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Notice how she is demanding that the subject of Holocaust denial be
dropped, while expounding at length in the promotion of her Holocaust
denying beliefs. Also notice how the Nazi contingent sticks together in
mutual defense. Steven T. Hatton and Wendy Campbell are continuing to
aggressively promote the views of a white ethnic nationalist (white
Zionist) who has been formally rejected and condemned by no less an
authority than the German government itself. (Perhaps Hatton and
Campbell should think twice about traveling to Germany in quest of a
taste of "Germanic civilization.")
Dear moderator: this group has already suffered quite a bit of damage from the Nazis who are trying to infiltrate and subvert the 9/11 Truth Movement. When is it going to stop? I have been one of the strongest critics of the neoconservatives and the Israel lobby on the Internet, but I am highly reluctant to post here for as long as this element is given the latitude to spread its poison. Extremists within the 9/11 Truth Movement are making it easy for organizations like the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Jane Harman to smear the entire movement as a collection of evil racists and potential violent terrorists -- they represent a grave threat to every serious and fair-minded person who is trying to get to the bottom of 9/11. Some of them may well be professional agents provocateurs who are on a mission to torpedo the 9/11 Truth Movement. |
policy of the German government against Jews in WWII. I accepted that idea fervently for years and
then I made one mistake. I studied the subject.
I implore you! Learn from my mistake! Save your reputation and many friendships! Do not study the
subject or read the following! Zan Overall.
(To access this or other versions of this Report google: A Factual Appraisal by the Red Cross.
Or go to: christianparty.net/holocaustredcross.html. It is from this website that the opening headline
and introductory paragraphs derive. A scan of a Red Cross document re concentration camp deaths
can be found there but did not show up in this version.)
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I like holocaust truth. Denial is propaganda. Revisionist sounds
like something is being made up. Truth is what would work for me. |
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Who did 9/11 and have the complicity of
mass media, Hollywood, FBI, FEMA, heads of state, Congress in the
cover-up? Keep this question in mind as your read this latest writing
by John Kaminski.
We are the ones we've been waiting for. Tell somebody.
Ed Kendrick
Our leaders
deserve to
be jailed
You're either with the lie or against it
'The protests on Wall Street and around the world never mention Jews, which is a sure sign they're fake.'
By John Kaminski < raging Nazi
What IS your
country? Is it a representation of your hopes and dreams, fostering
liberty and providing a healthy way of life? Does it protect you from
harm and nurture you rather than exploit you? Does it treat you fairly?
Isn't that what you voted for? Isn't that why you love your country?
did you vote for endless wars all over the world that don't actually
benefit the American people? Unless you're a moron, you know if you
voted at all you voted for war, then smiled superficially at the vote
counters and lied to yourself on the way home.
all over the world are simultaneously waking up to the fact that all of
their authority structures are corrupt control mechanisms of the very
rich, who do not allow us to participate in their schemes. These
insiders run our plantation planet and are about a hundred years ahead
of us. Small wonder we can't figure anything out. But what we can figure
out is exactly what they're doing. And stop them.
moral American can truly believe in this sorry sequence of invasion
wars meant to reduce the entire Islamic world into smoking rubble and
its inhabitants into starving Palestinians? Is this savage panic due to
Muslim demographics that will simply overwhelm the white industrial
world in a matter of a few years? Is it the frantic last gasp of the
formerly alpha ethnicity, whipped up into calls for brown-skinned
genocide by totally insane pseudoreligious freaks?
of America's wars right now are both criminal and unjustifiable, you
must know that by now, all constructed on the false flag pretense of
Too bad all of America's police forces
work for the rich, because all major American leaders of the 21st
century need to be arrested, tried and convicted for profound crimes
against humanity, and most especially against their own people.
more countries than you know with remote control drones, poisoning its
own citizens with demonic medical practices and airborne carcinogens,
and lying about everything they do — not for the benefit of the American
people — but for the benefit of their masters who suck all the money of
the world into the Jewish death machine. Don't tell me that these guys
are not Jewish. You'd be showing the ignorance that is probably going to
cost you your life, if it already hasn't.
hide the pictures of their slaughter in the same way they won't let us
see the caskets of our soldiers coming home in boxes, while the sobbing
population dries their tears with caustic, synthetic flags. Most
Americans all cringe in fear at the spectacle of a totally disingenuous
government attacking so-called terrorists in all corners of the world
that the U.S., Britain and Israel have planted there themselves.
Americans don't dare say what they feel, fearing they will lose
everything they have, not knowing they've already lost it.
is the perfect enemy, one that keeps being reinvented every day as the
vehicle for our servitude. We're all either prisoners or guards now. You
get to pick which side you're on, and swallow hard either way. The
money's with the guards, but the truth is with the prisoners. I think it
has always been that way, but never for stakes as high as this.
You're either with the lie or against it. And it's surprising who winds up where.
to a wonderful video of retired Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel reminded me
that there are decent people in the government and across America who
know what's going on and are afraid to speak the truth. They are, too
late, trying to prevent their lives from being ruined. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVQm-fY4qvQ&feature=youtu.be>
The thing Americans should feel most about America at this time is shame.
have told many people over time that using pen names and trying to
remain anonymous actually sabotages your own credibility, and more
importantly, damages the chances for a real, unsabotaged, honorable
Jew-free coalition to take the reins from the hands of our pathological
perpetrators. We all know there's only way to do that — by removing
their financial hegemony, by vaporizing their financial platform that is
the source of, after four hundred years or so, ALL of the world's
social ailments.
