הודפס בדפוס הסוכנות היהודית
As adopted by the Zionist General Council at its Session in December 1959 – January
1960, in pursuance of the resolution of the 24th Zionist Congress (1956) and as
amended by:
The 25th Zionist Congress (1960/61), the 26th Zionist Congress (1964/65), the 27th
Zionist Congress (1968), and the 31st Zionist Congress (1987) and the Zionist General
Council at its Sessions in May-June 1962, January 1966, January 1967, February-
March 1970, June-July 1971, February 1973, February 1974, January 1976, July
1976, June 1979, June 1980, September 1981, January 1984, June 1985, July 1986,
June 1987, June 1988 and June 1991.
Article 1
The name of the Organization shall be "The World Zionist Organization" Name
Article 2
Section 1
The Zionist Program was defined by the First Zionist Congress
in Basle as follows:
"The aim of Zionism is to create for the Jewish people a home in Eretz
Israel secured by public law."
The Zionist
Section 2
The aims of Zionism as defined by the 27th Zionist Congress in the 1968 Jerusalem
program are:
The unity of the Jewish people and the centrality of Israel in Jewish life;
The ingathering of the Jewish people in its historic homeland Eretz Israel through
Aliyah from all countries;
The strengthening of the State of Israel which is based on the prophetic vision of
justice and peace;
The preservation of identity of the Jewish people through the fostering of Jewish,
Hebrew and Zionist education and of Jewish spiritual and cultural values;
The protection of Jewish rights everywhere.1, 1a
1 Article 2 Section 2 amended according to Resolution 1 of the 27th Congress.
1a Article 2 Section 2 amended according to Resolution 3 of the Zionist General Council, June
Article 2A
The Nature of Zionism
Zionism is a movement which adheres to the basic principles of
justice, equality and democracy and which rejects
discrimination based on origin, nationality or race.2
Article 3
The terms specified hereinafter shall have the meanings set
forth beside them, if no other meaning is indicated by the
provision itself or the context.
"Congress" – means the Zionist Congress;
"Council" – means the Zionist General Council or the Actions
"Executive" – means the Executive of the World Zionist
"Member" – means Zionist Territorial Organization; Zionist
Territorial and Inter-Territorial Association, Jewish National
and International Body, in so far as all those are members of
the World Zionist Organization;
"Zionist Territorial and Inter-Territorial Associations"3 – means
Zionist associations, corporations and societies as operate in a
country where a Zionist Territorial Organization does not exist;
"Jewish National and International Bodies" – means such
Jewish bodies existing within the territory of one country or of
several countries as will accept the Zionist Program, as set out
in Article 2;
"Zionist Federation" – means a Zionist Territorial Organization
consisting of Zionist bodies and individual Zionists; both the
members of Zionist bodies and Zionists unaffiliated with such
bodies, who are enrolled by the Federation as members, are
individual members of the Zionist Federation. A Zionist
Federation may according to criteria analogous to those stated
in Article 5 section 4(aa) admit as members national bodies and
territorial branches of international Jewish bodies defined in
this article. Such corporate membership does not in itself
confer individual membership of the Federation upon the
members of such bodies.4
"Zionist World Union" – means a Zionist organization which
represents a special ideological point of view within the World
Zionist Organization, has branches in at least five countries and
is represented by a Congress Grouping.5
2 Article 2 A inserted in accordance with Resolution 8 of the General Council, July 1986.
3 The definition of Zionist Territorial and Inter-territorial Associations was amended according
to Resolution 39 and 40 of the 27th Congress.
Article 4
Section 1
The World Zionist Organization is the central body authorized
by its Members to act for and on behalf of the whole of the
Movement and of all the Members in the implementation of the
Zionist Program.
The status of the
World Zionist
Organization and its
Section 2
Every Member shall determine the conduct of its affairs, the form of its Organization
and its procedures.
Section 3
Any Member may enter into an agreement with the Executive establishing special
conditions and arrangements in matters relating to the Zionist activities of such
Members. Such an agreement shall be binding upon both parties.
Article 5
Section 16
Every Federation which accepts the Zionist Program and this Constitution
may be a Member of the World Zionist Organization. The admission of a
Zionist Federation as a Member shall be decided, upon the proposal of the
Executive, by the Council. The decision of the Council shall be valid, if
adopted in the presence of the majority of its members entitled to vote by a
two-thirds' majority of those voting. Only one Zionist Federation in each
country shall be admitted as a Member.
4 The definition of "Zionist Federation" amended and those of "Zionist Union" and "Zionist
Mixed Federation" deleted according to Resolution 8 of the General Council 1973.
5 Inserted according to Resolution 8 of the General Council 1973.
6 Article 5, Section 1 amended according to Resolution of the Council, June 1987.
Whoever feels aggrieved by the said decision of the Council, may appeal
to the Zionist Supreme Court.
Everybody or individual affiliated with one of the Congress groupings
(Article 7 (a)) must be a member of a Zionist Territorial Organization (the
Federation of the said country) or be affiliated to it, in accordance with the
Constitution of the Federation in the said country.7
Section 27a
Subject to the provision of Article 10, all Zionist Territorial Organizations and Zionist
Territorial and Inter-Territorial Associations which at the time of coming into effect
of this Constitution are affiliated with the World Zionist Organization shall be deemed
to be Members thereof.
Section 48
The Congress or, during the inter-Congress period, the Council, may, upon
the proposal of the Executive, decide to admit as Members9 of the World
Zionist Organization Jewish International bodies and lay down special
conditions for their participation10 in the Congress, the Council and other
bodies of the World Zionist Organization.
(aa) Compliance with the following conditions shall be a prerequisite for
the membership of a Jewish National or International Body (hereinafter
called "applicant"):
Article 5, Section 1 © inserted according to Resolution 5 of the General Council, July 1986.
Section 2 abrogated according to Resolution of the Council, June 1987.
Article 5, Section 4 amended according to Resolution 39 of the 27th Congress.
The words "or Associate Members" deleted according to Resolution 16 of the General Council
January 1976.
Article 5, Section 4 (a) amended according to Resolution 8 of the General Council 1973.
Amendment deleted according to Resolution 16 of the General Council in January 1976.
1. The request for membership must be submitted by the governing body
which is empowered to do so according to the Constitution of the
2. The applicant shall undertake to discharge certain Zionist obligations.
3. Territorial branches of a Jewish International Body applying for
membership in the World Zionist Organization must join the Zionist
Federation of the country concerned. 11a, 11b
4. No representative of a Jewish International Body shall take part in
elections to the governing bodies of the WZO nor vote on matters of
candidature. Therefore, without prejudice to the generality of the
aforesaid, such representatives may not take part in elections according
to Article 14 (e)-(g) and Article 32 (1) (4).
5. The representatives of Jewish International Bodies in the Congress, the
Council and other bodies of the WZO, shall be personally Members of
a Zionist Federation or of an Organization affiliated with the Zionist
Council in Israel.12
Jewish National Bodies shall be affiliated with the World Zionist
Organization by means of their admission as members of the Zionist
Territorial Organization of the country in which they are operating, but
Congress and, in the Inter-Congress period, Council, may, on the proposal
of the Executive decide to admit as Members of the World Zionist
Organization Jewish National Bodies which are not affiliated with the
Zionist Territorial Organization. Admission of a Jewish National Body as
Member of the World Zionist Organization shall be proposed by the
Executive to Congress and, in the Inter-Congress period, Council, only
after consultation with the Zionist Territorial Organization concerned.
Article 5, Section 4 (aa) par. (1), (2) and (3) inserted according to Resolution 9 of the General
Council 1973.
Article 5, Section 4 (aa) (3) amended according to Resolution 12 of the General Council, June
Article 5, Section 4 (aa), par. (4) and (5) added according to Resolution 16 of the General
Council in January 1976.
(c) If a Jewish National Body has affiliated with a Zionist Territorial
Organization, the provision of the latter's Constitution shall apply to the
representation of the Jewish National Body in the Congress delegation
from the country concerned.
(d) If a Jewish National or International Body has been admitted as Member
of the World Zionist Organization, in accordance with the provisions of lit.
(a) and (b) of this Section, the Executive shall determine its representation
at Congress within the limits of the total number of delegates allocated by
the Council to Jewish National and International Bodies. The Executive
shall consult the Zionist Territorial Organization concerned before
determining the representation of a Jewish National Body.
(e) Appeals against the decision of the Executive may be lodged with the
Zionist Supreme Court by the Jewish National Body, the Jewish
International Body or the Zionist Territorial Organization concerned.
Section 5
The Council shall, upon the proposal of the Executive, fix the membership dues
which every Member shall pay.
Article 6 abrogated13
Article 7
In order to be a Member of the World Zionist Organization, a Zionist
Federation shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) Admit as a member every Zionist body and individual who accept the
Constitution of the Federation and the program of the World Zionist
Organization unless in he opinion of the Federation there exists a
weighty reason against such admission. A Federation is not entitled to
refuse the admission of a body affiliated with a Zionist World Union;14
(b) Act according to the basic principles of justice, equality and
democracy, prevent the membership of bodies or individuals who
adhere to or advocate discrimination based on origin, nationality or
race and conduct its affairs, having regard to the protection of the
requirements of all members of the Federation.15
Article 6 deleted according to Resolution 8 of the General Council 1973.
