Flight 77 until 9:24
am – just 13 minutes before it struck the Pentagon.139
NORAD’s standard operating procedure (SOP) when any
aircraft a) goes off course, b) loses radio contact, c) loses
it transponder signal, or d) disappears from radar, is to
scramble fighter jets from the nearest base – fighter jets that
are prepped and ready for combat 24/7/365 – which then
intercept the aircraft in question and attempt to establish
contact with the pilot and render assistance, escort it to
a safe landing, or if necessary, shoot it down to prevent
it from crashing in a populated area. In the year 2000,
NORAD scrambled jets 129 times.136
Failures to Scramble and Intercept:
In fact, upon notification, NORAD scrambled fighters quite
swiftly. However, inexplicably, in each case those fighters
were scrambled not from the closest bases to either the
planes or their apparent targets, but from distant bases:
But on September 11, 2001, NORAD did not follow long-
standing standard operating procedures. In fact, in order
to have failed at the level it did on 9/11, several layers of
redundancy had to all fail simultaneously – which is
unprecedented in the history of NORAD.
Those levels of failure include:
❚ Reporting: The FAA report times of flight deviations to
NORAD were several times longer than the prescribed
New York – the first base to scramble interceptors was Otis
in Falmouth, Massachusetts, eight minutes after Flight 11
already hit the North Tower and only nine minutes before
Flight 175 would hit the South Tower. Otis is 153 miles
from the WTC, but Atlantic City, La Guardia and Langley,
Virginia are all closer. The planes from Otis finally reached
the WTC 19 minutes later. This means they were flying at
around 25% of their top speed of 1875 mph. At their top
speed, those planes could have reached the WTC in less
than five minutes – four minutes before Flight 175 struck
the South Tower.140
❚ Scrambling: NORAD, once notified, did not scramble
jets from the nearest bases.
❚ Intercepting: Interceptors, once airborne, flew at only
a fraction of top speed to reach their targets.
❚ Redeploying: Fighters already airborne and within
range of targets were not redeployed to pursue them.
Let’s look at these layers of failure in turn.
The Truth About 9
Washington, D.C. – Andrews Air Force Base is charged
with protecting the capital and had two squadrons of
fighters on alert. Andrews is just over ten miles from
the Pentagon. Yet NORAD scrambled interceptors from
Langley instead, which is 130 miles away. The Langley F-16s
reached the Pentagon at 9:49 am – 12 minutes after Flight
77 crashed. They were airborne at 8:30, and at their top
speed of 1500 mph they could have reached the Pentagon
two minutes before Flight 77 did. Fighters from Andrews
were eventually scrambled – after the Pentagon had been
our country.” It was not until 9:34 am, thirty minutes after
Flight 175 struck the South Tower and it was clear that
the nation was under attack – during which time possibly
several but certainly two additional planes had been
hijacked and might be used as weapons – that the Secret
Service finally rushed the President from his publicized and
very public location.147
In contrast, Secret Service agents
“burst” into the Vice President’s
office almost immediately after the
first plane struck, and escorted him
to the underground Presidential
Emergency Operations Center
(PEOC), where he coordinated the
nation’s response to the attacks.148
Failures to Redeploy:
When the two F-15’s
from Otis finally reached
Manhattan – too late
– Flight 77, flying with
its transponder off, had
executed a 180° turn and had been flying toward Washington,
D.C. for 12 minutes. If they had been redeployed – as is the
SOP – they could have flown the 300 miles to the Pentagon
in less than 10 minutes.142
What could have caused the world’s most sophisticated air-
defense system, which worked perfectly up to September
11th, 2001, to fail so thoroughly on the day four airplanes
were hijacked and used as weapons – precisely the sort of
occurrence NORAD’s equipment, command structure and
personnel were designed and trained to deal with? Did they
become suddenly incompetent? Or were they following
As part of his responsibilities heading the new “terrorism
task force,”143 Vice President Dick Chaney had the job of
coordinating all military wargames and terror exercises.144
In fact, it can be convincingly argued that Cheney was the
acting Commander and Chief on 9/11.
When the first plane
struck the World
Trade Center at 8:46
am, President Bush
was en route to his
photo-op at a Florida
elementary school.145
He continued his
scheduled appearance,
even after being
informed by his Chief
of Staff, Andrew Card, “A second plane hit the other tower,
and America’s under attack.”146 President Bush remained in
the classroom, listening to the children read, then worked
on the speech he would later give in the school’s auditorium,
where he announced “... an apparent terrorist attack against
It was at this location and time
that the Vice President relayed
the President’s shoot down
authorization to fighters in the air,
Richard Cheney
although the exact timing of this
event varies between eyewitness accounts and Cheney’s
own account. According to Richard Clarke, this order
came before Flight 93 crashed149 (which speculators say is
corroborated by eyewitness accounts of a white military
jet in the air above Shanksville immediately before and
after the crash of Flight 93150). It was also here that
Transportation Secretary, Norman Mineta, overheard
a conversation between the Vice President and an aide
regarding the approach of Flight 77 to the Pentagon:
“There was a young man who had come in and said
to the vice president, ‘The plane is 50 miles out. The
plane is 30 miles out.’ And when it got down to, ‘The
plane is 10 miles out,’ the young man also said to the
vice president, ‘Do the orders still stand?’ And the vice
president turned and whipped his neck around and
said, ‘Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard
anything to the contrary?’ ” [Testimony before the 9/11
The Truth About 9
As we have already seen, it was possible for interceptors
from several locations to have reached the Pentagon had
they been traveling at top speed and under orders to shoot
down the hijacked plane. But since no fighters arrived until
after the Pentagon was struck, the “order” mentioned in
Mineta’s testimony must not have been to shoot down Flight
77. What other order could Cheney have given regarding
the handling of Flight 77 – when standard operating
procedure would have had fighters from Andrews Air Force
Base engage Flight 77 long before it reached Washington,
D.C.? Many believe the order was to “stand down.”