When you don't use your real
name to sign what you write, you are telling everyone you don't believe
what you are yourself saying. You can use any kind of excuse to explain
why you won't use your name, but it's a subliminal message to everyone
that you cannot be believed. And shouldn't be.
must know they won't relinquish power. No one who has it ever does.
Therefore, what remnant of courageous American men remains in this
defiled age must take it from them, with honor and with honesty.
Judaic philosophy of the strong taking from the weak — and bathing
people in blood — is demonstrably insane, yet it guides the world toward
its ruination.
That we have been unable to
identify this horrific Hidden Hand that has guided all the major
political events of our lifetimes and long before is due to the same
people committing these colossal crimes have control of all the media by
which we orient ourselves to our lives and our society.
remember my mother in the 1950s getting all her information from the
Saturday Evening Post, CBS news and Reader's Digest that led us all to
believe that we lived in a miraculously placid world, except for a few
malicious bandits in countries we never heard of. Today it's an
18-year-old white girl toting a cashew colored baby on a skateboard
rolling toward the food stamp office while checking out the world on
Twitter and Facebook. Such a long ride into irrelevance that America has
There are no countries anymore.
Everybody knows it. There are only financial sectors, geographic
markets, and everywhere, casinos masquerading as investment houses,
right next to the pizza parlors selling heroin in the back room.
an array of torpid, preprogrammed mannikins posing as presidential
candidates all saying the same thing: "First, we have to pay down the
deficit!" The kind of person who takes these goons seriously is the
enemy of every human being on the planet.
answer of the vast majority of Americans would be: "No we don't," after
which they should query: "We want to know who stole our money."
list, starting with the Queen, the World Bank criminals, and Jewish
moneylenders now and throughout history, is long. But even today, most
people never ask why they never see real stories in the newspaper about
real subjects, most notably who controls our lives. You see, all the
newspapers are owned by the people who control our lives. And these
people are all immune from laws that keep the rest of us in chains.
protests on Wall Street and around the world never mention Jews, which
is a sure sign they're fake. We can't fix this system without arresting
and punishing the people who set it up.
leaders of every religion on this planet have utterly failed all of us,
because they are the only ones who could stop this continuous carnage,
but like so many of the rest of our so-called leaders, they have
succumbed — the finances of the Catholic church are controlled by the
Rothschilds — to the blandishments of luxury and the poison of
perversion, making them the perfectly controllable mass assassins they
all turn out to be.
The failure of our
religions is especially tragic because it is the element of morality
that is most needed in international diplomacy to right the sinking ship
of human society. But these religions are sandbagged by their own drive
to commercial credibility with a product that is demonstrably unsound
(evidenced by the 1700 years of bloodshed it has precipitated and
approved of — converting the natives, they called it, but they left most
of them to the buzzards).
It is becoming clear
to all but the blindest that the morality they preach is a lie. And
that's why we have the world that we do.
is no international terror threat, except from the Jewish bankers and
Western intelligence services who, following Zbigniew Brzezinski's
entree with the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan, manufactured this ubiquitous,
worldwide terror threat. How few Americans realize that the notorious
Taliban are secret Jews, the notorious fifth column of Islam, offshoot
of the sinister Wahhabi sect of Islam which the Saudi royal family hides
behind as a smokescreen for their sadistic rule and disgusting deals
with the Western oil kingpins?
How can this
beautiful world, filled with so many miraculous people, be so ensnared
by a colossal financial shell game that now promises to vaporize
everything they've ever built in vast sheets of nuclear flame and poison
air? Is it simply a case of humanity strangling on its own greed?
is the disconnect between our highest goals, which are inevitably
modeled on the love of our children, and this heartburn soap opera we
call our political reality, where we have stupidly traded our fear of
the unknown for this continuing multi trillion dollar robbery of
everyone without a single lawman ever asking a question (just like they
did on 9/11)?
When law and morality collide,
you have to choose. Not choosing is choosing the law. Choosing is
choosing morality. Most people don't choose. That's why both the law,
and the world, are immoral.
History is the path
of least resistance. Any explanation will suffice to justify crime.
I've said for years the world is not run by historical events, it's run
by spin — the purposefully false versions of these events. Everyone
agrees that mainstream history is patently false in every instance,
because it is written by the villains perpetrating the hoaxes.
not acting to expose these lies you are helping to perpetuate them. And
that, my friends, is definitely not in your long term interests.
real government, the one we thought we had, puts families first. This
government we have now, the one completely taken over by the Jews in
1913 and plundered ever since, has spent the last hundred years trying
to destroy every family on Earth, and has just about succeeded.
talk about the human family, and then run the place like a business. No
wonder the world is bankrupt. We know what the problem is.
I always say, every person on this earth knows the difference between
right and wrong. It's just that not every person can tell the truth.
an American to tell the truth about America today is risking a possibly
endless jail sentence. The only way this threat can be neutralized is
for everyone to admit the truth now, before it's too late, the truth
that the greatest threat to peace in the world and life on this planet
is this Jewish American war machine, whose endless crimes and
debaucheries definitely do not benefit the American people it pretends
to serve.
And once you admit the truth, to put
these people in jail, where they belong, for all the money they've
deliberately stolen and the people they've deliberately killed.
Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly
trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a
corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on
contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 250 N.
McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA. http://johnkaminski.info/