Article 7, lit.(a) amended according to Resolution 10 of the General Council 1973.
Article 7, lit(b) amended according to Resolution 8 of the General Council, July 1986.
subsequent subsections renumbered accordingly.
(c) Hold at least once every three years a national convention and
determine in its Constitution a method of electing delegates to the
convention consistent with accepted democratic principles and which
will, inter alia, ensure adequate representation of the Keren Hayesod-
United Israel Appeal, the UJA and the Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael;16
(d) Determine in its Constitution a method of electing its governing bodies
consistent with accepted democratic principles and which will, inter
alia, ensure adequate representation of the Keren Hayesod-United
Israel Appeal and the Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael;17
(e) Set up a framework encompassing all Zionist youth movements and
members of organizations of young people, as far as such frameworks
are not already in existence, and admit these to the Federation as
(f) Establish local branches of the Federation wherever practicable.
(g) Ensure the right of any Zionist body which has been refused admission
as a member or has been suspended from the membership, to appeal
the decision before a Zionist Territorial Tribunal and from such
Tribunal to the Zionist Supreme Court;19
(h) Stipulate that all bodies affiliated with the Federation commit their
members to fulfilling their obligations towards the Keren Hayesod-
United Israel Appeal, the UJA and the Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael
(hereinafter "the National Funds") and the members of the Executive
of the Federation to taking an active part in the work of the National
Funds; assure the fulfillment of the above obligation by means of
regulations on the model of the provisions of Art. 60 A of the
Constitution, and of Regulation 11 of the Regulations for the
Implementation of the Constitution;20
(i) Ensure the right of any person whose membership in a governing body
of the Federation has been suspended in accordance with the
aforementioned lit., to appeal from such decision to the Territorial
Judicial Body (Art. 57) and from the decision of that body to the
Zionist Supreme Court.21
Article 7, lit. © amended according to Resolution 41 of the 27th Congress, and according
to Resolution of the Council, June 1987.
Article 7, lit. (d) inserted according to Resolutions 42 and 45 of the 27th Congress.
Article 7, lit. (e) inserted according to Resolution 43 of the 27th Congress.
Article 7, lit. (g) amended according to Resolution 10 of the General Council 1973 and by
Resolution of the Council, June 1987.
Article 7, lit. (h) inserted according to Resolution 36 of the General Council 1967 and to
Resolution 45 of the 27th Congress.
Article 7. lit. (i) inserted according to Resolution 36 of the General Council 1967.
Article 7A21a
The Status and
Rights of the
A Zionist Federation accepted as a member of the World Zionist
Organization, shall be the instrument in conjunction with whom the
Executive shall carry out the tasks and duties imposed upon it by the
provisions of this Constitution and the resolutions of the Congress and
the General Council.
The Executive, the heads of its departments and its representatives
must consult with the Executive Governing Body of the Federation or
its authorized representatives, regarding the Zionist activities of the
Executive in that area: Provided that a Federation may be resolution of
its Executive Governing Body, forego the rights set out in this Article;
and Provided that the provisions of this article shall not affect the
rights of anybody affiliated to the Federation, in relation to any World
Zionist Union to which it may belong.
Article 8
Every Zionist Federation shall fix the form and manner
of the admission as members of individual Zionists not
being members of any Zionist body.
Admission of
as Members
Article 9 abrogated22
Article 9 A
Section 1
Women's Zionist Organizations shall be members of the
Zionist Territorial Organization of the country concerned. Organization
Section 2
Membership in the Zionist Territorial Organization is not obligatory
for Women's Zionist Organizations affiliated with bodies which are
members of Zionist Territorial Organizations.23
Article 7 A was inserted according to Resolution of the General Council, June 1987.
Article 9 deleted according to Resolution 8 of the General Council 1973.
Article 9 A inserted according to Resolution 44 of the 27th Congress.
Article 10
Section 1
The Executive may at any time require any Member to furnish
that it has fulfilled the conditions of membership in accordance
with Articles 5, 7, 8, 9. If a Member does not furnish such
information within the time fixed by the Executive, the
Executive may propose to the Zionist Supreme Court the
suspension of the rights of such Member in the World Zionist
Organization, its expulsion from the World Zionist Organization
or such sanctions as it deems fit.
on fulfillment
of the above
Section 2
If a member has failed to implement and agreement made with the Executive
under Article 4 (3) or any undertaking given to the Executive in respect of
fundamental organizational matters or activities, the Executive may decide on
the suspension of the rights of this member in the WZO after giving written
notice to the member requesting it to remedy such failure, or on his expulsion
from the WZO or any other sanctions which it may deem fit, the said member
being entitled to appeal from the decision of the Executive to the Zionist
Supreme Court.24
Article 11
Section 1
The Council may, upon the proposal of the Executive, decide, by a two-thirds'
majority of its members entitled to vote, to admit as Member of the World
Zionist Organization a Zionist Territorial Organization which has recognized
the Zionist Program as set out in Article 2, but has not fulfilled all the
requirements indicated in the foregoing Article.
Section 2
Subject to the provisions of Article 7 A, in countries in which the Jewish
population does not exceed 400,000 the Executive may initiate and pursue
such Zionist activities as it deems necessary.24a
Article 10, Section 2 inserted according to Resolution 11 of the General Council 1973.
Section 2 of Article 11 was amended according to Resolution of the General Council,
June 1987.
Article 12
The Congress is the supreme organ of the World Zionist Organization.
It may either be an Ordinary or an Extraordinary Congress.
The Congress
Article 13
An Ordinary Congress shall meet at least once in four years at a place
and time determined by the Council. It shall be convened by the
Congress and
Article 14
For the purpose of this Article the term "Institutions of the World
Powers of the
Zionist Organization" means the Keren Kayemeth Le-Israel, Keren
Hayesod-United Israel Appeal and such other institutions and enterprises
as will be recognized by the Executive as carrying out central tasks within
the Zionist Movement.
The ordinary Congress shall inter alia-
(a) receive and consider the report of the Executive, including a
report on the activities of Institutions of the World Zionist
(b) receive and decide upon the report of the Comptroller;
(c) receive and decide upon proposals brought before it;
(d) determine the financial and budgetary policy and fix the budget
for the year following the year in which the Congress is held;
Article 13 amended according to Resolution 18 of the 26th Congress.
(e) Elect the President of the World Zionist Organization,
Chairman of the Executive, members of the Executive,
members of the Council and their deputies, subject to the
provisions of Art. 27, section 2, the President of the Zionist
Supreme Court, the Attorney of the World Zionist Organization
and his Deputies, the Comptroller, and, if necessary, his
(f) Congress may elect as a member of the Executive in an
advisory capacity a representative of a Zionist body, which is
represented in the General Council under Article 26, Section 4
of the Constitution;
(g) Congress may also elect deputy-members of the Executive,
whose field of activities shall be determined by the Executive,
who shall participate in its meetings in an advisory
Article 15
Delegation of
Subject to the provisions of Article 64, the Congress may delegate any
of its powers to the Council or to such other body as it may deem fit.
Article 16
Section 1
of Congress
The Council may, after hearing the Executive, decide by a 75%
majority of its members qualified to vote, to postpone the Congress by
reason of special or extraordinary circumstances. In the event of such
postponement being decided upon, the new date of the Congress shall
be determined by the Council at the time of the adoption of the
postponement decision or, failing it, by the Presidium of the Council,
after consultations with the Executive.
Article 14, lit. (e) amended according to Resolution 16 of the General Council in January
1976, and Resolution 6 of the General Council, July 1986.
Article 14, lit. (f) & (g) inserted according to Resolution 17 of the General Council 1966.
Article 14, lit. (h) deleted according to Resolution 16 of the General Council in Janaury
Section 2
(a) 8 Council members, qualified to vote, may object to the decision for
postponement of the Congress and shall be entitled to bring such objection
before the Zionist Supreme Court. The Zionist Supreme Court shall hear
the objection in summary proceedings by a bench of at least 5 Judges,
including the President of the Court or one of his Deputies.
(b) A representative of the Presidium of the Council shall appear in these
proceedings before the Court and indicate the circumstance relating to the
(c) The Zionist Supreme Court shall make such finding and give such
directions as it deems fit.
Section 3
A postponement of the Congress shall not be decided upon by way of an Emergency
Regulation under Article 63 of the Constitution.
Article 17
Section 1
The number of delegates to Congress, apart from those elected on World Numbers of
Election Lists and those participating in the Congress in accordance with Congress
Article 26, Section 4 and Article 5, Section 4 (4) and 5, shall not exceed Delegates
Section 2
The Council may resolve, not later than one year before Congress meets, to increase
this number by not more than five percent.30
Article 17, Section 1 amended according to Resolution 83 of the 25th Congress.
Article 17, Section 2 inserted according to Resolution 18 of the 26th Congress.
Section 3
The number of delegates to Congress, as stated in Section 1, shall be allocated in the
following proportion: Israel 38%, United States of America 29%, other countries of
the Diaspora 33%.31
Article 18
Fixing Number
of Delegates
from each
Electoral area
The Council shall set up, two years before Congress meets, a
Committee to determine the number of delegates for each Electoral
Area, with the exception of the Electoral Areas of Israel and the
United States of America. Zionists in the Diaspora shall be suitably
represented on this Committee. Appeals against the decision of the
Committee may be lodged with the Zionist Supreme Court.32
Article 19
Section 1
The delegates shall be elected in each electoral area (country) in
accordance with a method consistent with generally accepted
democratic principles.