Before you dismiss this notion out-of-hand, consider the
following. One, two, or even three failures in the FAA’s
and NORAD’s response to the attacks on 9/11 could be
forgiven. But even three failures would not have been
enough to prevent them from intercepting and engaging
at least three of the four planes. Some other mechanism
must have been at work to prevent several redundant layers
of SOP from operating.
Major Kevin Nasypany, NEADS
❚ Global Guardian. Sponsored by U.S. Strategic
Command (Stratcom) in cooperation with U.S. Space
Command and NORAD, this routinely-staged global
readiness exercise is commonly called a “practice
Armageddon.” However, it is typically staged in
October or November. On September 11th, “dozens of
aircraft and hundreds of personnel” were engaged in
the operation.157
It has recently come to
light that in the days
preceding and on the day
of September 11th, at least
six different (and possibly
more) military training
operations were under
Remember, Vice President Cheney had been given
command of these operations months earlier. Here is a
breakdown of some of those exercises:
❚ Crown Vigilance, Apollo Guardian and Amalgam
Warrior. These independent military exercises
conducted by Air Combat Command, U.S. Space
Command and NORAD were all linked with other
exercises sponsored by the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of
Staff and the Unified Commands under the umbrella
of Global Guardian.158
❚ Operation Northern Vigilance. NORAD deployed
fighters to Alaska and Northern Canada to monitor
Russian air force exercises, starting on September 10th
and scheduled to end on September 14th.152 However,
upon learning of the 9/11 attacks, Russian President
Putin voluntarily cancelled the operation.153 After this,
NORAD purged the “false blips” it had injected into
the system as part of the simulation.154 This exercise
(and others) likely accounted for the fact that as many
as 29 hijacked planes showed on the radar screens on
September 11th, adding to the confusion.155
As a direct result of these exercises, most of NORAD’s U.S.
fleet – as well as other air defense forces – were well out of
range or out-of-service and effectively out of commission
on the morning of 9/11. Only a handful of NORAD fighters
were on alert when the four planes were hijacked.159 The
question being pondered by many is this: Which is more
likely? 1) that Osama bin Laden knew of our plans to
schedule an unusually high number of war games on
9/11, and that his many years of planning serendipitously
coincided with that perfect window of opportunity? Or 2)
that certain people knew an attack was eminent, wanted it
to succeed (for reasons I will discuss in Part III), and made
every effort to help it succeed?
❚ Vigilant Guardian. This week-long exercise involving
all of NORAD is described as “an exercise that would
pose an imaginary crisis to North American Air
Defense outposts nationwide.” So when Boston
flight control first contacted NORAD’s Northeast Air
Defense Sector (NEADS) about Flight 11, personnel on
duty believe it to be part of the exercise. Major Kevin
Nasypany declares, “The hijack’s not supposed to be
for another hour.”156 NEADS’ response time is clearly
affected by the confusion.
Without a full, independent, omni-partisan and unhindered
investigation into the truth about 9/11, we may never have
enough facts to answer that question conclusively. Until
then, one can only try to put aside personal bias and weigh
the evidence on its own merits.
The Truth About 9
fter any significant tragedy or other major event
that raises questions, the government response is
– and always has been – to mount an immediate
investigation, unleashing the full weight of the intelligence
community to find definitive answers to all questions and
create the framework for preventing anything similar from
ever happening again.
of the best questions we’ve asked. I doubt very much if we
would be in existence without them.”165
For example, when President Kennedy was assassinated
on November 22nd, 1963, the Warren Commission was
established on November 29th at a cost of $32 million (in
adjusted 2003 dollars).160 The Whitewater investigation into
the Clintons’ finances in 1993 cost $70 million and lasted
12 years.161 In 2003 when the Columbia Shuttle burned up
on re-entry, the initial investigation began within hours and
was approved with a budget of $50 million, later increased
by an additional $305 million for FEMA to search for
“The Jersey Girls” – Patty Casazza, Lorie Van Auken,
Mindy Kleinberg and Kristen Breitweiser
However before agreeing to allow an independent
investigation into 9/11, President Bush insisted on appointing
the committee’s chair, which immediately raised concerns
about the true independence of the commission. In fact
Bush originally appointed Henry Kissinger, but Van Auken
asked him during a meeting in his office, “Do you happen
to have any clients by the name bin Laden?” Kissinger
resigned the next day.166 In his place Bush appointed
Thomas Kean, who has his own ties to bin Laden, through
business partners Khalid Bin Mahfouz (Osama’s brother in
law, according to CIA sources), and Mohammed Hussein
al Amoudi – both alleged financiers of Al Qaeda. Also
assigned by Bush was the commission’s executive director,
Philipp Zelikow, who was already on the President’s Foreign
Intelligence Advisory Board and had a ten-year professional
relationship with Condoleezza Rice during which time they
co-authored a book on foreign politics.167
By contrast the investigation into the attack on America on
September 11, 2001 was not begun until 2003 and was given
a budget of only $3 million, later increased to $12 million.163
This is largely because President Bush himself resisted
forming an investigation for over a year,164 unashamedly
claiming that to do so might reveal sensitive intelligence-
gathering methods. However he finally buckled under
pressure from the 9/11 Family Steering Committee.
The 9/11 Family Steering Committee was formed largely
due to the effort of four widows from New Jersey, Kristen
Breitweiser, Patty Casazza, Lorie Van Auken and Mindy
Kleinberg, who had in common the fact that each of them
had been married to men who had died in the terrorist
attacks of 9/11. These four women are more commonly
known as the Jersey Girls. Of the Jersey Girls, 9/11
Commission Chairman, Thomas Kean said, “They monitor
us, they follow our progress, they’ve provided us with some
Even after it had been formed, the commission was plagued
with roadblocks and intentional denial of key evidence:
❚ A fraction of the required budget and a very short time
I which to complete a thorough report.168
❚ President Bush and Vice President Cheney would only
agree to meet with the commission 1) together, 2) not
under oath, 3) without any recording devices other
than paper and pencil, and 4) with the agreement that
those notes would never be published.169
❚ Taped interviews with FAA air traffic controllers on
duty on 9/11 – recorded just hours after the planes had
crashed – were destroyed before the 9/11 Commission
could hear them, crushed, cut into small pieces and
distributed in several trash cans.170
The Truth About 9
Moreover, far from being thorough, the commission’s
scope was limited to the question of how to prevent future
breakdowns as those that presumably occurred on 9/11
– and not the question of how the attacks occurred or who
was responsible for them.
Perhaps the most popular book on the subject of the 9/11
Commission’s shortcomings is Dr. David Ray Griffin, The
9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions.173
Here is an abbreviated list of the more egregious omissions
from The 9/11 Commission Report, compiled by Dr.
❚ The omission of evidence that at least six of the alleged
hijackers — including Waleed al-Shehri, said by the
Commission probably to have stabbed a flight attendant
on Flight 11 before it crashed into the North Tower of
the WTC — are still alive.
❚ The omission of the fact that fire has never, before or
after 9/11, caused steel-frame buildings to collapse.
❚ The omission of the fact that WTC 7 (which was not hit
by an airplane and which had only small, localized fires)
also collapsed — an occurrence that FEMA admitted it
could not explain.
❚ The omission of the fact that the collapse of the Twin
Towers (like that of Building 7) exemplified at least 10
features suggestive of controlled demolition.
❚ The omission of all testimony that has been used to cast
doubt on whether remains of a Boeing 757 were visible
either inside or outside the Pentagon.
❚ The omission of any discussion of whether the Pentagon
has an anti-missile defense system that would have
brought down a commercial airliner — even though the
Commission suggested that the al-Qaeda terrorists did
not attack a nuclear power plant because they assumed
that it would be thus defended.
❚ Despite the commonly-known fact that it is illegal to
remove evidence from a crime scene, virtually all of the
debris from the World Trade Center was carted away to
landfills, and the steel loaded onto barges and shipped
overseas to foreign scrap dealers before it could be
examined by forensics specialists.171
❚ The omission of the fact that pictures from various
security cameras — including the camera at the gas
station across from the Pentagon, the film from which
was reportedly confiscated by the FBI immediately after
the strike — could presumably answer the question of
what really hit the Pentagon.
❚ While the final 9/11 Commission report claims none
of the four aviation black boxes (two per airliner) at the
WTC were ever found, firefighter testimony suggests
at least three of them were located in the rubble.172
In fact, “omission” might be the hallmark of The 9/11
Commission Report. While the report states that its
mandate was to be “independent, impartial and thorough”
it is clear that it was none of these things. Key members
were in the President’s cabinet or had ties to bin Laden,
and were therefore biased in favor of the official story.
❚ The omission of the report that Attorney General
Ashcroft was warned to stop using commercial airlines
prior to 9/11, and that both Mayor Willie Brown and
some Pentagon officials received warnings about flying
on 9/11.
The Truth About 9
❚ The omission of any mention of the FBI agents who
reportedly claimed to have known the targets and dates
of the attacks well in advance.
❚ The omission of all the evidence indicating that Flight
93 was shot down by a military plane.
❚ The omission of Clarke’s own testimony, which suggests
that he received the shoot-down authorization by
❚ The omission of the report that Osama bin Laden, who
already was America’s “most wanted” criminal, was
treated in July 2001 by an American doctor in the
American Hospital in Dubai and visited by the local
CIA agent.
❚ The omission of multiple testimonies, including that of
Norman Mineta to the Commission itself, that Cheney
was in the PEOC before 9:20.