Section 2
In an electoral area (country) in which one Zionist Territorial
Organization is operating as a Member of the World Zionist
Organization, the body authorized by the Area Election Committee32a
shall determine the method of election not later than six months before
the opening of the Congress, unless the Presidium of the General
Council decides to shorten the above time limit, if necessary.33
Article 17, Section 3 amended according to Resolution 83 of the 25th Congress.
Article 18 amended according to Resolution 18 of the 26th Congress.
Amended according to Resolution of the Council, June 1987.
End of sentence inserted according to Resolution 44 of the General Council 1971.
Section 3
In an electoral area (country) in which no Zionist Territorial Organization is operating
as a Member of the World Zionist Organization, the method of elections shall be
determined by the groups represented at the preceding Congress not later than six
months before the opening of the Congress, unless the Presidium of the General
Council decides to shorten the above time limit, if necessary.34
Section 4
Details shall be laid down in the Regulations for the Implementation of the
Article 20
Section 1
For the proper implementation of the provisions relating to Congress
elections there shall be constituted an Area Election Committee. Its
Composition and other matters relating to elections shall be determined
by Rules enacted by the body which determined the method of elections
(Article 19, Sections 2 and 3).
Area Election
Section 2
In electoral areas (countries) in which a single Zionist Territorial Organization is
operating, its Executive Committee or a body authorized by it may discharge the
functions of the Area Election Committee.
Section 3
The Area Election Committee shall be responsible for the conduct of the Congress
elections in the area in respect of which it is constituted.35,36
Article 19 amended according to Resolution 51 of the 27th Congress.
Article 20 amended according to Resolution 51 of the 27th Congress.
Section 3 of Article 20 identical with section 2 of Article 23; the other Sections of Article
23 were abrogated according to Resolution 51 of the 27th Congress.
Article 21
Section 1
of Israel
No elections to Congress shall be held in the State of Israel. The
Committee for Determining the Representation shall appoint the
delegates in accordance with the relative strength of the Zionist parties
in the last Knesset elected prior to the opening of the Congress. A
party in the Knesset which adheres to or advocates discrimination
based on origin, nationality or race, shall not be represented at
Details shall be laid down in the Regulations for the Implementation of
the Constitution.38
Article 22
Section 1
Right to Vote
and Eligibility
for Election
Every Jew who has reached the age of eighteen years and who is
member of a body affiliated to the World Zionist Organization
(Article 3) shall be entitled to vote in elections to Congress.
The Election Rules (Article 20) may lay down that membership in such
body for a certain period prior to the opening of Congress is a pre-
condition of the right to vote.
Section 2
Save as otherwise provided for in this Constitution, every person
entitled to vote in elections to Congress who has reached the age of
eighteen years shall be eligible for election as delegate to Congress.39,40
Article 23 abrogated
Article 21, Section 1 amended according to Resolution 8 of the General Council, July
1986 and June 1987.
Article 21 amended according to Resolution 51 of the 27th Congress.
Article 22 amended according to Resolution 51 of the 27th Congress.
Article 22, Section 2 amended according to Resolution 12 of the General Council in June
Article 23 abrogated according to Resolution 51 of the 27th Congress.
Article 24
The Zionist Supreme Court shall examine the conduct of elections
in every area and shall be entitled to confirm, annul or vary the
results thereof. The Court shall also examine the mode of
appointment of the delegates representing Zionist Bodies (Article
26, Section 4) and Jewish National and International Bodies
(Article 5, Section 4) and shall be entitled to confirm, annul or
vary their representation. The decision of the Zionist Supreme
Court shall be final.42
Examination of
Composition of
Congress by the
Zionist Supreme
Article 24 A
The President of the Zionist Supreme Court will announce the composition of the
Congress, both personal and by groups, parties and organizations, in accordance with
Article 24 of the Constitution, at least 14 days prior to the opening of Congress
(herein: "the set date").42a
Article 25
Section 1
Every delegate to Congress shall be entitled to one vote only.
Status of Congress
Section 2
The mandate of a Congress delegate shall be valid from the time that the Congress to
which he has been elected is convened until the opening of the next Ordinary
Section 3
Every delegate to Congress shall enjoy freedom of action and voting.43
Article 24 amended according to Resolution 50 of the 27th Congress.
Article 24A was inserted according to Resolution of the Council, June 1987.
Article 25, Section 3 added according to Resolution 49 of the 27th Congress.
Article 25 A
(1) At least 12 delegates present at the Congress may form a
Congress Grouping;
(2) The Congress Grouping may be ideological or territorial or
(3) A Delegate may join any one of the Congress Groupings;
(4) All Congress Groupings shall have equal rights in
accordance with their numerical strength;
(5) Details shall be laid down in the Standing Orders of the
Article 26
Section 1
of Congress
Members of Council not elected as delegates shall be entitled to
participate in plenary sessions of Congress in an advisory
capacity only and shall not be taken into account in determining
the strength of Congress groupings. Any such Council member
shall, if appointed to any committee, have full rights as a
member of such committee.
Section 2
The Executive of Presidium of the Council may resolve to
allow the participation of representatives of Jewish bodies, in
an advisory capacity, in the plenary session and committees of
Section 3
The President of the Zionist Supreme Court, the Attorney of the
World Zionist Organization, or, in their absence, the
representative nominated by them from amongst their Deputies,
the Comptroller and, in his absence, the Deputy-Comptroller,
shall participate in Congress and in its committees in an
advisory capacity.
Article 25 A inserted according to Resolution 12 of the General Council 1973.
Article 26, Section 2 added according to Resolution 18 of the 26th Congress.
(a) Chairmen of Zionist Federations, which are represented at Congress by 8 or
more delegates and who were not themselves elected delegates shall
participate in Congress and its committees in an advisory capacity. The
Executive may invite an additional number of Chairmen of Zionist
Federations, not exceeding five, to participate in Congress and its committees
in an advisory capacity. "Chairmen" for the purpose of this section includes
President and any other head or chief representative of a Zionist Federation.
(b) Representatives of the Aliyah Movement, as the Executive at its discretion
determine, shall participate in Congress and its committees in an advisory
Section 4
(a) With the consent of the Council, the Executive may grant to a Zionist body
fulfilling a special task and which has a membership of not less than 150,000
and branches in not less than 20 countries, and which has not submitted a list
of its own in elections to Congress, a representation at the Congress in an
advisory capacity. The Executive shall fix the number of representatives in
each case.47,48
(b) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-sec. (a) the Executive, with the
approval of the Council, may make an agreement with a body as described in
sub-sec. (a), granting such body representation with voting rights on Congress,
on the Council and other organs of the World Zionist Organization.
Article 26, Section 3 (a) and 3 (b) added according to Resolution 37 of the General
Council February 1974.
Article 26, Section 4, lit. (a) amended according to Resolution 18 of the 26th Congress.
Two sentences deleted according to Resolution 48 of the General Council 1971.
Article 27
Section 1
Unless the Constitution or the Congress otherwise prescribe, a person
elected by Congress to serve in a particular office shall hold such
office until termination of the next following Ordinary Congress.
Period of
Section 2
Notwithstanding the provision of the foregoing section, the term of
office of a member of the Zionist Supreme Court does not come to its
end as stated above, but only after an additional Congress.49
Article 28
The procedure of the Congress, including its convocation, shall be
determined by Standing Orders decided upon by Congress or by the
Council or any other body to whom Congress has delegated authority
for such purpose.
Orders of
Article 29
Section 1
The Council or the Executive may convene an Extraordinary Congress.
The delegates participating in the last Ordinary Congress, or those who
have replaced them in accordance with this Constitution (or the
Regulations there under), shall be the delegates to the Extraordinary
Section 2
The Extraordinary Congress shall deal with the matters placed upon
the agenda by the Council or the Executive.
Article 27, Section 2 added according to Resolution 16 of the General Council in January
1976, and Resolution 1 of the General Council in July 1976.
Section 3
The Standing Orders of the Ordinary Congress shall, mutatis mutandis,
apply to the Extraordinary Congress.
Article 30
Section 1
Save for those matters within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Congress, Competence
the Council shall in inter-Congress periods consider and decide upon all of the
matters relating to the World Zionist Organization and its institutions. In Council
particular, the Council shall inspect and, in so far as it is necessary, decide
upon the manner in which the Executive shall implement the decisions of
the Congress and the Council.
Section 2
The Council shall receive and consider the reports of the Executive.
Section 3
(a) The Council shall, upon proposal of the Executive, either itself or through a
committee established by it for that purpose in terms of Article 31 (The
Permanent Budget and Finance Committee) decide upon all budgetary and
financial matters, provided such decision be not inconsistent with the
decisions of Congress.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-sec. (a) the Council may, by a two-
thirds' majority, change the budget fixed by Congress, if in its opinion
unexpected circumstances make it necessary so to do.
Article 30 A abrogated50
(1) At least 3 members of the General Council with voting rights may
form a grouping;
Groupings of
the General
(2) The provisions of Art. 25 A on Congress Groupings shall apply
mutatis mutandis to Groupings of the General Council.51
Article 31
Section 1
Delegation of
Save for those matters in which this Constitution or the Congress
has prohibited delegation, the Council may delegate any of its powers
to any organ or body it deems fit.