❚ The omission of the fact that President Bush and other
members of his administration repeatedly spoke of the
9/11 attacks as “opportunities.”
❚ The omission of the fact that The Project for the New
American Century, many members of which became
key figures in the Bush administration, published a
document in 2000 saying that “a new Pearl Harbor”
would aid its goal of obtaining funding for a rapid
technological transformation of the U.S. military.
❚ The omission of the report that at a meeting in July
2001, U.S. representatives said that because the Taliban
refused to agree to a U.S. proposal that would allow
the pipeline project to go forward, a war against them
would begin by October.
❚ The omission of reports that Colonel Marr ordered
a shoot-down of Flight 93 and that General Winfield
indicated that he and others at the NMCC had expected
a fighter jet to reach Flight 93.
❚ The omission of evidence that there were at least six
bases with fighters on alert in the northeastern part of
the United States.
❚ The failure to probe the issue of how the “war games”
scheduled for that day were related to the military’s
failure to intercept the hijacked airliners.
❚ The failure to point out that the White House first
sought to prevent the creation of a 9/11 Commission,
then placed many obstacles in its path, including giving
it extremely meager funding.
❚ The omission of notes of Rumsfeld’s conversations on
9/11 showing that he was determined to use the attacks
as a pretext for a war with Iraq.
With all of these omissions it is clearly impossible to
characterize The 9/11 Commission Report as “thorough.”
But perhaps the quality of the report we ultimately got175
is to be expected when the administration budgeted only
$12 million. Isn’t it ironic that this is less than one tenth
the amount of money this administration spends per day in
the war it used 9/11 to promote (Iraqi Freedom fiscal year
2003: $53 billion / 365 days = $139.7 million)176?
❚ The omission of any explanation of (a) why NORAD’s
earlier report, according to which the FAA had notified
the military about the hijacking of Flight 175 at 8:43,
was now to be considered false and (b) how this report,
if it was false, could have been published and then left
uncorrected for almost three years.
❚ The omission of the fact that a memo by Laura Brown
of the FAA says that its teleconference was established
at about 8:50 and that it included discussion of Flight
175’s hijacking.
❚ The omission of Secretary of Transportation Norman
Mineta’s testimony, given to the Commission itself, that
Vice-President Cheney and others in the underground
shelter were aware by 9:26 that an aircraft was
approaching the Pentagon.
❚ The omission of all the evidence suggesting that the
aircraft that hit the Pentagon was not Flight 77.
The Truth About 9
erhaps the best argument for official complicity by
our government in the attacks of September 11, 2001
or in it’s the failure to respond is the words of our
highest-ranking officials themselves:
“For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described
the design of planned [9/11] attacks of buildings
inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed
to carry them out. That is valuable information for
those of us who have the responsibility to protect
the American people. He told us the operatives
had been instructed to ensure that the explosives
went off at a high – a point that was high enough to
prevent people trapped above from escaping.”180
“It is a truth that a terrorist
can attack any time, any
place, using any technique
and it’s physically impossible
to defend at every time and
every place against every
Here we’re talking about
plastic knives and using an
American Airlines flight
filed with our citizens, and
the missile to damage this
Donald Rumsfeld
building [the Pentagon] and
similar (inaudible) that damaged the World Trade
– President, George W. Bush
“I don’t know where [Osama bin Laden] is and I
really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not
our priority.”181
– President, George W. Bush
“See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating
things over and over and over again for the truth to
sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.”182
– Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld
– President, George W. Bush
“I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind
of world we would face if the people who bombed
the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the
bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the
United States in New York, shot down the plane
over Pennsylvania and attacked the Pentagon, the
people who cut off peoples’ heads on television
to intimidate, to frighten – indeed the word
‘terrorized’ is just that. Its purpose is to terrorize,
to alter behavior, to make people be something
other than that which they want to be.”178
– Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld
“The Secret Service has an arrangement with the
FAA. They had open lines after the World Trade
Center was ....” [at which point he stopped himself
before finishing the sentence]179
– Vice President, Dick Cheney
One of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq
to the war on terror.
– George W. Bush 183
The Truth About 9
Part III
hen one examines the physical evidence from
the four jetliner crashes on 9/11 (Part I) and
studies the posture and response of the Bush
administration and the intelligence community, as well as
the ownership and condition of the World Trade Center
prior to 9/11 (Part II), one experiences a breakdown of the
“Official Explanation” for the attacks of September 11, 2001.
Moreover, a pattern emerges suggesting an alternate, even
more sinister explanation (or several) for those events. For
a swiftly growing community of “9/11 Truthers” this is
sufficient to pin the blame squarely on President Bush, Vice
President Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld,
and other officials for “causing” those events.
5) Pentagon Involved in Planning.
6) Something Expected by White House.
7) Specific Advance Knowledge by White House.
8) White House Involved in Planning.
What all of this means, essentially, is that anything from “the
administration altered the facts to cover its collective ass”
to “George Bush himself pushed the button that activated
the WTC demolition charges” falls under the definition of
complicity. And conversely, for complicity not to apply all
failures would have to have been incompetence.