Section 2
Where such delegation is made to a committee based upon the strength
of groupings within the Council, such committee shall, at the request
of any group, be constituted on the same basis as the Council.
Article 32
Section 1
of Council
The Congress shall elect the members of the Council entitled to vote in
accordance with the relative strength of the groupings in Congress.
Every Congress grouping shall be represented on the Council by a
number of members equal to one-fifth of the total number of delegates
of the respective groupings.
Article 30 A deleted according to Resolution 16 of the General Council in January 1976.
Article 30 B inserted according to Resolution 12 of the General Council 1973.
A remainder of at least 3 as a result of such division entitles a grouping to an
additional member of the Council.52
Section 1 A
(a) Chairmen of Zionist Federation of countries which were represented at the
foregoing Congress by 3 or more delegates shall participate in the sessions of
the General Council with voting rights in all matters excepting those of
candidature and elections to office in the WZO (Article 5, Section 4 (aa) (4) of
the Constitution).
(b) The above provision shall not apply to the Chairman of the Federation who
was elected by Congress as a member of the Zionist General Council,
representing a Grouping. Such chairman may resign from membership of the
Council for one session or for the whole term of office and so be replaced by a
deputy in accordance with the provisions of Article 32, Sections 4 and 7 of the
Constitution. In such case however, such chairman may not represent his
Federation in the General Council and the Federation shall remain
unrepresented as long as he continued to head the Federation concerned.
(c) The Chairmen participating in the sessions of the Council as representatives of
their Federations as stated in paragraph (a) shall not join any Groupings of the
Zionist General Council.53
Section 2
Subject to such exceptions as may be fixed by the Council in Regulations, the
Comptroller and officials of the World Zionist Organization, its National Funds and
of the Jewish Agency for Israel as well as senior officials of Zionist Federations, shall
not be eligible for election as members or deputy-members of the Council.54
Article 32, Section 1 amended according to Resolution 84 of the 25th Congress.
Article 32, Section 1 A inserted according to Resolution 15 of the General Council in
June 1979.
Amended according to Resolution 16 of the General Council in January 1976.
Section 3
The Following members hall be entitled to participate in the Council in an advisory
(a) Members of the Executive;
(b) One representative each of the Jewish Colonial Trust, of the Keren Kayemeth
LeIsrael and the Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal;
(c) The President of the Zionist Supreme Court and the Attorney of the World
Zionist Organization;
(d) The Comptroller;
(e) Members of the Executive in the period preceding the Congress and members
of the Executive who have resigned during the current Congress period;55
(f) Zionist leaders, not to exceed 10, proposed by the President of the World
Zionist Organization and the Chairman of the Council jointly, and approved
by the Congress or the Council;
(g) Representatives of Zionist bodies provided for in Article 26, Section 4, the
number of which shall not exceed 2 for any single body and 4 in respect of all
such bodies together;
(h) Personalities who have been elected as such by the 24th Zionist Congress, or
will be elected by Congress or the Council (Honorary Fellows). Their number
shall be determined by the Executive jointly with the Presidium of the
(i) Former Presidents of the World Zionist Organization, former Chairmen of the
Zionist General Council and former Chairmen of the Executive;58
(j) The Chairmen of Zionist Federations whose countries were represented at the
foregoing Congress by one or two delegates; "Chairmen" for the purpose of
this lit. are elected Chairmen of Federations, and, if no Chairman was elected,
persons elected to act in an identical capacity;59
(k) Such representatives of the Aliyah Movement as indicated in Article 26,
section 3 (b).60
Article 32, Section 3, lit. (e) amended according to Resolution 84 of the 25th Congress.
Article 32, Section 3, lit. (h) amended according to Resolution 18 of the 26th Congress.
The change from "Virilist" to "Honorary Fellow" according to Resolution 12 of the
General Council in June 1980.
Article 32, Section 3, lit. (i) added according to Resolution 16 of the General Council in
June 1979.
Amended according to Resolution 15 of the General Council in June 1979.
Article 32, Section 3, lit. (j) and (k) added according to Resolution 37 of the General
Council in February 1974.
Section 4
(a) Together with the election of members designated in Section 1, the Council
shall elect a number of deputy-members equal to twice the number of
members laid down in Section 1. If a Council member does not intend taking
part in a session of the Council for any reason whatsoever, he may empower
one of the deputy-members belonging to his grouping to deputize for him at
that session. In the event of a Council member not exercising this right, the
group, acting through its duly authorized controlling body, shall appoint a
deputy in his stead.
(b) The institutions designated in Section 3 (b) shall appoint together with their
representative a deputy-representative. The provision of sub-sec. (a), second
and third sentences, shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Section 5
The President of the Zionist Supreme Court and the Attorney of the World Zionist
Organization shall be entitled to appoint one of their Deputies to participate in any
meeting or session of the Council from which they will be absent.
Section 6
In the absence of the Comptroller, his Deputy shall be entitled to take part in such
meeting or session.
Section 7
Upon the resignation or inability of a Council member to act for any reason, the
grouping or Organization or body which he represents shall designate a deputy-
Council member from among those affiliated with them. Upon such designation, the
deputy-Council member shall have the full rights of an ordinary Council member.
Section 861
"Representative": for the purpose of this Section a member or deputy-member of the
Council elected by Congress and affiliated with a grouping of the Council.
(a) If, in the intervals between Congresses, any grouping intends to replace
a representative, it shall apply to the Presidium of the Council for
confirmation of the replacement. If the Presidium is satisfied that there
is an important reason for the replacement, it shall grant the
application.62 The representative proposed as replacement shall be
resident in the same region (Art. 17, sec. 3) as the person replaced,63
unless the Presidium decides for important reasons, with a two-thirds'
majority, to permit an exemption from this rule.
(b) Upon confirmation of the replacement, the new member or deputy-
member shall have the full rights of the person replaced. The new
representative may not be replaced again in accordance with the
provision of lit. (a).
(c) Details of the procedure shall be determined by Regulations to be
enacted by the Presidium of the General Council.
Article 33
Status of
Elected to the
Council members who, while being Council members, are elected to
the Executive, shall cease to have voting rights in the Council and
shall participate in it in an advisory capacity only.
Article 32, Section 8 added according to Resolution 56 of the 27th Congress.
Amended according to Resolution 15 of the General Council 1970.
Amended according to Resolution 46 of the General Council 1971.
Article 34
The Council shall hold at least one session a year. The first session
in any Congress period shall take place immediately after the Congress.
Dates of
Article 35
Section 1
The Council shall, at its first session in any Congress period, elect
from among its members the Chairman of the Council and the
Presidium of the Council. The Chairman of the Council shall
ex officio be a member of the Presidium and shall act as Chairman
of the Presidium. The composition and functions of the Presidium
shall be determined by the Standing Orders of the Council (Article 38).
Chairman of
Council and
Presidium of
Section 2
If during the inter-Congress period the place of one of the members or deputy-
members of the Presidium becomes vacant for any reason whatsoever, the Council
shall elect another member or deputy-member, in his stead.64
Article 36
The Presidium of the Council may, by a two-third's majority of its
Members, after hearing the Executive, decide to postpone a session
ment of
of the Council by reason of the existence of special and extraordinary
circumstances. The provisions of Article 16 shall apply, mutatis mutandis,
to such a decision.
Article 37
Upon the written proposal of at least one-third of the members of the
Council entitled to vote, who shall belong to at least two different
groupings, the Presidium of the Council shall convene an extraordinary Session
session if the proposal has been submitted at least one month after the
termination of the preceding session of the Council and indicates the agenda
of the proposed session. The Presidium shall, within two weeks from the
day of receipt of a proposal conforming to the foregoing conditions, fix the
opening of the session for a date not later than four weeks after the consideration
of the proposal.
Article 35, Section 2 inserted according to Resolution 3 of the General Council, June
Article 38
The Council shall lay down its procedure in Standing Orders.
Procedure of
Article 38 A
Members of
the Assembly
of the Jewish
Agency from
the World
Unless otherwise determined by Congress – or in inter-Congress
periods by the General Council – the following shall be members
of the Assembly of the Jewish Agency on behalf of the WZO:
a. The members of the Executive;
b. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the KKL;
c. The members of the General Council with voting rights or in their
place those deputy-members who were empowered to deputize for a
member in accordance with Art. 32, section 4, 7 and 8;
d. Persons appointed by the Presidium of the General Council together
with the Executive in so far as additional representatives on behalf of
the WZO are required in order to attain the number laid down in the
Constitution of the Jewish Agency. As far as possible priority shall be
given to the chairman of the Zionist Federations participating in
accordance with Article 32, Section 1 A in the sessions of the
Article 38 A added according to Resolution 16 of the General Council in January 1976.
Article 39
Section 1
The President of the World Zionist Organization (herinafter referred
to as "the President") shall be the head and chief representative of the
World Zionist Organization. He shall have the full rights of an
Executive member and shall be entitled to preside over meetings
of the Executive in which he participates. His term of office
shall run from the time of his election to the termination of the
next following Ordinary Congress.
Status of the
President of
the World
Section 2
If during the inter-Congress period the President's position become vacant for any
reason whatsoever, his place, until the election of a new President of Congress, shall
be taken by the Chairman of the Executive.
Article 40
Section 1
The Executive shall be the executive organ of the World Zionist
Organization, charged with the implementation of the decisions
of Congress and Council, and shall be responsible to those bodies.
It shall have the power to acquire rights and undertake obligations
on behalf of the World Zionist Organization, and to represent it
Powers and
Functions of
Section 2
The Executive may delegate to one or more of its members or to officials of the
World Zionist Organization or of its institutions authority to undertake financial or
other obligations on behalf of the World Zionist Organization.
Article 41
Section 1
The Congress shall elect an Inner Executive composed as follows:
Number of
Members of
a. The Chairman of the Executive;
b. The Treasurer;
c. Not more than 15 members from amongst the factions represented at
the Congress, from whom there shall be those responsible for the
d. One representative from each of the Jewish International Bodies and
WIZO (Articles 5 (4) and 26 (4)), in accordance with the conditions of
their membership, who shall serve as members of the Executive
without portfolio.
Section 2
The Congress shall elect an outer Executive consisting of up to 51
members, including all the members of the Inner Executive.65 a
Article 41 A
Former Presi-
dents and
Chairmen of
the Executive
Former Presidents of the World Zionist Organization and former
Chairmen of the Executive shall be entitled to participate in the
meetings of the Executive in an advisory capacity.66
Article 41 B
The Executive may co-opt the Director General of the Jewish Agency
as an Associate Member without the right to vote.67
Article 41 amended according to Resolution 15 of the 31st Zionist Congress.
Article 41 A added according to Resolution 54 of the 27th Congress.
Article 41 B was inserted according to Resolution 50 of the Zionist General Council in
July 1971
Article 42
The seat and head office of the Executive shall be in Jerusalem. The
Congress or Council may, however, establish one or more divisions
of the Executive abroad and, in this event, the Executive shall appoint
the chairman of such division.
Seat of
Article 43
Section 1
If during the inter-Congress period the post of the Chairman of the
Executive becomes vacant for any reason whatsoever, the Council
shall, as its next session, elect a new Chairman from among the
members of the Executive. Pending his election, the functions of
the Chairman shall be carried out by one of the members of the
Executive elected by them by majority vote.
Filling of
Section 2
If, during the inter-Congress period, the place of one of the members
of the Executive becomes vacant for any reason whatsoever, the
Council shall elect another member in his stead.
Article 44
The Executive shall submit to Council at least one month before any
session of the Council a report of its activities. In addition to such
report it shall submit annually an additional report of its activities.
Article 45
The Executive shall decide on the manner of signing contracts,
written obligations and other documents binding the World
Zionist Organization.
Signing of
Contracts and
Article 45 A
Unless otherwise determined in this Constitution or in any other
enactment of the World Zionist Organization, regarding one of its
institutions or a specific type of deliberation or decision, at least
one third of those members with voting rights must be present at
the opening of a session and during a vote of the Zionist Congress,
the Zionist General Council, their Presidiums, their various
Committees, the Zionist Executive and in all other institutions,
committees and bodies of the World Zionist Organization; provided
Quorum at
Meetings and
that proper notice was given for any session or meeting as mentioned
Article 46
of Terms
In this part –
"Central Zionist Body" means the Congress, the Council, the
Executive, an institution or body established by them to carry out any
of their functions, the Keren Kayemeth in Jerusalem, the Keren
Hayesod-United Israel Appeal in Jerusalem and such other institutions
and enterprises as will be recognized by the Executive for the purpose
of this part;
"Zionist Body" means a central Zionist body, a Member of the World
Zionist Organization and any organization, fund, corporate or non-
corporate body affiliated to the World Zionist Organization.
Article 47
Section 1
Members of
Court – Their
The Zionist Supreme Court (herein "the Court") shall consist of not
more than 30 judges, not including the President of the Zionist
Supreme Court and including not more than five Deputy Presidents.68,
69, 70, 71, 71a
Article 45 A inserted according to Resolution of the Zionist General Council, June 1987.
Article 47, Section 1 amended according to Resolution 17 of the General Council 1966.
The name "Congress Tribunal" was replaced by "Zionist Supreme Court" according to
Resolution 17 of the General Council in June 1979.
Amended to "30 members") according to Resolution 26 of the 28th Zionist Congress.
Article 47, Section 1 amended according to Resolution 6 of the General Council, July
Article 47, Section 1 amended according to Resolution 5 of the General Council, June
Section 2
The president of the WZO, the members of the Council entitled to vote, the members
of the Executive, the Comptroller and the Deputy-Comptroller, the Attorney of the
World Zionist Organization and his Deputies, the officials of the World Zionist
Organization and the Central Zionist Bodies shall not be eligible for membership of
the Court.
Article 48
Unless the Congress otherwise decides, the seat of the Court shall be
in Jerusalem, but the Court may hold sessions in any place it deems fit.
Seat of
Article 49
The Court shall be competent to hear and determine –
(A) As a Court Tribunal of First Instance
Powers of
Section 1
(a) The interpretation of this Constitution;
(b) The legality of decisions of the Central Zionist Bodies, whether in connection
with a dispute or upon the proposal of the Executive or the Attorney of the
World Zionist Organization;
(c) Disputes between Zionist Bodies, where at least one party is the World Zionist
Organization or a Central Zionist Body or where the parties to the dispute
have their head offices in different countries;
(d) Disputes except monetary disputes, between the World Zionist Organization
or a Central Zionist Body and individual Zionists in matters connected with
Zionist work or arising out of membership in a Zionist Body;
(e) Objections to decisions to postpone the Congress or to postpone a session of
the Council (Articles 16 and 36);
(f) Matters relating to elections to the Zionist Congress (Article 24) and appeals
against the determination of the number of delegates (Article 18) and against
the appointment of Congress representatives of Jewish National and
International Bodies (Article 5, Section 4);72
(g) Matters relative to acts allegedly infringing the Constitution or damaging the
interests or prestige of the World Zionist Organization which have been
brought before it by the Attorney of the World Zionist Organization for
consideration, by reason of their public Zionist importance.
Article 49 A, Section 1, lit. (f) amended according to Resolutions 50 and 51 of the 27th
Section 2
In any matter referred to in (A), Sec. 1 (g) of this Article, the Court may make such
order or impose such sanctions as it deems fit, provided that it takes due care that such
order or such sanction shall not damage the interests of innocent bodies or individuals
who may be affected by the decision.
(B) As a Court of Appeal
Appeals from judgments of a Territorial Zionist Tribunal as provided for in Article
Article 50
Section 1
of Court
The Court shall sit as a bench of three or five judges, in accordance
with the decision of the President of the Court or the Deputy
Section 2
The President of the Court or, in his absence, the Deputy-President,
shall appoint the presiding judge and other judges in respect of each
Article 51
Finality of
The judgments of any bench of the Zionist Supreme Court shall be
final and not subject to any appeal.
Article 50, section 1, amended according to Resolution of the General Council in June
Article 52
The President of the Zionist Supreme Court, together with his Deputies, Court Rules
shall determine by Rules the procedures in the Court. The Rules and any
amendment to the Rules are subject to the approval of the Zionist General
Article 53
The Congress shall elect the Attorney of the World Zionist Organization
(hereinafter referred to as "the Attorney"). The Attorney shall represent
the interests of the World Zionist Organization, including matters
referred to in Article 49 (A) Sec. 1 (g) before the Court, and shall
advise the Central Zionist Bodies in legal matters connected with
this Constitution, the decisions of the Congress, the Council and the
Executive, and with the relations between the Central Zionist Bodies
and between them and other Zionist Bodies or individual Zionists.
Attorney of
the World
Article 54
The Congress shall elect, upon the proposal of the Congress Presidium,
the President of the Court, the Attorney of the World Zionist
Organization and Deputy Attorneys.75, 76
Procedure of
Election of
President of
Court and
Article 54 A
Section 1
The three Deputy Presidents of the Court and the judges of the Court
shall be appointed by the Committee for the Nomination of Judges
of the Zionist Supreme Court (herein: "the Nomination Committee").
Procedure of
Election of
Court Judges
Article 52 amended according to Resolution 3 of the General Council, January 1984.
Article 54 amended according to Resolution 6 of the General Council, July 1986.
Resolution 17 of the General Council, 1966.
The change to "President" instead of "Chairman" of Court according to Resolution 12 of
the General Council in June 1980, and thus it was amended everywhere in the
Section 2
The President of the Court shall serve as Chairman of the Nomination Committee.
Section 3
The Nominating Committee shall consist of eight members, excluding the Chairman.
Section 4
The Standing Committee of the Congress shall elect four members of the Nomination
Committee, two of whom shall be foreign residents. The President of the Court and
the Attorney of the WZO shall each appoint two members of the Nomination
Committee, within one month from the date of their election (Article 14 (e) of the
Section 5
Should the place of the Chairman of the Nomination Committee become vacant, the
most senior Deputy President of the Court shall serve in his stead. Should the place
of any other member of the Nomination Committee become vacant, the President of
the Court or the Attorney, as the case may be, shall appoint a new member in his
stead, or the Presidium of the Council shall appoint a new member in his stead, if the
seat is vacated by a member who was appointed by the Standing Committee.