But what precisely defines “complicity?” Did George and
Dick plot the whole thing on a cocktail napkin over a
couple of single-malt scotches late one night? Or did some
ambitious cabal of administration “middle management”
types take advantage of inside knowledge and facilitate the
attacks under the noses of their unsuspecting superiors?
It should be noted that no member of the Bush administration
has ever been fired for incompetence. Many, however, were
rewarded. 3
But while many accept without hesitation that President
Bush and members of his administration could have
been complicit in the 9/11 attacks, many more have great
difficulty accepting that the President of the United States
could have knowingly caused or allowed the slaughter of
thousands of innocent Americans, or even that he could be
involved in or aware of such a secret, covert, underhanded
operation as the attacks on 9/11. Perhaps these people
confuse the Office of the President with its occupant, or
perhaps they are blinded by such rhetoric as “anyone who
disagrees with the President or his policies is unpatriotic
and with the terrorists.” The fact is, in the history of the
United States a number of Presidents and administrations
have been willing to cause or allow the slaughter of innocent
Americans to further their agendas.
Dr. David Ray Griffin, in his book, The New Pearl Harbor,2
defines 9/11 complicity as a series of eight possible levels of
involvement. They are, in order of seriousness:
1) Constructing a False Account.
2) Something Expected by
Intelligence Agencies.
3) Specific Events Expected by
Intelligence Agencies.
4) Intelligence Agencies Involved
in Planning.
The Truth About 9
alse flag” operations are defined as “covert
corporations, or other organizations, which
are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by
other entities.”4 In its earliest form, wooden sailing ships
literally flew false flags so that their illicit actions would be
attributed to other countries. In many cases these were
privateers – essentially pirates hired by sovereign nations to
carry out covert attacks, after which the hiring government
could disavow any knowledge of the pirates’ actions.
❚ Pearl Harbor, 1941: Records show (although it is not
widely publicized) that Franklin Delano Roosevelt
knew well in advance of the impending Japanese
attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.7 While FDR stated
publicly and even campaigned with the promise
of keeping American boys out of the war in Europe,
his military and State Department privately urged
a call to action. The problem was that 80 to 90% of
Americans wanted nothing to do with the war. So
Roosevelt moved the Pacific Fleet from California to
Hawaii, created crippling economic sanctions against
Japan, and quietly listened to intercepted and decoded
messages. Yes, I said decoded. Since 1940, American
cryptographers had been decoding Japan’s diplomatic
and military communications and delivering them to
the President.8 Meanwhile Roosevelt’s FBI kept a quiet
tail on a Japanese spy who was relaying the precise
location of the ships in the harbor on an attack grid.
The attack came, exactly as expected (and confirmed by
intercepted Japanese timetables) killing 2,403 innocent
Americans9 and turning the tide of public opinion. FDR
barely kept his campaign promise; he’d said he would
not send our boys to fight in foreign lands “except in
case of attack.”10
False flag operations are still carried out today all over the
world, except of course modern governments have become
better at covering their tracks and hiding their involvement.
Here is a short list of highly-suspicious incidents in
America’s past which might and in several cases clearly do
qualify as U.S. false flag operations:
❚ USS Maine, 1898: To this day it is not definitively
known what caused the explosion in the forward
ammuniation magazines of the battleship Maine as
she sat quietly in Havana Harbor on the evening of
February 15, 1898. By the time the official inquiry
was concluded on March 28, public opinion (fueled by
inflamatory reports by newspaperman William Randolf
Hearst and others) had already hardened against Spain
and Cuba.5 This despite the fact that Spanish officials
quickly assisted in the rescue and care of the wounded,
and Havana hosted a funeral procession for the 260
dead.6 Nevertheless, President McKinley wasted no
time taking advantage of the fresh outrage and starting
the Spanish-American War, which ultimitely gave the
U.S. control of all the Spanish colonies in the Caribbean
and the Pacific. Experts disagreed with the inquiry’s
conclusion that a mine had exploded under the Maine’s
bow, and more recent forensic analysis suggests that
a spontaneous coal dust fire ignited the magazines
– purely by accident.
❚ Operation Northwoods, 1962: Thanks to the efforts
of John F. Kennedy Assasination Records Review Board
and a Freedom of Information Act filing, the public
now has access to a formerly classified top secret report
titled “Justification for US Military Intervention in
Cuba,” code named “Operation Northwoods.”11 This
report, prepared by then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, General L.L. Lemnitzer, stated, “World opinion,
and the United Nations forum should be favorably
affected by developing the inernational image of the
Cuban government as rash and irresponsible, and as an
The Truth About 9
alarming and unpredictable threat to the peace of the
Western Hemisphere,” and “... the ultimate objective is
overt military intervention ....” To this end, Lemnitzer
proposed “A series of well coordinated incidents ... to
take place in and around Guantanamo to give the
genuine appearance of being done by hostile Cuban
forces.” Such “incidents” included (as quoted from the
unclassified document):
Both Israel and the U.S. launched immediate
investigations and came to the same conclusion, that
despite hours of reconnaissance by Israeli planes prior
to the 75-minute attack, the Israelis somehow failed to
see the American flag flying and the name USS Liberty
stenciled prominantly on her stern – mistaking her for
an out-of-service Egyptian cargo ship.14 Many dispute
these conclusions, most notably the Liberty survivors
themselves. They cite the following notable facts:
• Land friendly Cubans in uniform “over-the-fence”
to stage attack on base.