Section 6
A member of the Nomination Committee shall serve until a new member has been
appointed by the appropriate person or body.77
Article 55
Filling of
If during the inter-Congress period the place of the President of the
Court or the post of the Attorney or of one of his Deputies becomes
vacant, the Council may, upon an agreed proposal of the President of
the Court and of the Attorney, or upon a proposal of one of them (as
the case may be), such proposal having been made after consultation
with the Presidium of the Council, appoint another person to the
Article 54-A inserted in accordance with Resolution 6 of the General Council, July 1986.
Article 56
Every member of the Court shall, each time after the election and before
taking office, pledge himself by a declaration to carry out his functions
without bias and to the best of his knowledge and conscience. The
declaration of the President of the Court shall be received by the
President of the WZO or, in his absence, by the Chairman of the
Council. The declaration of the other members of the Court shall
be received by the President of the Court.
Made by
Members of
Article 57
Section 1
In this Article and Article 58 the term "Zionist Territorial Organization"
includes an all-inclusive Zionist national body of another kind in
countries where no Zionist Territorial Organization exists.
Section 2
In every country where a Zionist Territorial Organization exists, there shall be set up
by constitution a judicial body (hereinafter referred to as "The Judicial Body"), having
in respect of its area or jurisdiction the power to hear and determine the following
(a) Interpretation of the Constitution of the Zionist Territorial Organization and
legality of decisions of the bodies of the Zionist Territorial Organization, upon
the proposal of the Executive of the Zionist Territorial Organization or its
(b) Disputes between Zionist territorial and/or local bodies in the particular
(c) Disputes between Zionist territorial or local bodies and individual Zionists in
matters connected with Zionist work or arising out of membership in a Zionist
territorial or local body;
(d) Matters relating to elections of the National Convention of the Zionist
Territorial Organization;
(e) Matters of such a kind as are dealt with in Art. 49 (A), Sec. 1 (g), mutatis
mutandis, i.e., acts allegedly infringing the Constitution or damaging the
interests or prestige of the Zionist Territorial Organization which have been
brought, by reason of their public Zionist importance, before the Judicial Body
by the Attorney of the Zionist Territorial Organization.78
Article 57, Section 2 amended according to Resolution 51 of the General Council 1962.
Section 3
The Judicial Body referred to in the preceding suc-sec. shall be constituted by –
(a) establishing a permanent Zionist Territorial Tribunal, or
(b) by making provision for hearing the matter by way of arbitration.
Section 4
A permanent Zionist Territorial Tribunal shall be elected by a properly convened
National Convention on the Zionist Territorial Organization. The composition
(except for the number of members), method of election, filling of vacancies, conduct
of cases, declaration of members of the Tribunal, shall, mutatis mutandis, be as
provided for in Articles 47, 52, 54, 54 A, 55, and 56.
Section 5
(a) The Judicial Body set up by way of arbitration (hereinafter referred to as "the
Arbitration Tribunal") shall be constituted on the basis of each party to the
dispute appointing from among the Zionists of the country one Arbitrator and
the Arbitrators choosing a Chairman. The Arbitration Tribunal shall decide by
majority of votes.
(b) Should, however, the Arbitration Tribunal consist of an even number of
Arbitrators, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
Section 6
The procedure for the appointment of the Attorney of the Territorial Zionist
Organization, his powers as well as the particulars for bringing into being the
Arbitration Tribunal shall be set out in the Constitution of the Zionist Territorial
Organization or in Regulations framed thereunder.
Article 58
Section 1
The decisions of the Judicial Body shall be appealable, provided the
Constitution or Regulations thereunder of the Zionist Territorial
Organization so stipulate or, in the absence of such stipulation,
the parties agree that the decision is appealable.
Appeals from
Decisions of
the Judicial
Section 2
(a) The Appellate Tribunal from a Zionist Territorial Tribunal shall be the Zionist
Supreme Court.
(b) The Appellate Tribunal from an Arbitration Tribunal shall be constituted by
each party to the dispute appointing one member of the Tribunal. The
Chairman of the Appellate Tribunal shall be appointed by the President of the
Zionist Supreme Court, on the application of any party to the dispute. The
provisions of Article 57, Sec. 5 shall apply to the manner in which decision is
Section 3
The decision of the Appellate Tribunal shall be final.
Section 4
The precise procedures for the hearing of appeals as provided for in this Article shall
be set out in the Constitution of the Zionist Territorial Organization or in Regulations
framed thereunder.
Article 59
Financial Year
The Financial Year of the World Zionist Organization shall be fixed by
the Council.
Article 60
Section 1
Status and
Functions of
and Deputy-
The Comptroller shall inspect the financial, economic, administrative,
and organizational activities of the World Zionist Organization and its
officers, companies79 and institutions of every kind, including those in
which the World Zionist Organization holds at least 50% of the voting
power or of the capital.79a
Section 2
The Executive shall submit to the Comptroller, not later than six
months after the termination of the Financial Year of the World Zionist
Organization, a report on the income and expenditure of the World
Zionist Organization during that year and a balance sheet of its assets
and liabilities. The Executive shall make available all the documents
required by the Comptroller for his examination.
The word "companies" inserted according to Resolution 19 of the General Council in
September 1981.
Section 1 was amended according to Resolution of the General Council in June 1987.
Section 3
The Congress or Council may elect a Deputy-Comptroller. In urgent cases the
Presidium of the Council may elect a Deputy-Comptroller, subject to the approval of
the Council at its next session.
Section 4
The term of office of the Comptroller shall be from the Congress which elected him to
the termination of the following Ordinary Congress. If during the inter-Congress
period the post of Comptroller falls vacant for any reason whatsoever, the Council
shall elect a new Comptroller, and, pending his election, the functions of the
Comptroller shall be carried out by the Deputy-Comptroller.
Section 5
The Comptroller shall present a report on the results of his inspection to the Congress
and to the Council and, upon demand, to the Permanent Budget and Finance
Committee established by the Council (Article 30, Sec. 3).
Section 6
The Comptroller and the Deputy-Comptroller shall be independent of the institution
and bodies inspected by them and responsible only to the Congress and the Council.
Section 7
The Comptroller and the Deputy-Comptroller cannot be elected as delegates of the
Congress and cannot be members of the Executive or members of the Council (except
for membership in the Council under Art. 32, Sec. 3 (d) or members of the judicial
bodies of the World Zionist Organization.
Section 8
The details of the powers and functions of the Comptroller and his Deputy, their
modes of activity, working procedure and the obligations of the controlled bodies
regarding the report shall be determined by special Statutes adopted by the Congress
or the Council.79b
Section 8 was amended according to Resolution of the Council, June 1987.
Article 60 A
Section 1
Obligations of
the members
of the Govern-
ing Bodies of
the World
Members of the governing bodies of the World Zionist Organization
mentioned in Article 14 (e) of the Constitution are obliged to fulfill
their obligations towards the Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal,
the UJA and the Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael (hereinafter "the Funds")
in the course of the whole Congress period.
Section 2
If a member of the governing bodies mentioned in Sec. 1 has not
fulfilled his obligations towards the Funds, the Executive shall notify
the Attorney of the World Zionist Organization in order to initiate
steps before the Zionist Supreme Court, in accordance with Article 49
(A), Sec. 1 (g). The Executive is also entitled to suspend his
membership of the body until the decision of the Attorney. The
Executive shall immediately notify the Attorney of such suspension of
membership. Details of procedure shall be determined in the
Regulations for the Implementation of the Constitution.80
Chapter three, Article 60 A added according to Resolution 36 of the General Council in
Article 61
Every member may withdraw from membership in the World Zionist
Organization at the expiration of not less than six months after giving
Written advance notice to the Executive. The withdrawing Member
is bound to fulfill all its monetary obligations towards the World
Zionist Organization.
of Member-
Article 62
If a Member has not paid the membership dues imposed on it under
the provision of Article 5, Section 5, within the fixed time-limit, the
Executive may, after warning, suspend all or any of its membership
rights in the World Zionist Organization until the debt is paid.
of Member-
ship Rights
Article 63
Section 1
If by reason of an unexpected and unusual situation it is necessary
to deviate from any of the provisions of this Constitution or of any
other law of the World Zionist Organization or from the decisions
of the Congress or the Council, the Executive may, after hearing the
opinion of the Attorney and the President of the Court, propose to the
Presidium of the Council that in the particular case brought before it a
deviation from the Constitution or from some other law of the World
Zionist Organization or from the decisions of the Congress or the
Council be permitted. The proposal of the Executive shall be
accompanied by the opinion of the Attorney and the President of the
Court. A decision of the Presidium of the Council permitting the
deviation shall be valid, if passed in the presence of not less than
two-thirds of the members of the Presidium by a two-thirds' majority
of those present. If the voting is in writing or by telegraph, the
decision shall be valid, if two-thirds of all the members of the
Presidium take part in the voting and the decision is adopted by a
two-thirds' majority of those voting.
Section 2
The Executive shall notify the members of the Council of the decision, while referring
to this provision, and shall submit it for approval to the Council at its next session or,
if a session of the Council does not take place before the convening of the Congress,
to the Congress. Upon the refusal of the approval by the Council or the Congress the
decision becomes void; but its voidance shall not affect the validity of any
arrangements made in the meantime by virtue thereof.