• When the defenseless Liberty radioed for help, two
nearby aircraft carriers launched fighters. These
were recalled by the White House.
• Capture Cuban (friendly) saboteurs inside the base.
• Blow up ammunition inside the base; start fires.
• Survivors were ordered not to discuss the incident
with anyone under penalty of court-martial.15
• Sink ship near harbor entrance. Conduct funerals
for mock-victims.
• There has never been an congressional
• We could develop a Communist Cuban terror
• ... create an incident which will demonstrate
convincingly that a Cuban aircraft has attacked
and shot down a chartered civilian airliner enroute
from the United States .... the duplicate would be
substituted for the actual civil aircraft and would
be loaded with the selected passengers, all boarded
under carefully prepared aliases. The actual
registered aircraft would be converted to a drone.
In his book, Operation Cyanide: Why the Bombing of
the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III,16 Peter
Hounam cites evidence that the attack on the Liberty
was planned in advance as a pretext for the U.S. to enter
the war; the Liberty was to sink with all hands, and in
retaliation of an apparent Egyptian attack, President
Johnson would launch nuclear-armed fighters to
Cairo. The fighters were launched, but recalled at the
last minute when it became obvious that the Liberty
wasn’t going to sink and that witnesses had identified
Israel as the attacker.17
• ... create an incident which will make it appear that
Communist Cuban MIGs have destroyed a USAF
aircraft over international waters in an unprovoked
attack. At precisely the same time that the aircraft
was presumably shot down a submarine or small
surface craft would disburse F-101 parts, parachute,
etc., at approximately 15 to 20 miles off the Cuban
coast and depart.
President John F. Kennedy rejected the proposal and
fired Lemnitzer,12 however the “Operation Northwoods”
document remained on file for 40 years and available to
anyone with the sufficient curiosity and clearance.
❚ USS Liberty, 1967: During
the Six-Day War between
Isreal and the Arab states of
Egypt, Jordan and Syria in
June of 1967, the U.S. Navy
Intelligence ship, USS Liberty
was fired upon by unmrked
Israeli fighter planes and
topedo boats. The Liberty
was cruising international
(neutral) waters with full flags
flying, and suffered the greates
single loss of life by the U.S.
Intelligence Communty.13
❚ Iraqate, 1980-90: When a popular uprising in Iran
threatened to overthrow the pro-American Shah, the
US saw its imperialistic domination of Middle East oil
threatened. While seeking a way to overthrow the
Iranian revolution, Saddam Hussein of Iraq volunteered.
Thus began a bloody eight-year war during which time
Washington (including George Bush senior) backed the
Hussein regime by:18
• funnelling huge supplies of arms to Iraq through
Middle East allies,
• removing Iraq from the State Department’s list of
countries that supported terrorism,
• sending Donald Rumsfeld to Baghdad to resume
previously-severed diplomatic relations,
• providing economic and advanced military aide,
• shipping to Iraq biological and chemical materials,
including anthrax and botulism toxins,
• awarding a contract to the Bechtel corporation to
build a huge petrochemical plant in Iraq which
would give Hussein the capacity to generate
chemical weapons
The Truth About 9
erhaps you have observed – as most people will
– that some of the examples above could have been
the case of our leaders simply taking advantage of a
“convenient” occurrence to further an existing agenda. That
certainly may have been the case in the sinking of the Maine.
As for the attacks on Pearl Harbor and the Liberty, it is
possible that if our government did not actually participate
in the planning and execution of the attacks it certainly
allowed the attacks to take place by suppressing advanced
knowledge. This is what is known in conspiracy parlance as
Let It Happen On Purpose (LIHOP) – as opposed to Made
It Happen On Purpose (MIHOP), which is clearly the case
in Operation Northwoods and Iraqgate.
report titled, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy,
Forces and Resources for a New Century.”19 In this report,
the contributors outlined a series steps or “missions” to
be undertaken to ensure global military and economic
dominance, including:
❚ fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major
theater wars
❚ modernize current U.S. forces
❚ develop and deploy global missile defenses ... to provide
a secure basis for U.S. power projection around the
As for the attacks on September 11, 2001, the 9/11 Truth
Movement is divided on whether they were a case of MIHOP
or LIHOP – although the vast majority appear to embrace
MIHOP. If after examining the data and considering
implications you favor the theory that our government
merely let the attacks occur but were not directly responsible
for them, you are certainly not alone. However this hardly
exonerates our leaders in this matter. If you review the eight
possible levels of government complicity, above, you will see
several instances where simply knowing something was
coming and doing nothing about it falls squarely within the
definition of complicity. And this exposé has demonstrated
that our leader had ample warning and advance specific
intelligence and did little or nothing to prevent it even
when opportunities presented themselves. The case for
complicity has been made.
❚ control the new “international commons” of space and
“cyberspace,” and pave the way for the creation of a new
military service – U.S. Space Forces – with the mission
of space control
❚ increase defense spending ... adding $15 billion to $20
billion to total defense spending annually
The report concluded that, “the process of transformation,
even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long
one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like
a new Pearl Harbor.”
It should be noted that among the neo-conservative
members and contributors to PNAC many became policy-
makers involved directly with America’s military and
foreign relations when the Supreme Court awarded the
Presidency to George W. Bush in 2000. In particular, Elliott
Abrams (Deputy National Security Advisor), Jeb Bush
(brother to the President), Dick Cheney (Vice President),
Eliot A. Cohen (Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee,
Committee for the Liberation of Iraq), Steve Forbes (fourth
However there is one element missing from this argument
which was present in all five examples of false flags presented
above: the agenda. Also known as the “motive”
In September of 2000, an independent group called The
Project for the New American Century (PNAC) issued a
The Truth About 9
most important political contributor in America20), Aaron
Friedberg (Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs
and Director of Policy Planning), Frank Gaffney (president
of the Center for Security Policy), Zalmay Khalilzad (U.S.
Ambassador to Iraq), I. Lewis Libby (Chief of Staff and
assistant for National Security Affairs to the Vice President;
indicted by the Grand Jury), Norman Podhoretz (Council
on Foreign Relations), Dan Quayle (Vice President to
George Bush, Sr.), Peter W. Rodman (Assistant Secretary
of Defense), Donald Rumsfeld (Secretary of Defense), and
Paul Wolfowitz (Deputy Secretary of Defense, architect of
the “Bush Doctrine”) are all founding members of PNAC,
formed in 1997.21
failing oil pipeline negotiations “by the middle of October
at the latest,” before the snow started falling.24 The U.S.
began bombing Afghanistan right on schedule, on October
Iraq: As Vice President Cheney has stated, “Iraq sits on top
of 10 percent of the world’s oil reserves. A very significant
reserve, second only to Saudi Arabia.”26 In fact, removing
Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq has always been
PNAC’s goal.27 Even though it was known, or at least widely
reported, that Osama bin Laden – the alleged mastermind
of 9/11 – was hiding in Afghanistan, President Bush soon
turned his full attention to Iraq, citing ties to bin Laden as
the reason ... then harboring terrorists ... then weapons of
mass destruction. But as Paul Wolfowitz of PNAC is quoted
as saying, “For bureaucratic reasons we settled on one issue,
weapons of mass destruction, because it was the one reason
everyone could agree on.”28 The current reason? According
to President Bush, oil.29
It seems unlikely that coincidence is the sole factor
behind this cabal of neo-conservative men gaining such
widespread power and influence over our nation’s defense
and foreign relations. A careful examination of President
Bush’s advisors and cabinet will clearly show that an
inordinate number of them were recruited from the ranks
of PNAC or had strong ties to the oil industry – or both.22
The significance of the oil industry ties is that Afghanistan
and Iraq have significant oil reserves or ties to oil.
Did the Bush administration use 9/11 as a convenient excuse
for their years of planning? Or did they manufacture their
very own “new Pearl Harbor” to make those plans a reality?
On the face of it such a distinction is difficult to make
objectively. Sure, there is a lot of circumstantial evidence
supporting the speculation that Bush and his oil/PNAC
buddies cooked up 9/11 to jump-start their ambitious
agenda, but isn’t their just as much evidence in support of
the alleged real attackers – Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda?
Let’s take a look.
Afghanistan: Geographically, Afghanistan lies directly
between Central Asian, where the oil is, and the Arabian
Sea where tankers can load it.23 Unocal has long tried to
negotiate a pipeline through Afghanistan, but the radical
Taliban has resisted. As early as July, 2001 the Bush
Administration had plans to invade Afghanistan due to
separated from his dialysis machine – which requires clean
water, electricity and a sterile environment – and a team of
specialists.32 At the same time, Pakistan’s President, Pervez
Musharraf opined that bin Laden was already dead, 33 and
the Egyptian newspaper, al-Wafd reported on bin Laden’s
funeral. 34
n just over three hours from the time the first plane
struck the North tower, CNN was already reporting
that Washington had pinned the deed on Osama bin
Laden. 30 But based on what possible intelligence, since it
has been demonstrated Washington had shown not the
slightest interest in bin Laden? Whatever evidence there
might have been, our government never bothered to share
it with the public, despite their promise to do so (see Part
I). To be sure, bin Laden was #1 on the FBI’s Most Wanted
list. But however much the FBI may have wanted him, the
CIA was apparently not on the same page.
This last, of course, was never reported in the United
States – despite the fact that it would have been perhaps
the single most important story of the day, if not of the
year. Something else not reported by the U.S. press was bin
Laden’s immediate response to the terror attacks on 9/11
(from an interview conducted in Pakistan and published
on September 28, 2001):
According to reports, Osama bin Laden met with a CIA
agent in July of 2001, while undergoing clandestine kidney
treatment at the American Hospital in Dubai, United Arab
Emirates.31 Bin Laden checked into a military hospital in
Pakistan for further treatments on September 10, 2001.
I have already said that I am not involved in the
11 September attacks in the United States. As a
Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had
no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider
the killing of innocent women, children and other
humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids
By January, 2002, CNN’s medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay
Gupta, stated that bin Laden appeared to be in the final
stages of renal failure, and would unlikely live a week if
The Truth About 9
causing harm to innocent women, children and
other people.