Article 64
Section 1
Decisions on
of the Consti-
The decisions to amend the Constitution shall be valid, if they have
been adopted in the presence of the majority of the Congress delegates
by a two-thirds' majority of those voting. The Congress may decide
in the presence of the majority of the Congress delegates, by a majority
of two-thirds of those voting to delegate its powers to amend the
Constitution to the Council only. The Council must not delegate this
power to another organ or body, unless the amendment becomes
necessary for the implementation of a Resolution of Congress. In the
case of a delegation to the Council its decisions shall be valid if it has
been adopted in the presence of the majority of the members of the
Council entitled to vote by a two-thirds' majority of the voting.81
Article 64 amended according to Resolution 17 of the General Council 1966.
Section 2
The Congress or the Zionist General Council shall not deliberate on an amendment to
the Constitution unless a formulated and reasoned proposal for the amendment was
submitted to the Presidium of the General Council and its members and to the Zionist
Federations at least 60 days before the date of the deliberation. For special and
exceptional reasons, the Executive may propose in the Congress or the General
Council an amendment to the Constitution, even though the above provision was not
complied with. In such case, the decision on the amendment shall be valid if it has
been adopted in the presence of the majority of the Congress delegates or members of
the General Council with voting rights, by a majority of 75 percent of those voting.82
Section 3
A vote to amend the Constitution shall be held only at the Congress or at a session of
the Zionist General Council and in no other manner.83
Article 65
The Congress, the Council and the Executive shall be authorized to issue Regulations
Regulations for the Implementation of this Constitution, in so far as such
Regulations are required. The Regulations of the Executive are subject to
the confirmation by the Council.
Article 64 amended by addition of Section 2 according to Resolution 16 of the General
Council in January 1976.
Article 64, Section 3 inserted according to Resolution 2 of the General Council, January
Article 66
Coming into
Force of Con-
The original version of this Constitution came into force in stages at
various dates between its adoption by the Council on January 4th,
1960 and the close of the 25th Congress on January 11th, 1961.
The amendments came into force upon their adoption by Congress or
the Council, as indicated for each amendment.
Adopted on January 3rd, 1961, by the Committee set up in accordance
with Resolution No. 10 of the General Council at its Session in
December 1959 – January 1960 by virtue of Article 65 of the
Constitution and as amended by: The 27th Zionist Congress in 1968
and the General Council at its Sessions in January 1967, July 1967,
1969, June-July 1971, July 1976, June 1987, and June 1991.
Regulation 1
Meaning of
Committee for
the number of
Delegates to
The terms contained in these Regulations shall have the same meaning
as those contained in the Constitution of the World Zionist
Organization, unless another intention is expressed in the Regulation or
can be gathered from its context.
Regulation 2
(Article 18 of the Constitution)
(a) The Committee will be constituted according to the strength
of the groupings at the Congress held prior to the formation of such
Committee. The Committee will begin its work no later than one
month from the date of its constitution, and will continue its work
continuously until it is concluded.84a It will take its decisions after
hearing representatives of the Executive (Organization Department),
giving consideration inter alia to the achievements of the Zionist
Movement in he electoral area with regard to Aliyah, education and
culture, Organization, membership and the contribution of the Zionists
in the said area to the National Funds and to the United Israel Appeal.
Amended according to Resolution 4 of the General Council, June 1991.
(b) The Committee will determine the number of delegates of all electoral areas,
except Israel and the United States of America. The basis of the calculation shall
be the maximum number of delegates to Congress as fixed by Article 17, sub-
section 1, of the Constitution, less a deduction of 5-10 percent, as the Committee
may deem fit.
(c) The Committee must complete its work no later than nine months prior to the
(d) The Committee shall inform all the said electoral areas of its decision by
registered letter.
(e) Every electoral area may appeal against the decision of the Committee within
one month84c of receipt of a registered letter dispatched to the electoral area
concerned, containing the decision of the Committee.
(f) The Zionist Supreme Court shall finally decide on the number of delegates in
respect of each electoral area in which an appeal has been lodged. The Court is
entitled within the limits of the deduction provided for in sub-paragraph (b) hereof
to increase the number of delegates, having regard to the grounds of the appeal.
(g) Subsequent to the decisions being taken in terms of sub-paragraph (e) hereof,
the Committee will finally determine the total number of representatives to
Congress within the limits provided for by Article 17, Section 1 of the
(h) The Executive shall publish findings of the Committee as made in terms of
sub-paragraph (e) and bring them to the notice of all interested parties.
Amended according to Resolution 4 of the General Council, June 1991.
Amended according to Resolution 42 of the General Council 1971.
Regulation 3 deleted according to Resolution 51 of the 27th Congress.
Regulation 3 Abrogated85
Regulation 4
(Article 19 of the Constitution)
For the purpose of the election to Congress every country or several
countries being within the jurisdiction of one Territorial Zionist
Organization shall constitute one electoral area, except those cases
where another arrangement is made between the Executive and the
Territorial Zionist Organization within a country, and, in the absence
of such Territorial Zionist Organization in a country, by agreement
between the Executive and all the Zionist bodies that exist within the
Regulation 5
(Article 22 of the Constitution)
Right to Elect
and to be
The determining date with regard to age giving the right to elect or be
elected is the 30th of the month of June86 prior to the Congress.
Together with the nomination of a candidate to be a delegate to a
Congress, it is necessary to bring evidence that the candidate has
reasonably and in advance fulfilled his obligations to the Keren
Hayesod-United Israel Appeal and the Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael
during the period between Congresses.86a
Regulation 687
(Article 19 and 20 of the Constitution)
Method of Congress
(a) Each area Election Committee shall enact rules for the elections to Congress,
in accordance with the method adopted for the area and its special needs.
(b) In countries in which no Zionist Territorial Organization is operating as a
Member of the World Zionist Organization or in which more than one Zionist
Territorial Organization is operating as a Member of the World Zionist
Organization, the method of elections shall be determined by the groups
represented at the preceding Congress in accordance with Article 19 of the
Constitution. The decision on the method of elections shall be taken not later
than six months before the opening of the Congress. If more than one method
has been proposed, that method shall be adopted which is supported by a
majority within the groups whose delegates at the preceding Zionist Congress
constituted at least 90% of the area's representation.
Amended according to Resolution 40 of the General Council 1971.
Amended according to Resolution of the Council, June 1987.
Regulation 6 amended according to Resolution 51 of the 27th Congress.
(c) All groups and lists represented at the preceding Congress or desirous of being
represented at the forthcoming one may appeal against the decision on the
method of elections to the Zionist Supreme Court88 within one month of its
(d) If the relative strength of the groups and lists desirous of being represented at
Congress is not determined by the election method adopted as aforesaid, t he
relative strength shall be determined by a neutral body consisting of five to
seven members, to be set up by agreement between the various groups and
lists or, in the absence of agreement, by the Executive of the World Zionist
Organization. This provision shall apply if necessary also to countries in
which a Zionist Territorial Organization is operating.
(e) The body mentioned in the preceding section shall in its decision take into
consideration the numerical strength of each group and list, as well as its
achievements in various spheres of Zionist activity such as Aliyah, education
and culture, Organization, membership, National Funds and campaigns for
(f) Should a vacancy occur in the body mentioned in the preceding sections, it
shall be filled by agreement between the groups and lists which determined the
method of elections and, in the absence of such agreement, by the Executive
of the World Zionist Organization, unless the Zionist Territorial Organization
has decided on filling the vacancy.
Regulation 6 A89
(Article 21 of the Constitution)
of Israel
(a) The Zionist parties represented in the Knesset shall set up, no later than 5
months before the set date, a Committee for Determining the Representation
of Israel at the Zionist Congress.
(b) Each Zionist party represented in the Knesset shall submit the list of its
candidates, signed by two authorized representatives, to the Committee for
Determining the Representation not later than eight weeks before the set date.
(c) The Committee for Determining the Representation shall appoint form these
lists the delegates of each party and publish their names not later than six
weeks before the set date.
Amended according to decision of the Executive and the Presidium of the General
Council taken in pursuance of Resolution 16 of the General Council 1969.
Regulation 6 A amended according to Resolution 51 of the 27th Congress, and according
to Resolution of the Council, June 1987.
(d) To all other election matters in the State of Israel the provisions of the
Constitution, of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Constitution
and other enactments in connection with elections to the Zionist Congress
shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Regulation 7
(Article 25 of the Constitution)
Deputy Delegates
Together with the delegates an equal number of deputies shall be elected.
The Area Election Committee may fix in regulations for the carrying out
of elections a higher number of deputies, but not exceeding double the
number of delegates.
The order in which deputies shall take the place of delegates will be
determined by the representative of the list. Such representative shall be
entitled to determine the deputy only from the territorial list of the absent
delegate, unless the Presidium of the General Council shall confirm that
there is no deputy from such list or that such deputy is unable to
participate in Congress. In the latter event, the representative of the list is
entitled to appoint a deputy from another territorial list of the same Zionist
body to which the absent delegate belongs.
In the absence of an instruction by the said representative as to the order
in which deputies have to take up their duties, the order in which they
appear in the list shall determine the order in which each deputy shall
assume his duty.
Regulation 8
(Article 26, Section 4 of the Constitution)
Cancellation of
Agreement in
Regard to
(a) In the absence of any special terms in the agreement entered into in
accordance with Article 26, Section 4 of the Constitution, each party is entitled
to cancel the said agreement by giving prior notice to the other party by
registered letter not later than ten months before the opening of any Congress.