It is most interesting to note that when to weeks later
al Jazeera television in Qatar broadcast an authentic
videotape of Osama bin Laden – gaunt, pale, and partially
paralized – which both contradicted the “confession tape”
and reasserted what bin Laden said in his Sepetember,
2001 interview, the Bush administration responded by
calling it “sick propaganda possibly designed to mask the
fact the al-Qa’eda leader was already dead.”39 And yet bin
Laden tapes (audio only) continue to pop up just when the
administration’s poll numbers need a boost or an important
election looms. But America’s foremost bin Laden
translator, Bruce Lawrence of Duke University, thinks all
of the supposed bin Laden recordings since 9/11 are fake,
based on careful comparison of dozens of authemticated
pre-9/11 bin Laden speeches.40 In Switzerland, the world’s
leading experts in voice identification at Dalle Molle
Institute for Perceptual Artificial Intelligence, IDIAP, claim
a 95% certainty that voice on the bin Laden recording they
analyzed was not Osama bin Laden.41
Whoever committed the act of 11 September are
not the friends of the American people. I have
already said that we are against the American
system, not against its people, whereas in these
attacks, the common American people have been
killed. The United States should try to trace the
perpetrators of these attacks within itself; the
people who are a part of the U.S. system, but are
dissenting against it. Or those who are working
for some other system; persons who want to
make the present century as a century of conflict
between Islam and Christianity so that their own
civilization, nation, country, or ideology could
survive. 35
What the press did broadcast (on December 13) was the
infamous bin Laden confession tape – allegedly recorded
on November 9 and discovered in a house in Jalalabad,
Afghanistan. 36 Why would such a recording be in a private
home and not in the hands of the local press? And what do
you imagine are the odds of accidentally (and conveniently)
finding this quintessential piece of state’s evidence in a city
with a population of over 100,000?
Add to this the following facts:
❚ In 2005 the CIA officially closed “Alec Station,”
the unit formed to hunt for bin Laden.42 In fact
President Bush himself has stated, “I don’t know
where [Osama bin Laden] is and I really don’t care.
It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.”43
Moreover, even a cursory examination of the man in the
tape will reveal that it is not Osama bin Laden – the man on
this tape is heavier, darker, and clearly in good health. Also,
the man on this tape writes with his right hand, while bin
Laden is known to be left-handed. 37 And the man on this
tape wears a gold ring on his right hand, which is forbidden
by Islamic law. 38
E is the “bin Laden” on the alleged “Confession Tape”
❚ At least seven of the 19 alleged hijackers have been
found to be still alive and well.44
❚ Aviations experts, such as former Air Force combat and
commercial pilot, Russ Wittenberg, point out that no
human pilot – and especially not a poorly-trained one –
could possibly have maneuvered a Boeing 757 through
a two-minute 7,000 foot descent and a 270° banked
turn such as Flight 77 is alleged to have done.45
Taken all together these facts (along with those presented
in Parts I and II of this report) suggest quite forcefully that
the “official” perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks were not the
“actual” perpetrators. Which in turn reinforces the evidence
that 9/11 was a false flag operation perpetrated by our own
government or key members within our government.
The Truth About 9
hat, then, is to be done with this evidence?
Obviously, one cannot call up the White House
and ask them to initiate a full investigation – even
if they took your call they would tell you several have already
been done. Arguing that those official investigations were
somehow corrupt or woefully incomplete will at best fall
on deaf ears and at worst label you a “conspiracy nut.” If
a truly independent and thorough investigation is ever to
be undertaken, it will most likely be the result of a public
Already as many as one third of Americans polled say they
believe our government was involved in the 9/11 attacks,
but this number must grow to a majority. More people
need to be shown the evidence and given the opportunity to
develop an informed opinion. If you believe – as I do – that
our government and its officials must be held accountable
for their actions, spread the word. Share this article freely
and widely. Conduct your own research and encourage
others to do the same. The endnotes presented here make
a good starting point; I encourage you to explore them
yourself and draw your own conclusions from the evidence
presented therein.
Sites of interest include:
Complete 9/11 Timeline By Paul Thompson –
Journal of 9/11 Studies –
9/11 Wikipedia –
Physics 9/11 –
The 9/11 Comission Report –
911 –
Let’s Roll 9/11 –
Questioning the 9/11 Attacks –
9/11 Truth Movement Source Watch –
Comments to and requests of the author can be posted at
his website, The Truth About 9/11 Research and Debate
Center –
Thank you for reading.
John Berkowitz
People have got to know whether or not their
president is a crook.
– Richard M. Nixon
The Truth About 9
John Berkowitz is a Publications Director, graphic designer, writer, and independent investigator intent on spreading the
truth about 9/11. He lives in Northern California with his wife and two children.
All temperatures quoted in citations have been converted to Fahrenheit: [°F] = [°C] x 9/5 + 32
Due to the ever-changing nature of the Internet, it is impossible to predict if every site referenced below will always exist
in the form it was in when referenced. Please forgive any broken links.
Endnotes: (all hyperlinks are “live” in the PDF version, available at
Part I:
11 Excerpted from:
The Truth About 9
Part II:
The Truth About 9
The Truth About 9
The Truth About 9
Part III:
The Truth About 9