In the event of such notice being given, every territorial branch of the Zionist
body which was party to the cancelled agreement is entitled to demand the
opportunity for representation on the Area Election Committee by means of a
representative with the right to vote.
(b) The Executive shall not be entitled to cancel the said agreement if, at the time
of giving the prior notice, there is no opportunity for the other party to the
agreement to participate in the elections.
Regulation 9
(Article 29 of the Constitution)
Agenda of
The agenda of an Extraordinary Congress shall be fixed by the body or bodies entitled
to convene it. In the event of only one such body convening an Extraordinary
Congress, there shall be included in the agenda additional matters in accordance with
the request of the other body, provided that such request shall be presented to the
convening body not later than 14 days before the opening of the Extraordinary
Regulation 10
(Article 32, Section 2 of the Constitution)
Election of
Officials as
Members of
The General
In terms of Article 32, Section 2 of the Constitution, it is hereby determined that the
prohibition to be elected as a member of the General Council shall not apply to those
officials of the World Zionist Organization and the National Funds, or officials of the
Jewish Agency as well as senior officials of the Zionist Federations who were
members of the General Council at the time of the Council session in January 1976.90
Amended according to Resolution 2 of the General Council in July 1976.
Regulation 1191
(Article 60 A of the Constitution)
Obligations of
Members of
Governing Bodies
(a) The Executive shall submit the list of the members of the governing bodies
mentioned in Art. 14 (e) of the Constitution (hereinafter "the Bodies") to the
Central Offices of the Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal, the UJA and the
Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael (hereinafter "Central Offices of the Funds"), within
one month of each election.
(b) The Central Offices of the Funds shall examine directly or through the
territorial committees concerned whether all members on the list have fulfilled
their obligations towards the Funds in the year of election.
(c) Fulfillment of obligations implies a contribution appropriate to the economic
position of the member, having regard to the general level of contributions in
the country concerned. The Central Office of each Fund is entitled to exempt
a member of a Body from the fulfillment of his obligation in view of his
economic position.
(d) The Central Office of each Fund shall examine each year following the year of
election whether all members of the Body continue to fulfill their obligations
towards the Funds. The Executive shall inform the Central Offices of the
Funds of any change in the personal composition of the Bodies.
(e) Should any member of a Body not fulfill his obligation, the Central Office of
the Fund concerned shall warn and request him to do so within a month of the
receipt of the warning.
(f) Should the members not fulfill his obligation in spite of the warning, the
Central Office of the Fund shall notify the Executive, which shall transmit this
notification to the Attorney of the Zionist Organization in order to take steps
against the member in accordance with Article 49 (A) Section 1 (g) of the
Constitution. If the Executive decides to suspend his membership in the Body,
it shall immediately notify the Attorney of this decision.
(g) Should the Attorney be of the opinion that the member has not complied with
his obligations towards the Funds, he shall file a Bill of Complaint with the
Zionist Supreme Court in accordance with Chapter F of the Rules of
Procedure of the Zionist Supreme Court. If the Attorney is satisfied that the
membership in the Body should be suspended until the final decision of the
Court, he shall apply to the Court in accordance with Rule 43 of the Procedure
of the Zionist Supreme Court.
Regulation 11 added according to Resolution 37 of the General Council 1967.
Amendment of Article 2, Section 2 – The Zionist Program - The Jerusalem Program – Resolution
of Zionist General Council XXXIV/3 in June 2004
To replace the current Section with the following:
"Zionism, the national liberation movement of the Jewish people, brought about
the establishment of the State of Israel, and views a Jewish, Zionist, democratic
and secure State of Israel to be the expression of the common responsibility of the
Jewish people for its continuity and future.
The foundations of Zionism are:
1. The unity of the Jewish people, its bond to its historic homeland Eretz Yisrael,
and the centrality of the State of Israel and Jerusalem, its capital, in the life of the
2. Aliyah from all countries and the effective integration of all immigrants into
Israeli Society.
3. Strengthening Israel as a Jewish, Zionist and democratic state and shaping it as
an exemplary society with a unique moral and spiritual character, marked by
mutual respect for the multi-faceted Jewish people, rooted in the vision of the
prophets, striving for peace and contributing to the betterment of the world.
4. Ensuring the future and the distinctiveness of the Jewish people by furthering
Jewish, Hebrew and Zionist education, fostering spiritual and cultural values and
teaching Hebrew as the national language;
5. Nurturing mutual Jewish responsibility, defending the rights of Jews as
individuals and as a nation, representing the national Zionist interests of the Jewish
people, and struggling against all manifestations of anti-Semitism;
6. Settling the country as an expression of practical Zionism."
Amendment of Article 5 (4) – Resolution of Zionist General Council XXXIII/5 in June, 2001
To add small paragraph (ab) to Article 5(4) as follows:
“At least one quarter of the representatives of bodies affiliated to the Zionist Congress as
defined in this Article, will be from the ranks of the young generation as defined in Artilce 23.”
Amendment to Article 22, by Resolution of Zionist General Council XXXII/5 in June, 1995
To add section 3 as follows:
“Notwithstanding what is stated in Article 22(2) of the Constitution, employees of the World
Zionist Organization, Jewish National Fund, United Israel Appeal – Keren Hayesod, employees
of the Jewish Agency, employees of the companies owned by the bodies mentioned in this
section and senior employees of the Zionist Federations, may not be elected as delegates or
deputies to the Congress unless they cease being employed by the bodies mentioned in this
section at least 100 days before the opening of the Congress.”
Addition of New Article 23 – Resolution of the Zionist General Council XXXIII/5 in June 2001
To add a new Article 23 as follows:
“Despite that written in Articles 19,21 and 22 above, in each list of candidates to the Congress
there will be, amongst each 4 candidates, at least one candidate from the young generation.
In terms of this Constitution, the term “young generation” means any Jew who
is a member of a body affiliated with the World Zionist Organization (Article 3)
and has reached the age of 18 and not passed the age of 30.”
Amendment to Article 26(4), by Resolution of Zionist General Council XXXII/4 in October, 1994
To add section 4 (c) as follows:
“Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-sections (a) and (b) above, the Executive, with the
approval of the Zionist General Council, may grant the Hadassah organization special status in
the Congress, Zionist General Council and other institutions of the World Zionist Organization.”
Amendment to Article 26(4), by Resolution of Zionist General Council XXXIII/2 in November,
To add a new paragraph to Article 26 Section 4 (d) as follows:
“(d) (1) The Zionist Executive, with the consent of the Zionist General Council, may make an
agreement with the Zionist Council in Israel, granting this body representation with voting
rights in Congress, the Zionist General Council and other organs of the World Zionist
(2) The voting rights as mentioned in paragraph (1) above will be limited, and no representative
of the Zionist Council in Israel will participate in elections to the institutions of the World
Zionist Organization nor vote in matters of candidature. Therefore, notwithstanding the above
generalities, these representatives will not participate in elections according to Article 14 (e)-(g)
and Article 32 Sections 1 and 4.
(3) Notwithstanding what is stated in this Constitution and its Regulations, representatives of the
Zionist Council in Israel will not join any faction of Congress or of the Zionist General Council.
(4) The representatives of the Zionist Council in Israel will not be taken into account in the
number of delegates to Congress, according to Article 17 of the Constitution.”
Amendment to Article 26 (4) – Resolution of Zionist General Council XXXIII/5 in June 2001
Add new sub-section 26 (4) (e) as follows:
“At least one quarter of the representatives of bodies affiliated to the Zionist Congress as
defined in this Section, will be from the ranks of the young generation as defined in Article 23.
Amendment to Article 41, by Resolution of World Zionist Congress XXXII in July, 1992
To replace the current Article 41 with a new Article 41, worded as follows:
Section 1
The Congress shall elect an Inner Executive composed as follows:
The Chairman of the Executive;
The Treasurer;
Not more than 13 members from among the factions represented at Congress,
who will be responsible for the Departments, and no more than 5 without portfolio;
One representative of each of the Jewish international bodies and WIZO
(Articles 5(4) and 26(4)), in accordance with the conditions of their membership,
who shall serve as members of the Executive without portfolio.
Section 2
The Congress shall elect an Outer Executive consisting of up to 55 members, including all the
members of the Inner Executive
Amendment to Article 41C, by Resolution of Zionist General Council XXXII/7 in June, 1997
To add Article 41C as follows:
“The Chairman of the Workers’ Committee of the Employees of the Jewish Agency and the
World Zionist Organization will serve, ex officio, as an associate member of the Executive
without the right to vote.”
Amendment to Article 41C, by Resolution of Zionist General Council XXXIII/2 in November,
To add Article 41C as follows:
“The Chairman of the Workers’ Committee of the Employees of the Jewish Agency and the
World Zionist Organization will serve, ex officio, as an observer on the Executive without the
right to vote.”
Interim Instructions: This amendment will become valid only at the beginning
of the term of the next elected Chairman of the Workers’ Committee of the
employees of the Jewish Agency and the World Zionist Organization and shall
not apply to the Chairman serving at the time of the passing of this resolution.
Amendment of Article 64 (2) – Resolution of the Zionist General Council XXXIII/5 in
June 2001
To amend the fifth line of Article 64, Section 2 so that the number “60” becomes the number
“40” and to add the following sentence at the end of that sentence:
“The presenter of the proposal will forward such proposal to the Secretariat of the Zionist
General Council 50 days prior.”